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NEWS Thursday, November 5, 1998 - Page 5 SGA in Brief WMC achieves success at ROTC Ranger Challenge This year's first SGA in Brief brings you an extensive look at the Continued from page I recent goings on of your Student Government Assembly. Below are cation was through, the day had was the one-rope bridge, an event Upon completion of the one- some of the programs that the SGA has worked on this year, a glance warmed up nicely and the cadets that was practiced very frequently rope bridge the cadets were ready ahead to those issues on our agenda, and ways for you, the student moved on to the grenade assault before the competition. to relax for the day. After dinner body, to have your voice heard. course. The task for this event was Each team had obstacles to they cleaned their weapons and to run orcrawi under or in between overcome when it came to the ac- Homecoming Open Forum barbed-wire from station to station tual time to compete, though. First tried to get excited for the next Saturday, October 17 was by The first Open Forum of the and throw grenades at the targets day's 10 km ruck march. far the most successful semester was held Thursday, Oc- when instructed. Hitting the target of all, team Green had their first run After a good night's sleep the because of a technical" disqualified Homecoming Western Maryland tober22. The Honor System was or throwing within a specified ity but did not let it discourage them cadets took off Sunday morning has had in years. WMC's fierce the primary topic of discussion. range was what determined one's as they completed the second run dressed in BDUs and boots carry- football performance gave the Many different ideas and con- points. Team Green placed 11th on successfully. ing eighteen pounds of gear in their the starting rucks. As they crossed SGA a chance to put on a fun and cerns were heard by the 50+ this event and team Terror 17th. Terror was made aware of line Maj. Doyle promised that if exciting program for all of the re- crowd of students and faculty. At this point there were only Green's mistake so they would not they placed first in the run that she turning alumni, as well as stu- The SGA proposed an outline of two events left and the cadets were make it themselves, but unfortu- dents. We coordinated possibly one possible new honor system anxious to hear their standings and would shave her head. Luckily for the largest Homecoming Parade and took notes on preferences move forward. As they ate lunch on her, Terror placed 2nd and Green ever with more than 25 entries by from the student body. The SGA the bus, cadets discussed strategy I was really placed 14th. groups and organizations around plans to continue to meet with the and eagerly listened to Capt. Jim "The 10k road march was diffi- campus. Congratulations to the faculty and administration about Baldree's walkie-talkie. Baldree impressed by their cult; we were all hurting, but we did Class of 2001, Phi Sigma Sigma this issue. Other topics hit upon was Terror's coach. Master Sgt. not allow each other to give up. sorority and the International Club included the +/- grading system Parker was Green's coach. Accord- ability to focus after Supporting each other was essen- who took first, second and third which will take effect for all stu- ing to Doyle, his expertise as an in- a near disaster and tial to our success," said Green prize respectively in the parade. dents next fall, and smoking in fantry ranger was very helpful. team member Ben Craven, a senior. The SGA also conducted elections Red Square. In fact, Parker seemed (0 always go for it. They did Team effort was important in for the Homecoming court pre- be present when cadets were prac- really well. accomplishing all of these events. sented at halftime. Coming Soon ticing the next challenge, which "Ranger Challenge was pretty awe- The SGA is very excited about was weapons assembly and disas- some. It really taught us, especially Second Annual Bonfire it's up and coming SGA sembly. For this event cadets Major Karen Doyle the freshmen, I think, about the The SGA held it's Second An- WebPage. The WebPage will sprinted fifty yards with their weap- military and how to push ourselves nual Bonfire/Pep Rally on Friday, consist of all of the issues dis- ons to a fool locker where they nately they were pulling so hard on and push our team and how to get the best out of everything we did," October 16. The event allowed cussed by the SGA concerning cleared the weapons, disassembled their rope to tighten it that it commented freshman Andrew close to 400 rowdy WMCers to the student body and the campus, them, reassembled them, per- snapped. get pumped up for the following along with ways to coruact your formed a functions check, and then "When that rope snapped there Forney. There were four freshmen days activities with hot dogs, hot representatives. It will also in- sprinted back to the starting point. was moment of bone-chilling fear," who competed this year, up from chocolate and a whole lot of fun. clude a brand new Activity Cal- The slowest completion time al- commented Doyle. However, no only one last year. WMCR kept the party going until endar compiling all of the pro-' lowed before penalty seconds were one was hurt and they were given No one seemed to have a bad 1:00 AM, and a special perfor- grams and events offered by each added was one minute and fifteen another chance. remark to make about Ranger Chal- mance of the cheerleaders was club and organization on campus. seconds. This was a jump from last "I was really impressed by their lenge after all the teams had been it together. enjoyed by all. year's minimum time of two min- ability to focus after a near disas- through but rewarding. "It was chal- It was great lenging utes. Terror placed 4th and Green ter and go for it and they did really to see all of our hard work payoff," Problems or concerns? Contact one of your SGA representatives, or placed 12th. well," added Doyle. Here Green said junior cadet Bryan Flynn, sum- email us at All are welcome and encouraged to The final challenge of the day scored 20th and Terror scored 7th. ming up everyone's feelings. attend our meetings every Thursday at 8:00 PM in Hill Hall 110.
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