Page 96 - Phoenix1998-99
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Thursday. December 10, 1998 - Page 16 FEATURES .Secrets of a IN THE FISHBOWL pizza planet Afeature spotlighting staff and students at WMC. BY RICHARD SIMMONS Domino's annual Pizza Meter, a sur- Ass;stant Features Editor vey of 500 managers and delivery staff across the U.S.A., found some interest- Jason Valentine, currently attending ing and unusual facts about our favorite Western Maryland College as a junior, came Italian import in the last year. 10 WMC for several reasons. Its strong science programs and the -The Spice Girls was the most popular college's reputation for placing graduates in group that families were listening to highly-rated professional schools first at- when their pizzas were delivered. tracted Jason's attention to the college. He -62% of women wearing stiletto heels or- also enjoyed the sense of community he fell dered extra cheese as compared to those (he first time he visited the campus. wearing flats "J can remember coming up here for a -There was a 4% increase in people an- football camp sometime while I was in the swering the doors naked in the week fol- sixth grade. The atmosphere of this place lowing the release of "Boogie Nights". really appealed to me .. .it was a feeling thai 72% of those were men. stuck with me through 10 the end of high -Peopte wearing bell-bottoms ordered school when I got ready to apply to col- pepperoni three times more often than leges." people wearing straight-legged jeans. Valentine is a Biochemistry and Biology -Pizza orders by people with unusual hair double major and hopes to attend medical colors was at an all-time high. Indigo school at either the University of Texas at was the number one color. Austin or the University of Maryland at Bal- -People listening to opera were twice as timore after he graduates. likely to order meat-topped pizza as rap Currently a Resident Assistant in Rou- fans. zer, Jason enjoys working out, intermural -There was a national drop of 11% in football games, and is very active in West- pizza orders following the Tyson- ern Maryland's chapter of Phi Kappa Sigma. Holyfield ear-biting match. 45% of the orders received requested meat topping. Students looking for Dr. Gregory Alles Reprinted/rom Vent Magazine (summer can often find him padding shoeless though /998), the halls of Baker Memorial Chapel. In his eleven years at Western Maryland Classified College, Dr. Alles, chair of the department well known studies, has become of religious among his students and fellow faculty mem- Help Wanted bers for his unique, informal approaches to teaching his courses . . Position Available: Child Care Giver Dr. Alles has also become well known in My Westminster Home the academic world of religious studies dur- Must have own car and be ing his career for his work with the theories available 1 day during the week of German philosopher Rudolph OUo. and Saturday evening. After graduating from Valparaiso Univer- For interview call Susan 410-840-8995 sity in 1977, Dr. Alles earned his M.A. in religious studies from the University of Chi- EXTRA INCOME FOR '98 cago, where he also later earned his Ph.D. Eam $500 - $1000 weekly stUffing after a brief stint in the culinary world. envelopes. For detolls - RUSH S1.00 Dr. Alles has four children with his wife, with SASE to: Sarah. He enjoys swimming, which he does GAOUPRVE 6547 N. AClldemy Blvd., Dept. N regularly, and traveling abroad. CoIot ..... Springe, co 8Oi18 Dr. Greg Alles can be seen around WMC in his trademark hal and bore feet. Personal PREGNANT? Vegetarian lifestyle brings diverse benefits FREE CONFIDENTIAL PREG- NANCY TESTING & CARING COUNSELING HELP The Phoenix would like to present Production of excrement by U.S. live- in 47 days, and is destined to weigh 300 , 800 521 5530 some sobering facts about U.S. meat con- stock: 250,000 pounds/second. pounds within a year. CONTINUE EDUCATION AND sumption for your consideration. We do not Most common cause of death in U.S.: The meat, dairy and egg industries don't CAREER, THE NURTURING NET- make any judgments; that is your preroga- Heart attack. tell us: The diseases which are commonly WORK 800 866 4666 tive. Amount you reduce your risk of heart at- prevented, consistently improved, and some- Human population of United States: tack by reducing your consumption of meat, times cured by a low-fat vegetarian diet in- Travel 270,000,000 (and counting). dairy products and eggs by 100%: 90%. elude: Strokes, Kidney stones, Prostate can- Number of human beings who could be fed Leading sources of saturated fat and cho- cer, Cervical cancer, Diabetes, Peptic ulcers, by the grain and soybeans eaten by U.S. live- lesterol in American diets: Meat, dairy prod- Hiatal hernias, Gallstones, Irritable colon #1 Spring Break Specials! Book Early & Receive a Free Meal stock: 1,300,000,000. ucts and eggs. syndrome, Heart disease, Breast cancer, Pan- Amount of world grain harvest consumed Increased risk of breast cancer for women creatic cancer, Stomach cancer. Planl!t Cancun & Jamaica $399, by livestock throughout the 1980s: half. who eat butter and cheese 3 or more times a Number of animals killed for meat per Bahamas $459, Panama City $99, Number of people who will starve to week compared to women who eat these hour in U.S.: 500,000. 1-800-234-7007 death this year: 20,000,000. Number of foods less than once a week: 3 times higher. Only man to win lronman Triathalon people who could be adequately fed if Increased risk of fatal prostate cancer for more than twice: Dave Scott, 6 time winner. Americans reduced their intake of meat by men who consume meats, cheese, eggs and Food choice of Dave Scott: Vegetarian. 10%: 100,000,000. milk daily compared to men who eat these World record holder for 24 hour Spring Break '99- Sell Trips, Water needed to produce I pound of foods sparingly or not at all: 3.6times higher. triathalon, swim 4.8 miles, cyele 185 miles, Earn Cash & Go Free!!! The Student Travel Services is now hiring wheat: 25 gallons. to produce 1 pound of nature's Dairy Council food. tells us: Milk is run 52.5 miles: Sixto Linares. Strict veg- most perfect Food choice of Sixto Linares: needed Water campus reps/group organizers. meat: 2,500 gallons. The Dairy Council doesn't tell us: Milk Lowest rates to Jamaica, is nature's most perfect food for a baby calf, etarian.!coele- Reprintedfrom Mexico & Florida. Production of excrement by total U.S. hu- man population: 12,000 pounds/second. who has four stomachs, will double its weight sermonsle-sermons.html Call 1-800-648-4849
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