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Wanted: OMeR IIinJI:I Sports writers, TlJffilr photographers, and editors Call x8600 Volume XIX, Number S Western Maryland College Thursday, ApnllS, 1999 Carpenter announces Men's lacrosse defeated by alumni coaches resignation as director ContrihutillglVriler in making the Terror a quality pro- SMITH ByWILL "Definitely made recalledjun- Dr. 1. Richard Carpenter an- over the past several years," Car- Since the rivalry began in 1971, gram. win more then usual." me want to nounced his resignation as athletic penter told an athletic department the Green Terror men's lacrosse Hallowell was a second team ior Charlie Heinzer, "It's always director at Western Maryland Col- staff meeting in announcing his team had beaten the Pioneers of All-American defensive midfielder nice to bear somebody that used to lege Thursday after J 5 years in the decision. "The days of the profes- Widener fourteen straight times, and the Centennial Conference be on the team." -eost.ettecuve Juty 1. sor-coach and the coach-athletic but the game on April 7th had a spe- player of the year his senior sea- The Green Terror (2-5) came Carptemer, 52, will retain his other director are over." cial twist. Roaming the sidelines son. out in the first quarter of the game post as professor of physical edu- Carpenter has spent 30 years at for Widener were two Green Ter- Bo Schrotr won conference scoring the first three goals only to cation and exercise science and wilt Western Maryland, including 21 as ror lacrosse alumni, Bo Schrott '98 honors for attack and holds records let up twelve unanswered goals. also coordinate the department's track coach, seven as swimming and Stephen Hallowell '97. for scoring. "It made me want to Widener (8-2) came out after a graduate program. coach, six as cross-country coach, The two Western Maryland win the game a lot more," saidjun- 4-3 halftime time lead in the third Western Maryland will begin a and eight as a football assistant. graduates help to coach the Pio- ior Tom Caldwell. When asked quarter to score eight unanswered national search for a successor and As an undergraduate at West neers to a 15-10 victory over their what it was like playing against goals. break precedent by hiring a full- Virginia Wesleyan (1964-68), former team. former teammates, "I wanted to With time running out in the play the best Icould to show them time administrator. "There has been James Richard Carpenter Jr. earned Schrott and Hallowell were how much [ have improved since third quarter. freshman Tom Brown an evolution in college athletics Continued on page 14 both former captains of the Green they have graduated." Caldwell had stuck a goal in the back of the net Terror and contributed a great deal two goals in the game. for the Terror, making the score 12- 4. Women's tennis team backhands opponents saw the Green Terror convert quarter on The start of the fourth BY DEVEUN Sheridan, and Hosford also posted man-up with Caldwell scoring two S/aJJWriler goals assisted by Sweeney and singles victories. The women's tennis team swept The Terror swept the doubles Brown. ball Solid Catholic 9-0 on Thursday, April 8, with wins from Henderson and sophomore ground Riley play by 29 and Dave ~mproving their record to 6-1 over- Desrosiers, Lyter and Sheridan, all. and Maxcy and Jamie Conelly. saves by freshman Bob Bennett Juniors Lara Henderson and Earlier in the week, the Terror helped the Green Terror come back within striking Alethea Desrosiers remained tied swept host Washington College 9- neers. distance of the Pio- for the Centennial Conference lead O. Western Maryland in winning percentage at No. I and Henderson, Desrosrers, Widener 6-3 in the fourth No.2 singles, boosting their records Sheridan, Lyter, and Maxcy all but that was not enough to win the t07-0. earned victories in both doubles game. Also posting singles wins for the and singles match-ups. Widener's returning Terror were No.3 Amy Sheridan, The sale Terror loss came at the Atlantic Conference player Middle of the No.4 Becca Lyter, No.5 Kali hands of Haverford by a score of year Justin Jones had six points in Hosford, and No.6 Jami Maxcy. 6-3. Henderson and Desrosiers the game which proved to be the The women visited Ursinus this won their doubles and singles past Saturday in a Centennial Con- match-ups, but it wasn't enough as key in winning the game. ference matchup, which the Terror the women fell from the ranks of "Things which made them won by a score of 8-1. the unbeaten. [Schrott and Hallowell] successful on the field was definitely seen in Henderson and Desrosiers both The Terror will compete against Alethea Desrosiers is one of two undefeated women's tennis players. some of the Widener players," said posted singles wins, remaining un- Gettysburg, Notre Dame, and Bryn Caldwell, "Widener has two great defeated this season. Lyter, Mawr this week. assistant coaches." Softball defeats Washington and Franklin and Marshall BY MIKE YESTRAMSKI Sports Editor The Terror softball team has The Terror swept another been on a roll as of late, most re- double-header from Franklin and cently sweeping a double-header Marshall this past week with scores against Washington College with of 9-2 and 11-6. scores of 11-3 and 9-5. Swierkos and Cipolloni both Sophomore catcher Courtney pitched seven hitters on the night. Wunderlich homered in the second The Terror suffered their lone inning and hit a grand slam in the setbacks this past week by dropping third to help the Terror stay in sec- a double-header to host Ursinus by ond place in the Centennial Con- scores of3-11 and 10-11. ference. A late rally tied the second game Right-handers Katie Sweirkos to send it into extra innings, but to and Amy Cipolloni were the win- no avail as Ursmus ended the game ning pitchers for the night. two innings later. Earlier in the week, the Terror Ursinus and Western Maryland split a double-header with have either won or co-held the Cen- Elizabethtown College by a score tennial Conference Title since its of 4-5 and 8-3. inception in 1994.
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