Page 171 - Phoenix1998-99
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FEATURES Thursday, April \5, 1999 - Page II 60 Seconds Creative Voices: Showcasing Student Writing What is a favorite pick-up line that you have used or heard? "Georgiana" by Matthew Thomas The first lime I realized not all Nevernevertand or to the end of Georgiana did not. little kids worship God was in fourth the street. Our destination was a Now, every kid knows that three "The cheesiest one I've grade. little creek south of my house. people praying is better than two; heard was: "lias! my My sister and I had this friend, There was a cave by this creek. that is why everyone has to say Georgiana Jones. Ostensibly named I had never gone into the cave, phone number, can I have grace at the dinner table. I asked after George Jones, she was some- but Iloved to stand under the rock Georgiana why she was not pray- yours?" how very exotic. She had just moved overhang at the cave's entrance ing with us. Georgiana told me that Richard Tillman to the area. She was tall and dark and and watch the creek. she did not believe in God. Art'99 had an older brother who was in a There was a small pool di- I never knew you had the op- rock band. rectly in front of the overhang; lion until then. She lived across the street from reaching that pool was our goal. Everybody prayed everywhere my grandparents, in a house occu- We made it without incident. -church, school, ball games. The pied by (in my eight year old mind) We rolled up our pants and only time you could get away with shady characters - transients, pit not praying was when you went to bulls, colored people. The first time I a restaurant or to the shopping mall'-J. My grandmother called blacks Georgiana could not be con- "A guy once asked me how "colored people." She still does. realized not all vinced to stan believing in God I was doing, and when I The only black girl I knew in el- little kids worship right then and there. Not even so replied, "fine," he said, "I ementary school was Leesee Fields; we could get home, at least. she lived in 'the house didn 't ask you how you street from my grandparents. across the God was in fourth She said that she would pray to looked, I asked you how She was the sweetest child, but grade, her father, if that would help. I tired of praying. Eventually, you were doing. " she always got into fights. She was We were as lost as ever, and my Rasheeda George tough. but she got a bloody nose eas- waded into the creek. A crayfish mind wandered. II kept coming always be a mess, Sociology '0 I ily. She would down her face, wail- pinched my sister's toe. back to the creek. blood streaming Eventually, we all got bored ing on some redheaded boy. and decided to go back to my "I know the way." Something inside of me had re- Leesee moved away, though, and house. My sister knew a shortcut. membered how to get out of the Georgiana moved in. My sister thought she knew a woods. All we had to do was fol- One beautiful early summer day, shortcut. low the creek downstream. the kind where the air is just so but Three little kids were lost in The path would not take us the sun doesn't know the meaning' of the woods - many, many hun- home, but it would take us to one just so and keeps shining brighter, dreds of acres of woods. My first of my uncle's cornfields. Georgiana, my sister, and I decided reaction was to pray. We would have a long walk; a... to go for a journey. My sister began to pray with least I knew how to get home from Like kids go on in movies. Be it there. "If I told you that you had a nice body, would you hold it against me?" Rat's Web Dana Jacobson Biology'OO BY ANNE BUTLER for learning HTML: Literally thousands of images to SfujfWriler The "Home Page" Homepage- choose from. There should be hup.z/ something here for every taste. Last time I discussed where to ens12090 go to find a webpage and how to Meant mainly for Geociries users, Barry's Clip Art Server-http:// figure out what to put on it. Well, nonetheless, it is one of the best this time I'll actually tell you how resources out there for learning Nice page with a lot of an. todo it. the language. This is what I 1 There are two basic ap- learned from. And finally, the most impor- proaches you can take in choos- "You must be a parking ing programs to use: A Beginner's Guide to HTML- tant site of all, seriously: That Suck-http:// Web Pages ticket, 'cause YOlt 've got I. The graphical editors that fine' written all over don't require knowledge of HTML era 1/1 n t ere s tl W W W I This site willshow you examples you (the code used to write web HTMLPrimer.html .v of bad web page design and help Michael Pulido pages). These are good for begin- Bit as easy to follow as the one you avoid the mistakes that most ners and quick pages. Undecided '02 Geocities and Tripod, offer above but seems to have more in- beginning designers make. This is the MOST site formation. IMPORTANT online versions of this type of edi- to visit. By avoiding common tor. Netscape (http:// HTML Guide in Portuguese- mistakes, you will enhance-the quality of your page and draw to download the "Composer" HtmIGuide/GuiaHTML.htm more people to visit it package which includes their In case you speak Portuguese. Navigator, a graphical editor, and Weird Ass Site of the Issue: some other features. Wacky HTML-http:// In Da Bird, this column consisted Finally, some of the comput- wackyhtml.coml of web sites that don't exist, with "Do you wash your pants ers in the library offer Claris Home After you learn HTML, go here one exception. That exception with Windex? 'Cause I Page, which is fairly easy to use. for some fun things to do with it. was: could sure see myself in 2. The other option is to learn Squirrel Fishing-http:// them." HTML. It takes quite a while to it, About images: some images www.eecs, learn, but once you understand Jeanne Chamberlin you have a lot more control over are copyrighted, and stealing im- enlsquirrel_fishing.html. ages from other people's pages is Social Work '01 your pages. You can do a lot more considered bad form. The follow- They literally fish for squirrels and can write a page with nearly ing places offer a variety of free in the pursuit of rodent evalua- any word processor program. clip art: tion purposes. Did you all guess right? by Trang Dam Some good online resources Cab 0 a d t e s - h t t P : / /
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