Page 179 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 179
COMMENTARY Thursday, May 7.1998 - Page 7 Letters to the Editor It Ain 'I Easy Being Greek em Maryland College campus, I areas. They are seldom com- a local church to set up for an event. feel that fraternities and sororities mended for making such a move They also provide security for the You, as WMC students can help Responsibility ... Leadership .. get too much bad publicity and are for women's' rights. them by showing your support for . Character ... Success ... Scholar- seldom recognized for the positive Who notices when Sigma Phi campus concerts. notice when Phi organizations which are often anyone Does ship ... Philanthropic service. things they do. Epsilon fraternity helps local busi- Mu sorority puts so much time and judged and misunderstood and by What people can relate to all of For example, what news crew nesses look more attractive? They energy into raising funds for the just giving them a little recognition. nearly as bad as ev- Greeks aren't these words? People in fraterni- shows up when Phi Sigma Sigma also participate in the Adopt a Children's Miracle Network and eryone would like to think. ties and sororities, of course! sorority makes countless visits to Highway program. They have Project'HOPE? One way the sup- Thank you for sticking with me College students in fraternities Carroll Lutheran Village retirement traveled as far as New Jersey to and sororities, more commonly community? They made Valentines help other Sig Ep brothers with port CMN is by having an Easter and reading this far. Just by read- ofWMC Egg Hunt for the children ing about this topic, you are encour- known as "Greeks," have gotten a and Easter cards for the residents building, repairs and clean up. every bad rap in the past. I am sure you and had a great time delivering Alpha Nu Omega sorority par- faculty and staff. They also visit the aging and supporting stand for. good Children's cause that Greeks University of Maryland have seen the countless movies and them while having (sometimes ticipates in the Clothesline Project Hospital to spend time in the pedi- So, when you see people in College students in fraternities and sororities, more commonly known as "Greeks," have gotten a bad rap in the past. I am sure you have seen the countless movies and television shows about horrible "Greek" activities. television shows about horrible long) chats with the residents. for women's rights and contributes atric care unit. "Greek" activities. The truth is, They also go every year to sing their services to the Adopt a High- Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity has class, in your dorm, or anywhere these shows portray isolated inci- Christmas carols. These women are way program. They made thera- helped the Shepherd's Staff shelter else on campus wearing those dents that could happen to any col- appreciated by the residents who peutic pillows for heart surgery pa- to set up, clean up, and organize. strange symbols, keep in mind the words of Ghandi, lege student - Greek or otherwise. get few visitors, as well as by those tients and visited St. Joe's Hospi- The American Leukemia Society is change we wish "We must be the to see in the I know you've seen people people who are visited often! tal to-deliver the pillows. their national philanthropy. They also Remember walking around Western And, what newspaper writes an With little recognition, Phi raised an amazing $500 (a difficult world." at Western Maryland that are Greeks Maryland's campus with those article every time Phi Alpha Mu Delta Theta fraternity does service task on a college campus) for the making some of those changes. strange symbols on their chest and sorority sponsors a program for for both the WMC campus and the American Heart Association. wondered who they were. Well, if women's issues such as domestic Westminster community when Everyone falls victim to stereo- Stephanie Craven you let me take a few moments of violence or rape awareness? They they participate in things like the types sometimes, but when you see Inter-Greek Council President your time, I'd be happy to tell you participate in the Clothesline Charity Bowl, Christmas in April, someone walking around campus and a member of Phi Sigma who they are: They're Greek, and Project for this cause and bring in- Adopt-a-Family (for Thanksgiv- with those strange letters on their Sigma. they should be proud. formative speakers to both our cam- ing, Easter and Christmas) or shirts, say HELLO .... They are As a Greek student on the West- pus community and surrounding Adopt-a-Highway. They helped proud, friendly Greek students. A Dream That Became scrapers, (in NY and Baltimore ... ). - the ability to use any computer, True I was also surprised to see the to attend any classical or jazz excuses the for the cancellations not be- department helped with addi- cause others my are expenses. tional numerous signs notifying the pub- music concert for free. "chauffeurs." I also managed to do the My name is Eliane Maroun. lic that a thing is forbidden, for - the opportunity to practice any The other drawback is that I Iam 25 years old, French, with example outside of the Lincoln kind of sports on any field, 10 was disappointed that only $140 French film festival showing, the an MA in Foreign Languages Memorial in D.C., there are signs play golf for free. was granted to the French Club for for free, movies, most subtitled famous in French applied to French Business that say: NO FOOD, NO ALCO- - to live in a quiet environment two semesters because this limited English, even though some- Law and Political economics, HOLIC BEVERAGE, DO NOT away from the city and its noise. all my plans to promote French times only two people showed I have always dreamed about TOUCH THE STATUE. However, in order to enjoy culture. The money was gone af- up, and there were never more visiting the US and living here r found this series of "NO" sur- the advantages, I Ifad to face ter two activities, a French play at than eight. But, I always told for a year prising, it gave me the feeling that some difficulties because that is the embassy and a field trip to the myself that eight people are Finally, Irealized my dream a part of my freedom was taken life. Sometimes the only way to Renaissance festival, plus the than none. by coming to WMC and be- away because all this seemed ob- notice advantages in life is to price of the van. better Although, I enjoyed my coming a Director of the VIOUS to me. experience drawbacks and vice Also, because I lost the small work here and met some nice French house and a Freshman But little by tittle, I got used versa. key (given without a key ring) to people, I found it extremely (First-year) Student (Major un- to all those forbidding signs dic- The first difficulty was that of the video cabinet of Hill Hall 110, frustrating not to be able to decided). Although none of the tating behavior because r started transportation. I came from Eu- which had been reserved to show separate my private life from 12 credits (minimum required to see things in a different way rope where public transportation a French film, the French club was my work. My time here would When I arrived, I was amazed by many things. Why? Because everything seemed so big to me: the highways, the distances, the cars, the skyscrapers, (in NY and Baltimore ... ). I was also surprised to see the numerous signs notifying the public that a thing is forbidden, for example outside of the Lincoln Memorial in D. c., there are signs that say: NO FOOD, NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, DO NOT TOUCH THE STATUE. to be a full student), would be and stopped comparing them to is more developed than here, and charged $27, and J had to pay the have been much more enjoy- transferred to my University, my French Culture. where people drive less than in Bursar's office $60 for the loss. able if I had been able to have LA SORBO NNE-PARIS, and r seized the opportunity, tak- theUSA. However, beyond this lack of my own transportation. Perhaps because of this great opportu- ing any class I wanted and attend- I didn't have a driving licence money in the Club and the apathy the school would invest in a nity to live on a campus, I de- ing as much as I wanted. My tu- nor a car, so, like any other stu- among the members, I managed to vehicle for the foreign language cided to come here in order to ition was paid by the foreign lan- dent without a car on campus, I do some activities during the sec- assistants to share. We would widen the scope of my knowl- guages department, as well as the felt like I was in a prison because and semester with money from the be able to take the languages edge of American culture rent of the French house and the I was forced to depend on oth- house When I arrived I was meal plan. So, I attended the ers. I had to rely upon their an- RA, who granted me $25 for a turul trips members on more cul- party, $25 for a Mardi Gras pizza and not feel we are amazed by many things. Why? classes I was interested in and re- swers and sudden cancellations party, and another $25 to share kept here against our will. Because everything seemed so alized that the opportunities to at the last minute to take me for with the German club for an Eas- big to me: the highways, the succeed are tremendous on this shopping or on some important ter party with a chocolate fondue. Eliane Maroun distances, the cars, the sky- campus, For example: duty. I perfectly understood the Fortunately, the foreign language Letters continued on page 9.
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