Page 172 - Phoenix1998-99
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Thursday, April 15, 1999 - Page 12 FEATURES CAPBoard Corner Upcoming Spring Events AprillSth Eve 6 Concert 7pm April 21st Bingo Night April 22nd Drive-In Movie 9&Upm April 23rd Hypnotist Spm April 24th Spring Fling Investigation: Where does all the Housekeeping money go? Classified Housekeeping writes down the Residence Life sometimes im- Help Wanted BY RICH SUCHOSKI StaffWriler date, what they had to clean, and poses an extra fine to discourage reports it to Barry Bosley, Director students from creating a potentially op-notch Maine summer camp EXTRA INCOME FOR '98 It's that time of the semester of Facilities Management (aka hazardous situation. This happens stufflng for boys seeks counselors for: when fines for the damage done to Physical Plant). He then sends a when someone sets off or steals a basketbal Ptennis *baseball *got f* Eam $500· $1000 weekly • RUSH $1.00 For details envelopes. the floor and the donn students live copy of the bill to Residence Life fire extinguisher, for example. scccer=Iacrosse=footbatt= with SASE to GAOllPFIVE in are posted. This semester-end where it is reviewed and decided In addition to services House- hockey*ropes course= 654l'N. CcIor_SprInsja,1Xl1lDll11 .... -..yIllwl ..DoptN ritual causes much malice towards upon whether the damage was just keeping provides, outside vendors hiking*archery* Housekeeping, but it's a necessary normal wear and tear or if the are also used for specialized jobs. swimming*waterskiing* Fraternities, Soroities, Student evil to living in school-run hous- student(s) should be billed for it. The vending machines around sailing* Groups: mg. The bill is then sent to the Bursar's campus are maintained by the com- kayaking*arts&crafts* Earn $1000 - $2000 Housekeeping for the dorms office and billed to the student(s) panies who stock them. though the and academic buildings received involved. card readers on the machines are photography*video with easy CIS Fund event. raiser $800,000 from the budget this year, Just two months ago, Residence Physical Plant's responsibility. Call 410-653-2480 or email No sales required. yet students are charged extra for Life sat down with Physical Plant For pests, every Wednesday an Fund Raiser days are excessive cleanup. and renegotiated the prices from exterminator is brought in to keep filling up, so call today. $80-$140 to {e~ an exit 1995. the war on bugs at bay. Lifeguards! Pool Managers Contact Brian at sign? $15 an hour to sweep and "Some prices went up, some Every year it's a different build- Summer Months, fT I P'T 800-829-4777 Training Available vaccuum extra? What constitutes went down," Scott Kane, head of ing affected by a different pest. Last Baltimore Area & All extra cleanup? Residence Life, said. For example, year there was a steam line replace- Surrounding Counties Persona. Mel Whelan of Physical Plant the price for replacing an exit light ment outside of McDanie[ which defined it as "when we go onto a went down from $170 to $ [40 and brought ants streaming into the ORO Pools 1-800-466-7665 PREGNANT? floor and find busted beer bottles replacing a loft bed rose $70 to dorm. They went along ull the For Sale .- thrown in the hall, condoms on the $285, mainly due to cost of mate- pipes, spraying and seiling traps, FREE CONFIDENTIAL PREGNANCY floor, beer cans and food thrown all rials. and rei ieved the problem. . 5.0 Mustang GT Automatic TESTING & CARING over the place. Basically, cleanup To avoid some of these costs, One year Whiteford had a prob- PA inspected to 699 CQUNSEUNG that Housekeeping should not have students were allowed to repair lem with ladybugs. "The resident $4500 or best offer HELPCA"LL 1-800-52[-5530 to clean under normal conditions." things on their own. The quality of of the room had about 40 of them 717-630-8323 CONTINUE EDUCAT[ON ANI Normal Housekeeping proce- the repairs wasn't as good as around the light in her room before CAREER dures include just scrubbing down Housekeeping does, so this policy she called us," Whelan reflected. Travel THE NURTURING NETWOR the showers, toilets, sinks in the was discontinued. "She said, 'I wanted to call, but I 1-800-866-4666 bathrooms, taking out the trash, One of the prime examples of don't want you to kill them! Can GET THE HELL OUT OF vaccuuming or sweeping the halls, student workmanship was stuffing you just shoo (hem out?" HEREl general chores you would do at newpapers in a hole in the wall and This year has been good so far, Mexico, the Caribbean or Central ADOPTION: home. spackeJing over it instead of using just isolated incidents. Nothing like America At home mom, devoted dad This is what Housekeeping does plaster. the frequent defecations in eleva- $199 round trip. looking every weekday on their rounds. The With extra maintanence there is tors or fire extinguishers set off in Europe $169 one way. for a child to love. RA or RLC can also call for extra also the cost of labor. Housekeep- laundry rooms. Other world-wide destinations Medical and legal paid. - cleaning or repairs, in the form of ing charges $15 an hour plus mate- If it weren't for Housekeeping, cheap. Calt a work order, if necessary. rials with a one hour minimum for students would be living in a quite Book tickets online Tom or Terri collect at When the cleanup is excessive all work. 410-747-[ 104 or 212 2[9-7000.
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