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Thursday, February 4, 1999 Students charged with drug possession currently facing trial charges of marijuana possession ing [before the honor and conduct BY KATE ESPOSITO and possession of drug parapherna- board] will depend on whether po- SmffWriter lia. In addition, Kramer is charged lice have evidence that indicates The fates of sophomores Steve with maintaining a common nui- drugs were sold to studentson cam- Wilcox and Kevin Kramer are still sance and then of equipment val- pus or that the equipment was sto- yet to be sealed after the two WMC ued at more than $300. len from campus. football players were arrested on Since the students reside off "If the honor and conduct board drug charges in their off-campus campus, the honor and conduct finds students have violated rules apartment last semester during fi- board can only impose sanctions if and an appeals board determines nals week. police find that the students in- that the hearing was. fairly con- Due to the fact that the crimi- tended to distribute the drugs on ducted, students who are not ex- nal trial only began on February 2, campus. It is also alleged that the pelledor suspended remain eligible any on campus repercussions are stolen equipment was two scales for extracurricular activities," being put on hold. "It is being fromthe WMC sciencedepartment. Muller added. handled right now as a legal mat- In an article published in the Shumaker reiterated this state- ter,' off campus," said Don Baltimore Sun, college spokes- ment, but added that the final deci- Shumaker of public information. woman Joyce Muller commented sion of sports eligibility is left up In the courts, the two face that "the decision to have a hear- to the coach. Slade to present film at Honors lecture Jonathan Slade will present the ~ the loo-minute color also calledi; "an engaging drama 1998-99 Western Maryland Col- film follows a group of friends and about young romantics attempting lege Honors Program Lecture at their troubles on a five-day bicycle to be realistic about the next chap- 7:30 p.m., on Tuesday, February 9, trip along Western Maryland's rus- terin their lives." ERIN Althoughfew students study abroad during the regular semester, inMcDaniel Lounge. But he won't tic C&O Canal. The film locations Although it is his first feature students still manage to travel abroad during Jan-term. Junior Jason be standing behind a podium dis- included Brunswick, Cumberland, film, Slade has produced numerous Valentine and others traveled to England during break, while others cussing his achievements. He' IIlet Monkton and Westminster. shorter segments, including MPT's "Outdoors Maryland: That's Sport- "Forest for the Trees" debuted ventured to Hawaii. his first full-length feature film do at Baltimore's Senator Theater last ing of You," which won a Capital all the talking. Only 1% ofWMC graduate who earned Phi Beta July and had an encore showing Region Emmy for public affairs Sure, Slade, a 1988 WMC there in September. The film, also programming in 1994. He also has students study abroad Kappa honors, will chat about his a shown last year at the Allen The- written, produced and directed award-winning as career MPT's Vid Kid, which also earned atre in Annville, Penn., was a This poster is one of many children's show writer and pro- dream-come-true for Slade, who him a Regional Emmy for out- ducer for Maryland Public Televi- standing children's financed the $26,000 project on special. In hanging in around the WMC cam- sion, but the main event is a free two now well-worn credit cards. [994, he produced, co-wrote and pus which displays the numerous showing of his 1998 independent And even though the crew and ac- edited "Gone But Not Forgotten," "Why study here?" reads a possibilities available to students film, "Forest for the Trees." tors were volunteers, the cast gave a look at Maryland's streetcars, old poster hanging in the basement of desiring to study abroad. Called "sincere" and an "in- "fine performances," and it was amusement parks, movie theaters Baker Memorial Chapel, with an However, much to the dismay sightful exploration of love, friend- "skillfully crafted," according to and other places of fun from the arrow pointing randomly to some- Continued on page 2 ship and infidelity,"by Baltimore's the HarrisburgPatriot-News,which 1930s through the '60s. It was one where in the middle of a map of of the highest-rated regional pro- study here," the poster continues, Valentine's Day Memorial Service the United States, "when you can ductions ever and earned a Cine .'1SI[ now withhundredsof arrowspoint- Golden Eagle Award. Hejoined MPT in 1992after re- ing to exotic locations on a map of to honor WMC's "Dr. Dan" turning from the WestCoast where the world. WMCwill honor the late Daniel that time next door to WMC. The and also had given him a Meritori- he earned a master's degree in cin- -Ie ema-television production from __ ~ Welliver at a 3 pm memorial ser- vice on Sunday, February 14, in Welliver family lived in Forlines ous Service Award and Trustee University of Southern California. House, which now houses offices Alumni Awardfor his dedication to He also worked with Twentieth ~[3!m·I:E"l!iD"II§:ll'U:I!!;;Ii '~'•• IlJ·' Ba~~.~;I~:~arl ;~:r:lhO passed The memorial the campus and surrounding com- CenturyFox as productionassistant munity.He was named Alumnus of on "Doogie Howser, M.D." and Quir-ks: Is Gr-oundhog Dayan away on Christmas Day, 1998, the Year in 1984. with Paramount Studios as a writ- acceptible holiday for- squi rr et- served as the physician for WMC service is being held The memorial service is being ing trainee on "Star Trek: Deep friendly WMC? athletic teams for more than 40 on Valentine's Day, held on Valentine's Day,which also Space Nine." •tti'iiiii , years and as campus doctor since is the anniversary of the date Or. Slade also currently teaches the early '60s before retiring in the anniversary of Welliver presented an engagement film andvideoproductionatWMC. Rich Simmons r-eviews Ani April 1998. ring to his wife Tata '49, while he The lecture,free andopen to the Dlltranco's latest CD, "Up Up Known simply as Dr. Dan, he the date Dr. Welliver was a first-year student at Univer- public, is sponsored by the WMC Up Up Up Up." opened his practice in Westminster proposed to his wife. sity of Maryland School of Medi- Honors Program, a four-year pro- t:J. t. j 'f 4 ~:::~:~~~~~~:~O~:~i~i~~~~:~ of the WMC administration and fi- cine.They met while both were stu- gram featuring specially designed dents at Westminster High School Scoreboard: Get the stats on all a Methodist minister, accepted the nance division. and continued their friendship and courses for academically outstand- ing students. your-favor-ite Green Ter-ror-play- presidency of the Westminster WMC presented Dr. Welliver romance while at WMC. Courtesy of Public Infonnation Theological Seminary, located at with an honorary degree lastMarch Counesy of Public Information
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