Page 52 - Phoenix1998-99
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Thursday, November 5, 1998 - Page 4 NEWS Changes are made to radio and TV stations Continued/arm page I student's room. It is hoped that the general $5500 in their budget for the year, is in the broadcasting quality can somehow be im- process of renovating their production stu- proved. dio which will used to create special effects, Suchoski wants everyone to know that the according to Andy Behr, the finance man- "porno" incident is over, and encourages ager of the studio. more students to become involved with the The station has also purchased a CD station. Six to eight students are involved player and a new computer was purchased now. "We encourage anyone to come down at the end of last semester, which will be used to the station. Even if they just want to plug to make a web page, according to Sereduick. a camera into the wall and do live program- Sereduick also said that the station is try- ming. It's a lot of work, but it's a lot of fun." ing to get newer music to play before it As the logo on the door says, WMCR is reaches commercial stations, like larger col- "the place where radio begins." WMCR sta- lege radio stations. The station wants to play lion manager Dan Sereduick wants to make what's popular according to the College Mu- this statement a reality. "L want to make it so sic journal's Radio Report, said Behr. that we're not some little radio station that "We take any CD's that we can get," said nobody knows, because that's where we are Behr. "Most ofthe CD's come from the com- but we'll take anything." New reference librarian now in the grand scheme of things," he said. panies, Behr and Sereduick both urge other stu- profes- to get the station "We are working involved. and want a better rapport with might be "People dents to become sional-looking keeps Hoover organized the students." has cleaned up their station and intimidated, because you are talking .about but once you get in, it's a laid back thing WMCR has added new shelving in order to make the something you like," said Behr. "It makes it Feagin is also an avid music fan. He ma- station itself more presentable. a lot easier." BY SHAUNA DOMINGUEZ jored in Music and English in college, and which ~h'~'~!!!:~~~~ __ ~ __ ----;:__ ;--_, Stoff writer The station, now has his own studio. One of the main reasons WMC's new He said he chose to become a librarian reference librarian, James Feagin, chose to because it seemed like a good career. He was come to the school is intangible. He de- interested in the idea and found it was a lot scribed it as "the feeling," something about better than attempting to make a career as a the campus that made him feel as if he be- professional musician. So, library science longs here. became his life's work and music is now Feagin was offered a job here at WMC more of a hobby. as a reference librarian and he took it be- Feagin said that he tries not to pick fa- cause he says it seemed like a "good place vorites- because he likes to try new things, to move to." especially when it comes to food. However, He was impressed with the general feel- he enjoys eating seafood, and the coast of ing of the college. He described it as similar Maine would be his ideal vacation spot. Au- to what students who chose to study at WMC tumn is the season he prefers most, due to feel when they see the campus for the first the weather. time, with the exception that he "get[s] paid His favorite quote comes from a great where as [the students] have to pay." American poet named Wallace Stevens: As a reference librarian, Feagin will at- "The imperfect is our paradise." According tend to all sections of the library. Hisjob also to Feagin, those words just say it all requires him to be familiar with the work- The best advice for life that Feagin had ings of other libraries, so he may obtain re- to give was to "wash your hands regularly sources from other places if a student re- and smile once a day." Then he said with a quires something that is not in the Hoover smile, "Don't eat fruits or nuts, after all you Library catalog. are what you eat." The new librarian has several other After a brief moment of silence he smiled projects awaiting his attention, including a and added once again, "Free advice is worth WMCR is working toward a more professional appearance and reputation. Pictured: DJ's Jeff map collection and many documents he will what you pay for it." Grever and Todd Peters are on the air. be sorting and arranging in order to make them available to the students and faculty. Feagin was previously the assistant di- You can't consent to anything ifyou:re out cold. . rector of the college library at Martin Meth- odist College in Tennessee. When he started If you think you may have been drugged and raped, get help. at this very small college of only 500 stu- dents, the school only had two-year pro- grams. Call: Feagin was hired there to help transform Martin Methodis College from a two-year 24 Hour Hotline: 410-857-7322 college to a four-year institution. In five years the job was complete and Feagin had reached his goal, so he was no longer needed at Mar- Rape Crisis Intervention Service of Carroll County tin. What is life like for Feagin outside the library? He lives with his wife in an apart- Office: 410-857-0900 or 876-9147 * Services are free and confidential ment in Westminster. Like most librarians, Feagin enjoys reading, as well as outdoor activities such as fishing, hiking, canoeing, and skiing. How do you know Feagin also likes to spend his spare time rebuilding his '52 Chevy pickup. He said that what's in a drink if you didn't open it? one day he decided to paint the truck, and ended up making it yellow with green ac- cents. Once he arrived at WMC, he found it Don't take chances - get your strangely funny that he chose the school's colors, even though he had never even heard own drink. Select sealed cans or bottles. of it before. He added that if he had known about WMC and the school colors, he'd have probably painted the truck blue. A Privets Non-Profit Agency SelVing Corroll County
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