Page 55 - Phoenix1998-99
P. 55
COMMENTARY Thursday, November 5, 1998 - Page 7 An Apology to an Ignoramus after Racist Incident Whether out of genuine hate of the floor's tenants. The college Ron Mojica relates his had the opportunity to witness a and ignorance or a simple display also organized a candle-light vigil first-hand view of Last "media circus" in front of Rouzer pect to be welcomed immediately. to As a consequence, they have of immaturity, Icannot help but be on October 28th, in Red Square, to week's raciaLincidents with some people having been work twice as hard, be thrice as bothered by what happened on illustrate our solidarity as a com- nagged for interviews. I guess the third floor Rouzer on October munity and to emphasize the con- mans are equal and should be campus was just getting to be a bit congenial, or receive grades four 22nd. demnation of any discriminatory treated as such. too mundane. times better than the rest to maybe The night was going well, or so acts on campus. That's the idea which is sup- even come to par with the judicious Attention has been brought I thought, until I came home at In conjunction with the West- posed to be intrinsic to all of hu- the school, but, unfortunately, it is to eyes of born citizens. 11:30. I found that a certain anony- minster Police Department, the manity but apparently is not so, not desirable attention. Most I'm also very sorry that they mous hate monger had an insa- school also conducted an investi- especially to our clandestine mes- people understand that Western could not formulate the correct rea- tiable urge to write graffiti on my gation to apprehend the offender. sage board writer. Maryland College does not tolerate soning in the two pounds of fat be- and another room's message Whether honestly confessing or Love begets love; violence these types of actions and tries to tween their ears. Genetics and en- be- boards. I learned that the letters intimidated into self incrimination, begets violence, and unfortunately screen the imbeciles from its enroll- vironment help mold a person's that ing, and it's very unfortunate KKK were on them. an individual reportedly claimed hate has done the same in this situ- ment. they have not been granted the The event was not isolated ei- responsibility. ation. Amidst the concerns, apolo- With the media's power to dis- to realize that they ther; the letters appeared again on Rumors, however, continue to gies. and sympathies, abhoration tort and warp the facts coupled with brain capacity no one by biological, transcend the other room's door the follow- circulate that the true culprit, is still and contempt arose within the cam- people's speculative minds, our spiritual, emotional, or intellectual ingday. at large, and his identity remains pus toward the offender. campus might gain a reputation for means. We all carry the same pulse I know I didn't miss some unknown except to a select few. This article, however, is one distributing crosses, lighter and newsbreak about the spontaneous I almost feel guilty that I'm not which escapes the expected reac- lighter fluid, and pointy white hats. of life, require a deity to trust, and ap- epithets get upset when racial manifestations of hate insignias, so enraged, furious, or have a militant tion and is not meant to attack or I'm also very sorry that they pear on our doors. that led to the conclusion that a desire to trace the perpetrator. threat. I've experienced my own haven't had the arduous task of ad- grand wizard "want-to-be," dis- However, I'm not blase or apa- share of battles on the matter, and justing to a new culture. Nobody I also lend them my sympathy guised as an anonymous poet, thetic about the incident by any retaliation is at the bottom of my twisted the foreigners' arms to ven- in that the rearing they receive hasn't been experiencing a case of means. agenda at this time. ture into the new world, they wanted does not suffice in guiding them writer's block lately. I guess 19 years on our planet What I do have is a great, inex- to be exploited into working for the towards right judgments and ac- The recent events cause con- is ample time to learn and tolerate plicable compulsion to apologize tions, especially in the liberty of transcontinental railroad or the huge cern for the minority population of the truth: people share different not out of guilt or regret, but out of plantations on their own accord. collegiate life. Lastly, I'm very sorry for the Western Maryland College and views about certain aspects of our sympathy for the folly of his men- The earliest immigrants from Eu- fate you, the perpetrator, may en- also for the administrative staff and lives. tality. rope, however, were kicked out for counter with some of the campus all campus residents. Dean Phillip Nonetheless, it's deeply sad- First of all, I'm very sorry that being the dregs of society and scum residents because of this. I, how- Sayer shares his earnest regard dening when one realizes that even this person did not forecast the re- of the civilized world, and had no ever, do not plan on storming you about the recent issue and has sent with the gift which separates men percussions of his actions and how choice but to cross the Atlantic. messages to all residents relaying from beasts, that of a conscious they would affect the school. We They were just lucky that the with profanities or bludgeoning the seriousness of the occurrences. mind, some people still cannot students enjoy the tranquility of the Natives were more hospitable then, you to a pulp like some people de- Third floor Rouzer held a man- come to the simple revelation, campus as we go to and from sire to do. I would just simply look datory' meeting in hopes of gather- whether at the age of 19.,34. 56, or classes. or that they had not yet discovered you in the eye and maybe even gun powder. immi- At any rate, ing leads through the cooperation if they live for eternity, that all hu- For a few days, however, we grants are not naive and do not ex- fonn tears in my own for a mis- human guided, being. Renewed Effort for Recycling Letter to the Editor Recycle ... It's as easy as throw- Laura Kelley argues for nated with actual trash, the Depart- Timing is Everything Vendettas will become the ing trash away. responsible recycling on ment of Public Works refused to That phrase was never as true norm during Honor and Conduct A simple truth, yet the major- campus. pick up the material, so it ended up as it is right now, as a student is Board proceedings. People who ity of people on campus don't par- being taken to the landfill. caught writing defamatory graffiti have a problem with somebody ticipate in it. Worse, due to igno- sclous campus that has dwindled The recycling program is not about himself during a crusade to else will just naturally make up a rance or carelessness, many people over the last seven years. going to get underway with a hand- change the Honor Code. lie violating the Honor Code. contaminate what recycling we In December of 1990, the Stu- ful ofEAO members and some fac- This is not about the negative The ultimate revenge will be to currently have on campus. dent Environmental Action Coali- ulty. We need the support and help media hype or unnecessary embar- get somebody thrown out of In 1991, Western Maryland tion began a program with two of the student body to effectively rassment to the college. It is not school. A product of the "new and College recycled 7.1 tons of its phases. The first was to allow all produce the same numbers of re- about the dishonor brought to the improved" Honor Code. garbage because of a successful offices, residence halls, and com- cycled material as they did in 1990. school by this student. Let's be realistic. I am sure recycling program initiated by the munity gathering places access to The EAO asks that you be con- This case is a prime example that no students want to return to students. The containers pur- recycle aluminum and paper prod- siderate when throwing garbage honor chased seven years ago still exist ucts. away. Please do not place any gar- as to why a new, stricter by the the old days and have all exams of the gym- in within the confines code should not be adopted school. In such a case, a person nasium. Recycling is one step in saving the planet. who does not report an Honor But a stricter honor code with Code infraction would be subject this "Good Samaritan" provision to the same punishments as the is no better. It will lead to wild today, aching for proper use. The second phase was to incor- bage in the red bins labeled for re- individual committing the Honor accusations and create a level of Did you know that in addition porate the recycling of glass and cycling. If you do, the current re- to paper and aluminum recycling plastic products and introduce Glar cycling company will not accept Code infraction. Do not get me tension so high that the school And really recover. may never wrong, I think: it is shameful not in the buildings, you can recycle to cardboard and metal can recy- any of the material in the bin and to tum somebody in when they are what is the point? To punish in- cardboard outside of the Glar load- cling. The Carroll County Depart- will charge the college money for caught. nocent people? Somebody who ing dock? Did you know that a mentofPublic Works picked up the the pick up. The company picks But if we adopt this system, lies or cheats now and gets away large recycling bin exists near the material to be recycled and deliv- up non-contaminated materials for this campus will degenerate into with it will try to do it again. water tower where you can put re- ered it to the Phoenix Recycling free. Eventually, it'll catch up with cyclable glass, plastic, paper, and Center, free of charge. The Environmental Action Or- a police state; everybody versus them. cans? The organization gained sup- ganization hopes to achieve the everybody. Everybody out for If there is an adoption of a If you answered no, you are not port from administrators. faculty, same level of success as the col- themselves. Western Maryland alone. That is why the Environ- and the student body to start their lege did in 1991. This effort needs College will be just like Stalinist stricter Honor Code, it is going mental Action Organization program. The program started in your assistance. Recycling is one Russia during the purges. Just like to be a major problem for this col- (EAO), the current environmental full swing and continued for a step in saving the planet. Take ad- Honnecker's East Germany dur- lege. club on campus, is re-implement- couple of years. Eventually, enthu- vantage' of the facilities available ing the heyday of the Stasi. People It would only be a matter of ing a recycling campaign on cam- siasm faded and carelessness took to you. Recycling is essential and turning people in for things that time. pus. Th'e EAO wants to regain the over. People started to use the re- in one word: simple. did not happen. Let the parade of momentum and enthusiasm for cycling bins as garbage cans. lies begin. Brian Griffiths, '01 creating an environmentally con- When the bins became contami-
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