Page 180 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 180
Thursday, May 7, 1998 - Page 8 COMMENTARY The Soapbox: In 3-D Adam Dean takes his last chance American sources makes me kind of ill. It to write something good and just is not appetizing. is the rise of a new rival for the United States. reassert itself, there was no room for them. The French that are nations and.the Germans The Cold War divided Europe into Commu- wastes it. The Europeans are now on their way to- have known power. The French were able to nist and Free blocks. Europe became a chess ward adopting a common currency. This is influence the world for centuries. Knowledge piece for two non-European superpowers, the probably a good idea for most of these coun- This is it, my friends. The last "Soapbox" tries. A common currency can serve to unite of the French language became a mack of an U.S. and the Soviet Union. 90U will ever read. Some of you may think, Europe into an economic block which is educated person. Even today, French is the The United States should view the Euro- "None too soon," but that is to be expected. powerful enough to compete with the United language of diplomacy, though that is chang- pean monetary union with alarm. If the You can't make everyone happy. If you spend States, China, Japan, and other economic ing as English-speaking becomes more Americans want to maintain their place in your time trying to make everyone happy, powers in the global market. The only thing prominent. French art and French culture are the world, they must be ready for a new ri- all you will succeed in doing is making ev- I find disturbing about this monetary union still imitated all over the world. The center val. eryone unhappy. is that it seems to be revolving around Ger- of fashion is Paris, not New York or Rome. The IRS horror stories we have all heard The Phoenix and Western Maryland have many and France. The Germans never gained as much in- are starting to bother me, too. I don't know both been good to me. Though I have been I believe Germany and France are still fluence as the French did. This probably has what these people want Congress to do. They critical of the school and of the social life bitter about their emasculation after WWIl to do with the fact that there was no unified seem to hold hearings on IRS abuses every here, I don't believe that there are very many Before the World Wars, France and Germany, Germany until the 1870's. But, look how they five or ten years. Then, whoever is in charge serious problems here. were able to affect other parts of the world of the IRS at the time comes out and acts along with Great Britain, were strong global after their unification. Uniting the French and like he is shocked and that all this is new to ...if I were Mexican, I would have been put off by the "Yo quiero Taco Bell" line delivered in a Speedy Gonzales accent. That probably isn't a big problem for Taco Bell I don't think any self-respecting Mexican would ever eat in Taco Bell. That being said, there are some develop- powers. They had influence and power over the Germans together could create the next him. Then, nothing happens. ments in the world outside the campus I areas far from their borders. That is not true global superpower. To collect revenue the IRS needs some would like to address. today. The incredibly expensive world wars For nq_w, the British are not part of this enforcement powers. But, why does the IRS What the hell is up with that Taco Bell drained both countries of the resources monetary union. But, I would not expect that need armed agents? If there has been a crime dog advertising campaign? I mean, ifI were needed to maintain their power and influ- to last. Britain is too tied to the continent to committed, are there not already other orga- Mexican, I would have been put off by the ence. Their once great colonial empires stay out for long. To do so would be eco- nizations which would be better equipped to "Yo quiero Taco Bell" line delivered in a shriveled up and died as more and more na- nomic suicide. I doubt Britain could survive handle it? I don't know about you, but I find Speedy Gonzales accent. That probably isn't tions gained their own freedom. without the rest of Europe. the thought of an armed IRS agent storming a big problem for Taco Bell. I don't think Now, all the French hold are some small The point of all this is that the United a private home or business for a nonviolent any self-respecting Mexican would ever eat islands in the Caribbean and the Pacific, States needs to realize that all power is fleet- crime frightening. Why do the homes and in Taco Bell. along with a malarial stretch of jungle on the ing. Fifty years ago, the Americans were iso- businesses of those who are not a real, physi- That was bad enough. But then they de- coast of South America. The Germans lost it lationists and American influence was mostly cal danger to themselves or others need to cided to dress the dog up as Che Guevara all afterthe First World War. The British were confined to this hemisphere. This changed be invaded commando-style? What ever hap- and have him address a crowd that looks like able to maintain some international influence after WWII. The United States asserted it- pened to the Fourth Amendment? something from Peronist Argentina. This is through the commonwealth system and other self after the war. The Europeans had de- That is not everything on my list, but I just disturbing. The red flags, the songs, the ties. The Queen of England is also the Queen stroyed themselves again, for the second time don't want to write anymore. I thought it muscular "workers '" arms holding some of Canada and Australia, for example. in a quarter century. Despite the Marshal would be nice to look at the real world and strange taco-like concoction aloft, all this What the Euro, the proposed common Plan, we basically kicked them when they discuss it with you. After all, that is where totalitarian imagery from various Latin European currency, seems to signify to me were down. By the time Europe was able to we are going. I'll see you there.~ Offensive Prank on TV We Want Cheazy! Now, I suppose anyone watching TV the Eric Barry comments on the Plasten was quoted as saying, "I'd make Megan Martin criticizes a night the pornography was played could have absence of popular bands at the the "moe." concert look like a @$%&baby- campus-wide prank played out changed the channeL ยท1am sure they did, but campus concert. shower." through Channell7. before they could, many people probably saw I guess CAPBoard stands for Cheazy's something of the movie. Would you have rather seen Cheazy-E Album Passes Bowels Out an Ass Repeat- As almost everyone knows by now, a When looking for something to watch on (myself) or some cover band perform as stu- edly & Deliberately. pornography film was recently shown on TV, people on campus usually check Chan- dent talent at Spring Fling? Many students here at WMC get to do Channel 17. It was a pretty good prank, in nel 17 to see what is on. If something is Cheazy offered to perform and would independent studies and internships related the sense of, "Oh my God! What is that playing, people will stop. They should not have gotten paid a measly $75. But they went to their major. It's hard for me to get inde- doing on TV?" There are a few things to have to be disgusted by what they see. This ahead and agreed to have some Phish pendent studies and internships dealing with consider, however, when pulling a prank. kind of prank could cost Channel 17 view- wannabe band play. They didn't even know entertainment. I am going to be an enter- First of all, you have to consider the au- ers. who the two other student bands were at the tainer, and this was a rare chance for me to dience. Walking into your friend's room and Another consequence of (his prank has time I asked to play, but they assured me that do it. popping a video in his VCR is one thing. to do with Channel 17 itself. While Chan- "anything is better than Cheazy-E." Lidey was quoted as saying, "Colleges When the video is pornography and put on nel 17 is not regulated like broadcast televi- My manager was laughing when he heard won't let you perform unless you got an for the entire campus, the whole context sion stations are, it is regulated by the poli- the news that they wouldn't let me perform. acoustic guitar up your butt ... plus it helps if changes. cies of WMC. Since the airing of the por- He knows after my debut album, "CR a.k.a. you smoke a lot of weed." Not everyone on campus in interested in nography violated college policies, Channel The White Mystery," is released that I can I probably should've lied and told them I pornography. There are some people who, 17 has to face up to whatever sanctions the charge at least$IOOOa gig. WhenCheazy's sound like "The Grateful Dead." because of their religious or moral beliefs, college feels are appropriate. These sane- debut album on Chirp Records hits the charts When I came in to tell {hem I wanted to find pornography wrong or distasteful. Oth- tions, at the worst, could result in a loss of and goes platinum, I'llget the last laugh. perform, an anonymous person said, "The ers feel that sex is a private activity and do funds for the station. Until then, I can just cry. last thing we want is originality ... the stu- not want to watch it on TV. Some people While the station management is ulti- I was going to have Plasten, my OJ, fly dent body prides itself on it's sheep-like an- also find pornography to be especially de- mately responsible for what is put on the air, up from Flagstaff, Arizona, just to perform tics." grading towards women. it does not seem fair that, once again, the for 30 minutes. Also, I asked my back-up To all you students out there, you can There are reasons why mainstream TV actions of a few hurt many. Is pulling a cam- vocalist, Lidey, to take off some time writ- show your support by buying my album next stations do not carry pornographic material. pus-wide prank worth hurting a learning tool ing songs for his solo album on Sutton September, or you can just scream "WE These people are a large part of the stations' of the campus? It may be good for maybe Rekkords, and he agreed. He was going to WANTCHEAZY" in Glar on Monday, May viewerships, and the stations cannot risk of- one or two laughs, but ultimately you have take time to perform at this little college, just 11 at exactly 5:49 pm Thanks. fending anyone. to think about the people a prank can affect. forme.
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