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Thursday, December 10, 1998 - Page 6 NEWS Hoover computer lab gives Service of Lights celebrates students 24-hour access multicultural holiday season Western Maryland College will bring to- Also, the African American customs of gether holiday traditions and religious cus- Kwanzaa will be celebrated, and the WMC toms from around the world for its Interfaith College and Gospel choirs will perform. Service of Lights on Friday, Dec. 11, at 7:30 "It's a unifying event for people of all pm, in Baker Memorial Chapel. faiths," said Rev. Lancaster. Representatives from Buddhism, Hindu- The chapel will be open from 7-7:30 pm ism, Islam. Christianity, Judaism and Baha'i for a sing-along of holiday carols before the will take part in the service and perform read- interfaith service. The program, which is ings, candlelight ceremonies or musical se- open to the public, will be interpreted for the lections special to the respective faiths, ac- deaf and hard of hearing. A reception will be cording to Rev. Mark Lancaster, the college's held in Ensor Lounge 'after the service. coordinator of religious life. Courtesy of Public lnfonnation World AIDS Day Continued from page 1 empathize with those that face challenges as dedicated to those who are memorialized on they continue to fight AIDS," said Janet the quilt, and ASAP presented two skits that Keymetian, ASAP's president. demonstrated correct condom use and dis- World AIDS Day began in 1988 after a cussed the AIDS testing process at Smith With the use of a key-card attainable during library hours, students can access the Hoover summit of health officials decided that an House. Library Computer Lab 24 hours a day. exchange of information on HIV and AIDS Senior James Reddan, a music education staffed by a lab attendant need to check out should be held, according to the World AIDS major; sang "Seasons of Love," from the BY JENIFER SIRKIS Day resource guide. Since then, World AIDS News Editor a key card, which the student may use for 48 Broadway musical RENT, and played "Foot- hours, from the library during library hours. day has been observed in countries all over prints" during a candle lighting in memory WMC students finally are able-to use the The key card will allow the student to the world on December 1st. of those that have died of AIDS. computer lab in Hoover Library 24 hours a open the front door to the library, and open The AIDS Memorial Quilt now consists However, people infected with HIV and day. up the new computer lab entrance that is on of over 42,000 panels and grew too large to AIDS sometimes face adversity from those The lab, which was supposed to begin 24- the right hand side of the library lobby. be displayed in its entirety in Washington, in their lives. "The presence of AIDS sends hour access last spring, began its new sched- During the months of the year when D.C. in 1996. out ripples throughout the community," said ule on Monday, November 30. school is not in session, the hours of the lab The effort to create a quilt began in 1987 Reverend Dr. David Highfield of the West- The increased access allows everyone to will vary. when a man created a panel to remember his minster United Methodist Church. "[Those use computers at any time. In addition, WMC network servers were friend who died of AIDS, according to a pam- with AIDS] fear sexuality, fear dying, fear This will be good now because it is the upgraded over the Thanksgiving holiday al- phlet on panelmaking by The Names Project, rejection, and fear dealing with AIDS. [Those end of the semester and the computer lab is lowing greater student access. However, stu- the organization that organizes the quilt. with AIDS] and there families need to be usually crowded, according to sophomore dents are not permitted to stay connected to Dr. Laura Cheever, an assistant profes- reminded that they are loved respected, and Bethany Young. the network for more than 4 hours. sor at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and cared for in a community such as ours. There Students wishing to use the lab after hours a clinical physician treating patients with can be a force for change." WMC's Rabush receives HIV and AIDS urged those in attendance to ceremony that gave those in attendance the concluded with a burning The program practice safe sexual intercourse. "[Our is repressed about sex is- society] career education award sues. We need to be talking about condoms opportunity to write a message about HIVI AIDS and burn it in a fire. if we are going to have a change. It needs to program was very meaningful. "Our be grassroots," said Cheever, who noted that was a call to compassion and remembrance It Western Maryland College's own Don bachelor's degree in 1962 and a master's you can't even discuss condoms in some high of those who are affected by HfV/AIDS," Rabush is the recipient of its 1998 Joseph R. degree in 1970. schools. According to Cheever, 7 out of ev- said Bonnie Bosley, ASAP's advisor. Bailer Award. He returned to teach at his alma mater in ery 10 high school students are sexually ac- "I was profoundly impacted from the pro- The award, named for one of the college's July 1973 after receiving his doctorate from tive and only half use condoms. gram. It makes you realize how many people most highly respected career educators, is University of Denver. Cheever said that it is important for ev- are infected with HIV and AIDS, and how presented each year to a WMC master's de- He also served as WMC's first coordina- eryone to realize that the number of AIDS we need to make an effort to reduce the gree recipient who has made a significant tor of the graduate program in special edu- deaths are decreasing because of the new spread of AIDS," said sophomore Elizabeth contribution to the field of education. cation. treatments available; however, the number Lium, who attended the program. Dr. Rabush. who retired in 1995 after In 1983, Dr. Rabush and his wife Carol of infections of HIV are actually increasing. World AIDS day observances around teaching in the education department for used $500 of their savings to start TARGET, There are approximately 900,000 people world included women passing out condoms the more than 22 years, earned a WMC Inc., a non-profit organization providing resi- currently living with HIV in the United in Israel, and children demanding an end to Binge drinking dential, occupational and recreational ser- States, she said. AIDS in India. In Washington, D.C. talk vices to people with developmental disabili- Continued from page J ties. During the program, Dr. Robin show host Ricki Lake hosted a discussion "Patchwork on HIV and AIDS with high school students. The issue of binge drinking is an espe- Today, TARGET has 10 houses in Car- cially hot topic at the moment. The death of roll County, and apartments in Carroll and Ben Wynne, a 20-year-old Louisiana State Montgomery counties. University student, last August has served WMC students spend two years living in as a sobering warning to all colleges of the the gr~up homes with the TARGET clients importance of responsible drinking. while pursing a master's degree in human Wynne's blood alcohol level was six service management in special education. times the legal limit for intoxication, accord- In 1991, Dr. Rabush was named WMC's ing to an initial autopsy. The Sigma Alpha first Laurence J. Adams Chair in Special Epsilon fraternity member also did not meet Education. He retired as professor of educa- Louisiana's drinking age, which is 21. tton emerirus. The WMC Greek organizations currently Also, to create a legacy for Dr. Rabush's under investigation for the incident are in the work, WMC is establishing The Donald R. process of appealing, and a decision will be Rabush Special Education Fund which will made before the holiday break, according to support TARGET and the graduate program President Robert Chambers. in special ·education. There will be disciplinary action as well The Bailer Award rotates among the as counseling for the student, Sayre said. college's various certificate programs in ad- The Phoenix is aware of the identity of ministration, counselor education, education the student involved, but we feel that re- of the deaf, curriculum and instruction, el- leasing her name is unnecessary when the ementary and secondary education, school problems this would cause her are consid- library media, reading, and special education. ered. Courtesy of Public Information Members of ASAP worked hard to make World AIDS Dayan important ellent at WMC.
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