Page 89 - Phoenix1998-99
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COMMENTARY Thursday, December 10, 1998 ~ Page 9 Keeping WMC Students Cultured in Next Century Who says that the history of acquire an appreciation for other Lisa Dale- VanAuken an age that is priding itself on di- anyone country is more impor- cultures, no matter what our own argues for keeping cultural versity. peoples of other equally important countries. tant than the history of another ethnic backgrounds are. In the classes. Losing choices in anthropologi- Of course, the intention is not country? The general consensus changing face of ideology, we can cal studies is inhibiting to students. is no one. be familiar with the cultures that timeteacher who will conduct The future is multicultural, and to represent the college as single- faceted in the areas of anthropo- In the politically correct era we have come to create the world we classes in a field that is not directly while the college continues to in- logical studies, nor is it to claim are living in, breathing incor- live in by taking these classes. in a major, the department chairs corporate European studies into its that the college is not concerned rectly, (as well as exaggerating) Because America is becoming are faced with a difficult decision. list of classes, European history and with education in cultural diversity. can be considered offensive. If we more diverse by the minute, cross- Part time teachers are not al- culture is only a very small part of As one faculty member put it, are to avoid insulting our fellow cultural studies will be a staple in ways as effective as full-time ones earth dwellers, it is necessary that the education of future generations. because they do not have a curricu- the anthropology that young adults if "I don't think the college intends to give that message. I think that with familiar to become need we as Americans are (idealisti- So what would make WMC dimin- lum to adhere to, and if the college cally) open-minded, tolerant, and ish them now? is to hire a full time teacher, it they are to keep up with the world. the faculty does recognize that cul- college would become This cultured. Discontinuing the studies was makes sense to hire in order to en- bland with only European studies tures and peoples are imponant.; Yet, despite the growing diver- I am glad that anthropology is not being taken from the curriculum, sity and changing mentality of the Because America is becoming more diverse by the minute, cross- but I am concerned with the American people and the people cultural studies will be a staple in the education of future gradual' marginalization of those of the world, Western Maryland programs, especially when the College may find itself settling for generations. So what would make WMC diminish them now? United States is becoming more a feeble number of courses of an- diverse." thropological and cross-cultural never really the intention of the col- hance the classes within the said to choose from, and when the rest All said, if WMC is to stay studies in the school's curriculum lege. Years ago, the college was major. of the world passes it by, as oppor- afloat in the ever changing main- if action is not taken. given a special grant to enhance the Such is the situation with the so- tunities in communication grow stream of cultural education, not to Anthropological and cross cul- cross cultural and anthropological ciology department, and the nar- tural studies include classes such studies that it offered. Of course, rowing number of classes that will from nation to nation, WMC would mention the growing interest in the var- be left in the stale- mentality studies, field of cross cultural of ar- as East Asian Civilization, Indig- the college took the offer, and added be offered in cross-cultural studies. chaic notions of education. ied courses in anthropology must enous American studies, African a variety of new classes in culture In my opinion, all efforts that can Also, losing cross cultural stud- be a part of the curriculum. American studies, and Hispanic to the curriculum. be made to keep a varying number ies does not represent the college American studies. These courses Now, however, as the full-time of anthropological courses in the as it really is. It seems that because Without these courses, WMC in anthropology satisfy the global professors are retiring, the cultural school should be taken seriously. can expect to find itself lost in the of studies perspective B.L.A.R., as well as studies are dwindling. The gradual wearing away of of the light treatment or Indigenous in isolation of ideals which have long Hispanic, Asian, widening the cultural horizons of When faced with the choice be- our cross cultural studies must be American studies, this college fo- been dismissed in favor of a bright WMC students. tween hiring a full time teacher spe- stopped now. We cannot afford to cuses more on European issues new future in cultural education From these classes, we can cific to a department, or hiring a part loose our cross-cultural studies in than the histories of cultures and which the rest of the nation holds. Pro and Con: Weighted Grades at WMC Ron Mojica explains the nouncements have been made about students strive more and reach the Kristen G. Fraser refutes positive aspects of its initiation. This leaves students coveted goal of an A. Continuing the necessity of weighted hard to scrape by with a simple C. has en- On the flip side, everyone weighted grades. questioning the seriousness allotted along the lines of motivation, the grades. joyed a cake walk class when any- to this issue and, consequently, its new system would also benefit The dawning of our collegiate worth. those students who have not done The debate over weighted thing less than an A was impos- lives brings us to the final leg of Its worth, however, should be the so well. grades rages on. And though the sible. This is the nature of life. some wins, some losses, and a tra- our journey to independence in last item to undergo questioning. For example, under the present pro side has merits for students, a ditional grading system further il- the real world. During this time, Incorporating the weighted grade system, a student might receive a change is not really necessary. To lustrates this. Any change from we have the opportunity to ac- system would result in the truest and C minus in a class, but a C will be maintain the current system follows this is not. quire new skills and refine our most accurate illustration of a calculated in his or her GPA. Of the traditional and perfectly accept- Another problem associated talents, which range from conjur- student's performance, in that it re- course this is good news, but, sadly able system of grades. with the change would be the re- ing up elaborate research, to per- gards the very details of the assess- enough, it fosters a sense of false The current GPA system fol- action for students. Semesters of fecting our grammar, or to the ment of their progress. An A plus is security since they didn't really lows (he normal pattern of grading adjustment would be required, and simplicity of acquiring a taste for more stellar than a regular A and a work hard enough for that C. systems used by most high schools the people in charge of scholarship preprocessed food and cheap beer. C minus wouldn't pass as a regular Not only that, the present sys- that send students to western Mary- eligibility and academic probation Among these new discoveries C. tem also encourages complacency. land College. Everyone has be- is an invaluable lesson which we Worries about the ominous land- If a student can slide by with a C come accustomed to a GPA"calcu- would not have any sympathy for stumble upon - learning the true ing of this revamped grading system minus and still get a C, why work lated by a single letter grade with a 79.5% that was ruled a C, when the work merits some form of dis- the choice of an added plus or mi- tinguishing it as an C+. Worries about the ominous landing of this revamped grading nus made by the teacher or profes- Many students rely on their scholarships for continued atten- system spring from many of those who presently receive A's .... Yes, it was a normal experience dance at Western Maryland Col- Questions such as "An A is an A, so why change it?" puzzle me in to suffer through a A+ that was lege, not the most affordable ven- given as aA. It was also normal to ture. Tile loss of potential students that it's not if it is anA minus. slide by with aA-, or an A, that was due to academic ineligibility from actually a lot closer to a B. The a weak grading system greatly out- point is that this was acceptable and weighs any benefits. value of our work, a lesson which spring from many of those who pres- harder? normal. could be more clearly taught by ently receive A's, whether a plus, a Ultimately, the present grading As a transfer student, I came Additional pressure is another implementing the weighted grade minus, or the regular letter grade, system cheats those who receive the from a community college. At my issue. Many students know what system. which all translate nonetheless to an pluses and benefit those who re- particular college, weighted grades is required to obtain an A in a class. There is much debate about A with the present system. Ques- ceive the minuses. If the first half Even if they do the work associ- activating a weighted grade sys- tions such as "AnA is an A, so why truly realizes this unfairness, then were employed. I appreciate the ated with getting an A, it does not tem in Western Maryland College. change it?" puzzle me in that it's not they should see that it devalues their traditional grading system as a re- immediately guarantee an A. A It was difficult sult of this. to fol- As of now, some professors use if it is an A minus. work which hopefully, for their low the normal GPA that was a part new system would further punish the plus and minus system in grad- These students did well, but not sake, doesn't affect their self worth of the previous, traditional system. these students. ing tests and quizzes, but final well enough to receive the grade and pride. The headaches associated with College life is confusing and grades are still based upon the old anticipated, so why receive credit? For the latter, on the other hand, this system are not worth the stress. stressful enough. The last thing system - one which just relies on If grades are so important to them, if the grading system continues as Weighted grades do encourage hard students need is to have their en- the letter grade to calculate GPA. then why not let weighted grades is, then enjoy the free ride, hope- work but not necessarily for those tire grade system disrupted. The Reports have circulated of its serve as a real indicator of perfor- fully you'll receive as many breaks maxim "change is good" is not al- implication for the present fresh- mance. in the real world. who already work hard. the ways necessarily true, especially in Everyone has experienced man class but no concrete an- Receiving an A minus may help the case of weighted grades. sensation of working incredibly
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