Page 184 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 184
Thursday, May 7, 1998 - Page 12 FEATURES Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night" tackles love triangles The Bard returns to The Hill after eight years By SARAH RADICE and Olivia's servants, Maria (Megan SwJJWriler Townsend), Fabian (Roxann Ingram) and Peste the Clown (Jennifer Hess) scheme to Pirates and cross-dressers and clowns, oh teach the grasping servant Malvolio (Mark my! Resch) a lesson in humility. WMC Theatre's production of "Twelfth Somehow, it all works out in the end. Night" was the first Shakespeare play they The cast was unifonn1y good, but the sup- had attempted since Romeo and Juliet in porting characters threatened to steal the 1990: show. Hess's flamboyant.Peste was an audi- Director Ron Miller admitted to being ence favorite, as was Dunavant with his nervous about this, his first attempt at emptycbeaded.portrayat of Andrew. His Shakespeare, but his fears proved to be un- elaborately styled hair added the perfect founded with this lively and entertaining ren- touch of vain foolishness to the character. dition. Milliner's highly physical portrayal of "Twelfth Night" is about love, relation- Sir Toby was a marvel of loud. drunken de- Roxann Ingram. Kelly Dunavant, and Ed Milliner develop the intricate subplot of the play ships, obsession and suffering, with a good bauchery counterbalanced by the cool mel- dose of farce thrown into the mix. ancholy of Roskowinski. Its plot is a typical Shakespearean tangle The actors handled the anachronistic lan- New group ~ohelp ~,eedy of story lines, but the gist of it goes like this: guag-e-well, managing to make the speech Viola (Sara Gruber) and her brother sound more natural and less stiff than it usu- Sel5iiiitian (Colin Foreman) are shipwrecked ally does in a production of Shakespeare. WMC Unity focuses services on children, families in the mysterious land of Illyria. Both sur- The small, circular set created an intimate grams throughout the semester, sponsor vive, but think the other one is dead. atmosphere, and the 1820's costumes and By JENNIFER SIRKIS two programs for WMC students, and hold SwjjWriter Viola enters the service of Duke Orsino pastel colors of the set evoked a timeless, weekly (Dan Franko) while disguised as a eunuch romantic feeling. WMC Unity is a new group that will . Housing meetings, as stated in an Affinity Manual that is given and Program named Cesario and falls in love with him.' The only flaws in the play were that it be a part of the Affinity Housing program to all affinity groups I~ He, on the other hand, is in love with seemed to drag in the middle, and the end- for next year. toa fam- WMC Unity will be assigned Olivia (Erika Roskcwinski), who falls in love ing, modified from the original, felt a bit The program plans to adopt a local ily with school children by the Adopt-A- with Cesario. abrupt. • needy family in efforts to unite WMC and Family program that is a division of the 'Olivia mistakes Sebastian, rescued from This production was the latest in an an- the surrounding Westminster community. ':. of Carroll Program Services the sea by the pirate captain (Ryan Keogh), nual series of performance laboratories for Erica Colton and seven other first-year Human said.Jen Clarke, the group man- County, for Cesario and marries him. advanced acting, and is the last production students came up with the idea of the ager. While this is happening, a subplot starts for graduating seniors Dan Franko, Jennifer on cam- affinity after deciding. "We plan to bring the children to brew. Olivia's cousin Sir Toby (Ed Milli- Hess, Ed Milliner and Mark Resch. "WMC Unity" to reach out and do something that pus to our house one day a week and spend they wanted ner), his friend Andrew (Kelly Dunavant), good for the community, said Colton ... ' , time y..'ith. theT- orrake thel}\to an activity 'We them to the community A Closer Look ... Western want to open College." said Colton, to that is going on campus "One of our goals to expose said Colton. Maryland college," who is the assistant group manager "We is that we want to open their eyes and show Afeature spotlighting staff and students at WMC are the link." {hem that college can bea reality 10 them." "The group [had] a unique mission, In addition, the other goals of the af- BY JEREMY Loses which was to serve a family throughout the finity are to provide food for various holi- Staff Writer year," said Angela Harris, residence life co- days and help the kids with homework and Well, at the end ofthis year, many people to help the family inany other necessary who have become familiar faces over the past way, said Clarke. 4 years will be gone, with ajunior class wait- Wewant to open the "The family is the center of our atten- ing in the wings to take over as the (ha-ha) community to Western tion," Colton said. "We hope to change moral leaders of this campus. One of these their lives for the better." former Kings and Queens of the Hill is Julie Maryland College Other new affinities include the Big Boughan. Brother and Big Sister programs which "I like the professors here-they really plan to take children with emotional prob- challenge you and they are always there for ordinator of special housing, who explained lems and integrate them with community via e-mail why WMC Unity was selected service," according to Stephanie Peery, you:" Julie says. What about the campus? to be an affinity. group manager of the Big Sister affinity. "It's very pretty, it especially looks good in WMC Unity will be among the approxi- the rain." _An English major/writing minor, mately 13 affinities on campus, according "We want them {the children] to be able Julie is a commuter student who says that to Harris. to give back to the community as we are she has never eaten in Glar, and as a result, Other Affinity Groups, such as ASAP, giving to them," said Peery. she will probably outlive all of us. However, the members of all affinity the Honors Program, the Spanish and French Houses, and Alpha Psi Omega, have been established on campus for many years, Thefamily is the center They are everywhere working without complaint. picking up trash, and mopping up sponsoring campus and community activi- of our attention ties. spills. They are an integral part of this cam- "Affinity pus. They are the Housekeeping staff. Summer Conference Services and other ac- cause it allows Housing is a good idea be- , those of us that have com- "These are wonderful people, and they tivities on campus. to live and work deserve credit for the great job they do," said Whelan feels that WMC is wonderful. mon goals them," said firs I-year together to groups realize that they can't achieve their student achieve goals all by themselves and they depend Mel Whelan, building services coordinator and a "really classy place. It's a joy to work Bethany Young who plans to live in the on other students to get involved in the af- for the last 12 years. here." He also thinks {he students are great. ASAP (Aids Support, Awareness and Pre- finities. There are a total of 27 housekeepers on One of his most unusual memories is vention) suite next year. "We are not limiting membership staff who are responsible for not only clean- from his first year at WMC. Whelan was Students interested in forming or con- just the people living in the house," said to ing all seven buildings on campus every day, doing window checks outside of Whiteford tinuing their affinities must submit a de- Colton. but also installing and taking care of when a couch came crashing through an up- tailed application and proposal to the De- "We welcome any and all help, and we microfridges and restocking and repairing the stairs window. partment of Residence Life and gain ac- vending machines. Whelan never did find out who threw out ceptance into to the program. would appreciate people to offer as much In addition to cleaning all of the existing a whole sofa and forgot to open the window, Upon acceptance, the affinity is as- time as they can. "I can guarantee-they buildings. they also tackle all of the new but he says that the incident taught him a signed to live in a Pennsylvania Avenue warding experience from will have a re- involve- their buildings with no additional help. When the valuable lesson. House or in a suite in Daniel MacLea Hall. ment, and they will make a positive im- semester is over, the housekeeping staff will "After that, 1did my window checks from . All affinities, including WMC Unity, pact on the lives of others by becoming have ~ three wee'!_s !£Y.!.lll'..are for the a distance," he 'says with a smile. must be committed to have ongoing pro- involved in an affinity," she said.
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