Page 185 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 185
FEATURES Thursday, May 7,1998 - Page 13 60 Seconds Landmark on the Hill Carroll Hall Admissions office is most famous for its ghost What will you miss most MICHAEL Writer STOKES Staff when you graduate? With its rich history, extrava- gant appearance and its terrifying by Jessie Watts ghost. Carroll Hall is one of the most intriguing buildings on cam- pus. "Friends, hanging out, drinking and Located directly across Main going to the Inn. " Street from Alumni Hall it is also land- one of the few undisputed Denise Dill '98 marks in all of Westminster. An excerpt from Christopher Business/Economics Weeks book "The Building of Westminster in Maryland" states that, "It is a landmark in the city's social, economic, psychological, "Going out with my friends, going to and architectural history; it is a Carroll Hall has served as a private home, an Inn, a home because Champs." physical landmark and hilltop of its house, and is now WMC~ Admissions office. project in 1947, site." size, appearance, "I heard that ifone were to stand ing a remodeling Scott Greg '98 Carroll Hall is currently home to the Admissions office. Donna ~o~~: ~~~::i~=:i,th;:e~~~~~ ~~~~:~~;eU:~~f~t~~terior of the t Business Administration Phipps. the admissions coordinator and Adams (Pennsylvania) coun- One peculiar aspect of the house for campus visitations, said that she ties all at once!" said Dr. James E. is that it contains only a few clos- is overjoyed to be working in the Lightner, a mathematics professor ets. According to Corey Duncan, building. "It is an extremely im- at his alma mater, WMC. an assistant director of admissions, "The Economic Thought final. " pressive building, which makes it Terrace Hill was purchased by this is because a homeowner was Trey Rash '98 a wonderful place for our admis- WMC in f"922, and one year later taxed on the number of bedrooms sions office." was named the "Gray Gables he had, and a bedtoom was defined Inn," Business/Economics According to 'The Building of serving breakfast and dinner. Six as a room with a closet. Thus, Westminster in Maryland," the Vic- years later it was designated the Reifsniderdesignedthehousewith torian structure, with the many "College Inn" under the direction only a few closets to save himself angles, unexpected turns and stair- of the college dietitian, and in 1931 a couple of dollars. ._ "My sorority and, of course, Campus cases of the period, was one of sev- it became a practice house for the Another interesting feature of eral "stopping-off' places in West- college's home economics depart- the house is the presence of hidden Safety. " minster for people traveling the ment. staircases that lead to small rooms, Michelle Crow '98 BaltimorelPhiladelphia Turnpike nior girls who would live there for which are thought to have been ser- The house was home to six se- during the 19th century. at one time. quarters vants' Business Administration The great brick building was a six-week period. Their responsi- Carroll Hall is even believed to originally decorated with elaborate bilities were to do all of the work be haunted by a ghost. specifically gingerbread, a type of wood carv- required in running their new home a general that died during the civil ing that symbolized wealth, and while completing their regular war. Legend has it that if a student "The professors, people, and friends. " other beautifully was also a porch at- ~::~~:t~:~O:~cZ~~:!~:ea;~~ :::~~::~t::~!~~o:~:~~~. carved wood- work. There Morgan Gregory '98 tached to the front of the house, a receive Corporate Communications 4O-foot-tall spire that rose out of the ~:~~:::;~~~~~t~~~~dt~~ f:~rt~i;~::a.before they the dean of ,'~ ,... roof, and a tower that was adjoined O'Connell, the program six new girls would Martha on the upper level of the house. take over the house. admissions, loves the building but i,: Also located on Reifsnider's In 1934, "Carroll Inn," as it said that she would not want to live l,'~,·i.l "Joe Carter and the free life. " four-and-three-quarters-acre site came to be known, became a full- in it. "I hear footsteps all of the was a compound of greenhouses, service inn with bedrooms avail- time above my office, but every Reka Reichard '98 horse stables (which are now the able for guests, however it contin- time I go up to see who it is there's i site of the art buildings), a smaller ued to be managed by the home no one there!" O'Connell also said Business/Economics house that Reifsnider built for his economics department. that her husband will not even step I son (which is now the Harrison According to Dr. Lightner, most foot in the building at night, in fear " House), and a five-story brick of the Victorian decorations along of the ghost. windmilL with the tower were removed dur- All of these elements make Car- Unsung hero: Housekeeping staff member roll Hall one of the most interest- If ing buildings on this campus. you have not seen it, stop-in one MICHAEL STOKES buildings on campus. However, for Besides his full-time posirion with. I've seen some crazy stuff, day and give it a 190k. Not only SlaffWriler the past couple of years he has been at WMC, he works part time at a might you be overwhelmed by its Some jobs in society command cleaning bathrooms in Rouzer Hall stuff that I wouldn't want to touch, extreme elegance and beauty, you the highest level of respect, such and Albert Norman Ward Hall. local Taco Bell and also makes a and that's why they deserve better," might even learn a thing or two as lead guitarist few extra dollars as the president of the United Many describe his job as the he said. about the past States. Others deserve much praise worst on campus, and he has no in a rhythm-and-blues band called Jason Valentine, a biology! START YOUR "EDICAL and admiration, like police offic- idea why he has been assigned to "Everyday People." He admitted chemistry major who is the resident ADMINISTRATIVE CAREER ers and firefighters. And then there this type of cleaning for the past that his schedule wears him down, assistant for Rouzer's third floor, NOW! are those jobs that deserve respect, few years. However, he does not but said that it is necessary. A di- also believes that Deardorff and his PHYSICIANS BILLING but usually receive none. let it bother him. "I was hired to vorced father of two children, a 16- fellow staff deserve much more re- SOLUTIONS. INC. (PBSI) CAN HELP YOU. Michael Deardorff, an em- work, and working is what I am year-old son and a 12-year-old spect. "Most of the residents think Weare looking lor c.ndidates iltefesled Deardorff ployee of Western Maryland Col- doing," he said. daughter, once a week must pay child for that they are there to serve them, inlt1emlldlcalbllnglilld.Agreatw.yto to care support lege, has one of those jobs. Deardorff has to walk to work them. "Keeping up with all of the that they are not real people. But get your.1oot In 1t1. door for. CAREER lor tile lummer. Deardorff is part of the house- every day, a journey that can take without them, this place would look or 10 jllli earn MONEY 811d1nu.perlenced Wetlireexporienced keeping staff at WMC. A member up to 35 minutes in inclement bills is difficult, but Ilove my chil- like a dump!" medlcat bliefl 10ft-lite Ifallll"" dren, why I do it," he and that's of the staff for eight years, he has weather. He works Monday said. Deardorff understands that his availatNel. 0fIcas klcated In Baltimore, seen many things in his time, yet through Friday, 9 am to 3 pm, and job is considered by many to be a Plttlburgh and PhiIdeIphia. Muslhave data et'Itry IkIII, 5000 kIIhr. POIitioAi continues to complete his work sometimes weekends. He likes his Tim Smith, a physical education dirty, low-class job. However, he vary froM penaallltftl, temp-fOiI_ or with dignity and excellence. job, and said that it is "honest la- major who lives on the first floor does not let this affect his way of IMp; depMding 011)'011' Interest. Fax I9Stlmeto Deardorff's official title is floor bor" that "has a lot of merit to it." of Rouzer, believes that the janitors, life. "I did not choose this as my 800-3_525 ....... more this is the hand I was deserve care attendant. He was hired to He also appreciates it because of especially Deardorff, Rouzer. "They profession, said Deardorff. "I chose to "'7-2076 orE""" credit for cleaning dealt," maintain the hallways and floors of the good benefits and the job secu- do a fantastic job. considering some the residence halls and school rity. work here, and I take pride in the $ _26coI of the stuff they have had to deal work I do day in and day out."
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