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FEATURES Thursday, Aprill, 1999 - Page 11 60 Seconds "Life is Beautiful": Viva VITA! "What was the most exciting thing you Begnini at his best BY JOAN FAULKNER Features writer did over Spring Break?" • BY SARAH RAmcy. Begnirfl, in an Oscar-winning role, Spring is not only filled Features Editor stands out. His Chaplinesque Guido is a whimsical, intelligent outsider with joy and excitement, but "Life is Beautiful" begins as a who retains a childlike innocent also with aggravation and frus- "I had recently gotten my license, comedy, with friends Guido quality despite knowing the hard- tration because of tax filing. and my mom let me drive her new (writer/director Roberto Begnini) ships of the world. But with WMC's VITA pro- car'on the Beltway for the first and Ferruccio (Sergio Bustric) His deep and abiding humanity gram, taxes don't have to be a time." driving through the Italian coun- is the anchor of the movie; his re- problem anymore. Jenny Bell '01 tryside, encountering mischief and fusal to tell his son (he harsh truth The Volunteer Income Tax Social Work a lovely woman named Dora shows the value of innocence, a Assistants are trained students (Nicoletta Braschi) wh·o falls from pearl that has worth incalculable. who will do your taxes for free, the top of a barn into Guido's arms. Even in such grim surroundings, in Gold Room B on Tuesdays Guido and Ferruccio arrive in and Thursdays from 7 pm. to 9 the city, where Guido keeps liter- His deep and pm., or Saturdays from I pm. ally running into Dora. Smitten, to 3 pm. This service has been Guido pursues her, and they even- abiding humanity is offered since February 23 and tually marry and have a child. On the anchor of the will continue until April JO. the boy's birthday, however, the VITA is in its seventh year Nazis come and take Guido, his movie; his refusal to of offering income tax assis- son, and his uncle away. tell his son the harsh tance to low income tax pay- This is the point where the slap- ers and college students. Train- stick humor and physical comedy truth shows the ing for the thirty to forty vol- of the first half of "Life" take on a unteer students begins in the more serious meaning. Guido de- value of innocence. middle of January. Those who cides that his son cannot know the pass the test can earn one credit truth of their situation, and so be- Guido can still find the humor in for every thirty-nine hours they gins to weave a fantastic silk scarf the pain, and that isone of the film's put in. of lies to tie over his son's eyes for main themes: as long as you can The volunteers don't see protection. laugh at life, you will stay sane. this service as just another class The concentration camp is one Life is love, life is laughter, and but as an opportunity to learn "Visited LA. for Spring Break big game, an endurance test that life is worth living. It is the most tax skills and help others as and went to a comedy club called the boy must master in order to win precious gift one can give, next to well. The Laugh: Factory." the grand prize: a real tank. But innocence, and Guido labors might- Mike Gaston, one of the Heather Corro '99 he can only do it by following the ily to give both to his son. "Life is program's coordinators, says Sociology rules in order to get points, and Beautiful" will make you laugh and that it is a valuable skill to learn Guido devises rules that will en- make you cry; it blends comedy and for later in life. "So we don't sure his son's survival-never ask tragedy together fluidly, both sides have to pay an accountant for food, never let the Nazis see of the same coin. "Life is Beauti- when the time comes to do our . you, be quiet. ful" is, quite simply, a wonderful own." The cast is uniformly good, but movie. Cheap Thrills: Dancin'like a fool "Trying to work things out with national acts like vlperbouse. Sel- dancingl) Now, less cue sticks, it's BY MATIHEW THOMAS my girlfriend. " FelltUTesWriler dom Scene, and moe. to the area. the Recher Theatre. Ben Johnson '99 Now, here's where the cheap How's this for an example of a Art Hello, and welcome to Cheap thrill comes into play. Walther Pro- great Cheap Thrill? John Scofield Thrills, where you get more bang ductions brings us these great bands and Lake Trout for $15 advance ($3 for your buck and more joy in your and more (usually a handful at a more at the door if you're old joybang. time) for mere pennies on the dol- enough to get down but not old This week in Cheap Thrills, I lar of their true musical value. enough to down Natty Boh). will profile an organization and an A two-day festival will run you John Scofield deserves to be event that prove once and for all, considerably less than $50 for tick- one of the ranking members of our cheap doesn't necessarily mean ets if it's a Walther Production. A great nation's jazz elite. Touring to shoddy. regular concert is inevitably under promote his collaboration with "Listened to Stephen Hawkins That's right, I'm talking about $20----0ften $10 or less for a couple Medeski, Martin, & Wood, A Go (the next "Einstein") lecture. " Walther Productions and the of great bands. Go,Scofield earned every dollar he Colleen Shannon '00 Walther-hosted grand opening of "Prove it," you say. "I want an made at the sold-out S50-person Physics the Recher Theatre in beautiful example of just .what a good deal venue. Towson, MD. Walther Productions gives me, the While Lake Trout was great (as Tim Walther is' a patron saint of discerning live music aficionado. usual), people were there to see the Church of Cheap Thrills, Or- And don't mention-Shania Twain Scofield; he played a set that made thodox. He knows that bigger is not once them glad they came. necessarily better, and a million Well, ok. I guess I won't go into Thank Walther Productions for other fitting cliches. He also seems my review of the Recipe and how bringing such a great name to the to know that charging $50 for a much better and more country their area to celebrate the grand open- ticket definitely sucks. music is versus, well, Y(lU told me ing of such a great venue. Thank With that in mind, his Walther not to mention her. them by continuing to support their Productions brings the Baltimore Nor will I mention bow much efforts; i.e. go see the shows. Help "Hung out with the lacrosse guys music scene the biggest in local foxier every single lady from Junipa them all sellout. that Thursday night. " bands and the best little nationals to lead singer to audience member Check out www walther- Scott Armstrong '02 in the jam, jazz, and bluegrass is at a Walther show than, well, you· plunk down $10 Exercise Science and Physical scenes. Any self-respecting area know whom. And more talented, or so for a concert that looks ap- Education Phishhead knows that one can get but, well, I digress way too much. pealing. Go dance like a fool, and a fix anywhere they see the modi- What Iwill do is write about the see if you don't have a !.eat time. fied Ra logo. grand opening of the Recher The- Speaking of which. th it's all the Walther Productions promotes atre in Towson. It used to be the time. by which Imean space, Ihave local bands like All Mighty Sena- Rec-Room, but they yanked out the for Cheap Thrills. Until next time, tors, Jab Works, and Lake Trout. billiard tables. (Now, where am I keep your pockets deep and your by Trang Dam Walther also brings regional and gonna sit? I won't need to, I'm arms short.
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