Page 85 - Phoenix1998-99
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NEWS Thursday, December 10, 1998 - Page 5 1998 International Dinner ... Campus Greeks join "" ,.,..~i"pictU'I,e4 to serve community 1 • that this semester the chapter has BY MALISSA MORIN done more than the usual. They CQnlribur;ngWriler have participated in the Race for the When you see Greeks walking Cure in Baltimore, the Diabetes Modeling around campus with their letters Walk, and a clothing drive to ben- scrawled across their chests, a typi- efit needy Westminster families. traditional East cal stereotype probably pops into The most fun activity, accord- your mind. You picture wild, crazy ing to Scott, was helping with a Asian garments, every night of the week, haunted hayride sponsored by the "';"hg." participants stumbling into Lineboro Volunteer Fire Depart- Dinali Jayasinghe class the next morning with a hang- ment. "It was by far the most success- and Sarah Hill over. But. there is another side to ful in the years we have organized being Greek at WMC. greet the sorority Each chapter of a fraternity two or it," said John Krebs, chairman of to complete is required the hayride. of 6,099 "A total audience. service projects a semester to main: people rode through and Phi Sigma lain housing on campus. However, Sigm<.!'s station was one of the fa- most of them complete many more vorites." '~'. activities than they are required. Brad Cenuneo, a sophomore "I'm not sure what the motiva- member of Gamma Beta Chi, was tor is. Maybe it's the Brandt Cup appreciative of Phi AlPha Mu's pic- or it's their creed," said Betsy Chi- nic for ANW residents at the begin- mock, Greek advisor at WMC. "I ning of the semester. "It was a good hope it's because [community ser- idea to get all the residents together, vice is] the right thing to do." Greek and non-Greek," Centineo With four sororities and five said. fraternities on campus, many Women's issues are the main Megan Smoker events are planned that benefit the concern of Phi Alpha Mu. They surrounding area. always participate in the Domestic and Megan Shane Toothaker, president of Violence Clothesline Project, spon- Garcia- Phi Delta Theta, believes that do- sored by the Social Work Club, the service is good projects ing these Department Social Work and the Gasanueva for the whole fraternity. "It im- Domestic Violence Task Force, and proves brotherhood and we get a the Rape Vigil held at SI. Paul's perform lot out of helping because we can United Church of Christ each year. see the benefits," he said. Some sororities and fraternities Sevillanas, a Phi Delta Theta won a commu- do service projects together. Ev- traditional nity service award from national in ery year Phi Sigma Sigma and Phi last year for their involvement Delta Theta help with the Charity benefits the Special Spanish dance. the community. The award is de- Olympics, which as referees for volleyball Bowl, termined by the size of the chap- ter, how much service is done, and and soccer. For Halloween, Alpha what kinds of service are per- Nu Omega and Alpha Gamma Tau formed. Toothaker thought usher- worked at Hollow's Scream at Ad- ing at graduation and being in- venture World. volved in the Adopt-A-Family pro- The Adopl-a-Highway program gram for Thanksgiving, Easter, and is a favorite among Greek organi- Christmas every year helped them zations. Alpha Nu Omega, Gamma to win. Beta Chi, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Phi This semester Phi Kappa Sigma Delta Theta, Phi Kappa Sigma and is donating food and volunteering Phi Alpha Mu have all adopted a their time at Shepherd's Staff, a highway which they are required to Christian-based soup kitchen in clean up. Westminster. Jason Valentine, Holiday zoo lights at the Balti- community service chair for Phi more Zoo will get lots of help from Kappa Sigma, believes this is the Phi Kappa Sigma, Sigma Phi Epsi- most beneficial project they do be- lon, and Phi Mu. These organiza- cause it directly helps people. tions will either face-paint, help "We're very appreciative of with the construction or tearing- them coming and we have many down of the set, or dress as elves to things for them to do," said Kathy spread holiday cheer. Brown, director of Shepherd's Phi Mu also raises money Staff. throughout the year for the While playing bingo at Carroll Children's Medical Network. They Lutheran Village, an area retire- sponsor events such as Change for ment home, Alpha Nu Omega so- Charity outside of the Pub, Book- rority was assured by the activities store, and Post Office each year. director that their time was being All Greeks see the benefit of well-spent. doing service projects. Not only "The residents were having does it make them feel good about such a good time. The activities themselves and their organizations director thanked us and that made but it also helps improve the tar- the girls realize they did something nished image Greek organizations really good," said Lori Hansch, have gained lately. community service chair. Among "Greeks aren't just out to party other things, they spent hours vol- and the community is able to see it unteering forthe Loaves and Fishes through our involvement," said Lea Nichols, Popi Pitta, Jessica Mufarreh, and Enca soup kitchen on Main Street. Kevin Klunk, president of Sigma Muforreh perform a traditional Greek dance. chair January Scott, philanthropy said Phi Epsilon. Sigma, for Phi Sigma
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