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Thursday, September 17, 1998 - Page 10 FEATURES Unsung hero: Badiee's life Off-campus diversions his Baha'i faith -Beginning August 18th, admission to -September 19th, from lOAM 6 PM the Walters Art Gallery's permanent col- and on September 20th, from 12 noon - 6 lection will be reduced by 50%. In addi- PM, The Maryland Wine Festival will be tion, {he gallery is introducing a new price held at the Carroll County Farm Museum. category for young adults. The discounted Nine Maryland wineries will be show- cas- rate offered {O college students will be ex- ing their vintage wines. It is a 2-day event tended to adults ages 17-25 (with identifi- and the admission price is $15 for adults cation). The reduced admission fees will 21 and over with 1.0. The admission price be in place during a 3-year renovation of entitles ticket-holders to a logo-engraved the Gallery, which is now underway. The wine glass, ten one-ounce samples of new admission prices are as follows: Maryland wines, attendance at the Wine Adults, $3; senior citizens and young adults Education Seminars, continuous on-stage (17-25), $2; children 6-17, $1; and children entertainment, a silent auction and more. under 6 are free. For more information Those under 21 are admitted free of charge about the new admission prices or the reno- if accompanied by a paying adult. vations, please call (410) 547-9000 or see For more information call (410) 848- the web site at www.The 7775; (410) 876-2667 or 1-800-654-4645. -September 11th through October II th, -Seprember 29th through November the Fells Point Corner Theatre in Baltimore Ist, the Award-winning, landmark Ameri- presents The Complete Works of William can musical Rent is coming to the Morris Shakespeare (abridged). The cast in- A. Mechanic Theatre in Fell's Point. Rent cludes: Bob Tull, Curtis Sisco and Ben celebrates a community of artists as they Thomas. The works to be performed are: struggle with the soaring hopes and tough Romeo, Cleopatra, Othello, Macbeth and realities of today's world. Badiee, pictured at the International dinner, is a friend to ma!'y foreign students. Hamlet. Performances are Fridays & Sat- Tickets may be purchased at the Me- HY NIKKI BELANGER - Badiee's duties include scheduling the urdays at 8 PM, and Sundays at 2 PM. chanic Theatre Box Office, any Comributing Writer use of audiovisual equipment for all faculty, Admission is $100n Fridays and Sundays, TicketMaster outlet or by TicketMaster staff, and students, getting that equipment to $11 Saturdays, and $9 for senior citizens phone charge at (410) 752-1200. Heshmat Badiee talks about his religion each of the classes on time and then retriev- and students for all performances. Special For groups of20 or more call (410) 625- with conviction, and a great sense of spiritu- ing it after class. Some days there may be group rates are also available .. For infor- 4230. ality. Excitement and faith light up his eyes. 10 requests for machines during the same mation and reservations please call (410) But in the last 18 years, his father has class time. Badiee says he has to stagger the 276-7837. been imprisoned twice, his aunts and uncles times he arrives, sometimes appearing after tortured, and an uncle, friend, and former the class starts or in the middle of the period professors executed one after the other un- to ensure each professor receives the ma- der the Islamic Fundamentalist regime in Iran chine he or she needs. He also purchases which is always HOUSE OF LIQUORS simply because they follow the Baha'i in- equipment, preferring to deal with v';ndors stead of the Muslim faith. himself to ensure the best deal for students' "It has been an excruciating experience money, and writes a budget, as far as worrying about them, but they have cut, Badiee says. sacrificially given up their lives for their In the 16 years Badiee has been em- CARROLL PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER faith," said Badiee, who provides the audio- ployed at WMC, he has worked an average visual services 'at Western Maryland College. of 50 to 60 hOUTSper weekbecause he feels He last visited his family in 1993 after 20 the college needs him here that much. He WESTMINSTER years of not seeing them and was afraid he has also never taken a sick day. One day he would not be allowed to come back to the came in with a 102-degree fever because a (410) 840 - 3662 (410) 848 - 1314 United States. The Baha'i are not allowed friend called, saying that he was really to leave Iran. And they are not allowed to needed here. He does, however, take his receive any higher education. vacations to spend time with his family, he CHECK OUT OUR EVERYDAY LOW SALE PRICES Followers of Baha'i believe in one god, admitted. like the Muslims, but they have different "I don't think people appreciate him social laws, such as when to fast and how to given some of the quality and limitations of pray. They also don't believe in the idea of equipment that he has," Baylor said. MILWALKEES BEST $3.99 12 PKCANS _ clergy, which caused many of the Muslim Dr. Herb Smith, professor of political $6.99 CASE CANS . clergy to feel threatened about their jobs. science, agrees. He doesn't see agreat deal RED DOG ''The old religion always rejects the new re- of recognition for the type of people like ligion," Badiee said. Badiee who make this college work. "So $9.99 '" PKCANS Badiee was able to leave Iran in 1970 and often I have spur-of-the-moment requests BUSCH (REG OR LT) receive his education at the University of and Heshmat is always there to get it done," Michigan in Ann Arbor. That was before the he said. $9.99 3. PKCANS Islamic Fundamentalists took over. He has The most disheartening aspect of his job NATURAL LIGHT '" been a part of the WMC community since has been to see the amount of equipment that $7.99 1978 when his wife, art professor Julie is stolen each year. Badiee claims the col- CASE CANS Badiee, started teaching here. He officially lege never has all of the audiovisual equip- COORS LIGHT became part of the audiovisual services de- ment it needs each year. Last semester, the $6.99 12 PKCANS OR partment in 1982. only camcorder the college had was stolen. "I came to see the rest of my home," Badiee is a firm believer in the impor- KEYSTONE (REG OR $11.99 CASE CANS Badiee said of his decision to come to the tance of education, especially since it is not LT) $4.49 12 PKCANS OR United States. Baha'i believe the Earth is legally available to his family in Iran. Dur- $7.99 one country and humanity is one. ing his years here, he has taken many classes CASE CANS His spirituality carries over into his "York in just about every subject, but mostly in re- BUD LIGHT OR $11.99 3. PKCANS $9.49 12 PK as welL While most people view their jobs ligious studies and philosophy. ICE CORONA OR $18.99 CASE as a way to make money to buy the necessi- Badiee is also available for foreign stu- ties of life, Badiee sees his work as serving dents who need someone to talk to. He em- $2.994PK humankind and developing his soul for the ploys many of them as work-study students afterlife. He admits his job can be difficult. and as campus employees, but encourages "/ though. "Trying to make everyone happy them to drop by his second-floor office in 0!1 campus is challenging," he said. Hoover Library and tell him their problems. "He has a tough job. I wouldn't want it," "It has been a happy life for me. I'm ex- agreed Sociology Professor, Dr. Tim Baylor,. tremely content with my work," he said. CALL US FOR ALL YOUR PARTY NEEDS!!
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