Page 177 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 177
Thursday, May 7, 1998 I Page 5 Introducing the 98-99 Centennial colloquium provides SGA executives forum for student research BY CHRISTIAN WII_WOHL their presentation a tape-recorded Ference since they have a greater News Editor speech by Heideger in German and need for it." "This is a dream come many visuals including Nazi pro- Associate professor of foreign true. There are no easy WMC hosted a unique Centen- paganda films. languages, Dr. Martine Motard- answers for the nial Conference event last month. During her presentation on Noar, agreed with Guerra. "It's upcoming year since Interestingly enough, the occasion computational chemistry, WMC ironic that students in the humani- student government is did not feature student athletes, but senior Sarah Chenoweth said she ties aren't taking advantage of this research. rather student to accom- not an easy process. " Students from four Centennial had to adjust it slightly "I had more opportunity since very few of these modate her audience. Aaron Corbett, SGA Conference colleges gathered at physicists than chemists in my ses- exist for them at the undergraduate that Motard-Noar level." recalled president WMC for the third annual Centen- sion. Even though my research con- she did not lake part in a similar nial Conference Student Research conference until she almost fin- Colloquium. These schools in- ished her doctoral work. cluded WMC, Gettysburg, Ursinus, President Robert H. Both Guerra and Motard-Noar "I'd like to see the SGA and Washington. Students pre- Chambers said the attribute the poor participation, es- further develop the sented their works ranging from the pecially in the humanities, in the connection between the humanities to the hard sciences. colloquium was conference to a lack of publicity. Presi- remarks, In his opening students and the faculty dent Robert H. Chambers said the founded to promote "I called colleagues at other schools, and administration. We colloquium was founded to pro- exchanges among [Centennial Conference] about the nothing and they knew need to continue campus mote exchanges among Centennial colloquium," said Motard-Noar. wide programing that Conference students beyond ath- Centennial Guerra and Motard-Noar did fosters school spirit. " letic fields. Conference students admit the relatively recent introduc- Students found their participa- tion of the colloquium also contrib- Matthew Gribbin, SGA beyond athletic tion in the conference beneficial. uted to the low levels of participa- vice president "[Presenting at the colloquium] fields. tion. They agreed that changing the gave me an insight to what aca- location every year will promote demic presentations will be like more participation and awareness senior year or in graduate school," tained quantum physics, I had to of the conference. "I'm excited to start SGA said Mike Blundin, a sophomore emphasize its chemical aspects For the past two years, Ursinus philosophy major who take part in since my audience already had a College in Collegeville, PA. hosted as an executive officer. multi-media presentation on Ger- stronger background in physics," the colloquium. WMC only sent a We have a good man philosopher Martin Heideger. Chenoweth explained. handful of science majors to the foundation for next The other presenters included The sciences dominated the re- two previous gatherings, said year. Aaron Jenkins, Robert Ward. Caro- search presented at the colloquium. Guerra. This year WMC students lyn Barnes, and Heather Woods. Both WMC and Ursinus had the Grace McAleer, SGA took part in 35 presentations at the The group delivered a multi- largest representations, and the secretary colloquium. point argument concerning majority of their students presented Next year, Washington College Heideger's participation in the Nazi their work in the sciences. in Chestertown, MD, will host the Party in pre-World War II Ger- "There is no lack of conferences fourth annual event. many. "It's important to look into like this one for undergraduates in "I hope to see more students Heideger's life before you explore the sciences," said Dr. David "I look forward to start preparing for [next year's col- his philosophy," Blundin com- Guerra, assistant professor of phys- loquium] in the fall," said Motard- bringing the campus mented. ics. "It would be good to see other community together next The students incorporated into disciplines represented in this con- Noar. year. We will also try to make sure everyone is Students help to clean up campus satisfied with the allocations process. " Dana Jacobson, SGA The SGA treasurer sponsored its third annual campus clean up on April 25. Various student organized groups, including Greek organizations and ROTC, helped out by planting flowers, painting speed bumps, and picking up trash and cigarette butts.
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