Page 174 - ThePhoenix1997-98
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Thursday. May 7, 1998 - Page 2 NEWS Vigil raises rape awareness group shows that rape will not be tolerated, BY CHRISTIAN WILWOHL News Edi/or Galambos said in her remarks during the vigil. By simply lighting candles and throwing This year's vigil included more music. stones into a trash can, survivors, activists, "Music and healing go hand in hand," said and participants found healing, spirit, and Corie McFaul, a WMC social work major knowledge. The "Bring it out of the Dark who helped coordinate this year's event. Candlelight Vigil" provided the WMC and WMC's Gospel Choir performed two Westminstercommunities this outlet forpro- songs, and Dr.RobinArmstrong commented moting rape awareness. on ToriAmos' "Me and a Gun," a song about The third annual vigil took place at St. dealing with rape. Armstrong, a WMC as- Paul's United Methodist Church in mid- sistantprofessorof music,thenplayedAmos' April. CD for the audience. McFaul performed Twice during the evening, candles illu- Gloria Estefan's "Coming out of the Dark," minated the church. When we all light a and WMCjunior Adam Schwaninger played candle, we light up allthe dark places, when the drums during the healing ritual. we speak OUI against the darkness of rape, This evening of healing and awareness we light up all the dark places in the world," featured several speakers. One of them, said Pastor Gayle Watson of the Damascus Tracy Gilmore, said that rape is the most Friendship United Methodist Church. unreported crime, and it is most often re- As a powerful drum beat thundered ported well after the crime has occurred. through the church, those who attended the Gilmore works for the Carroll County State vigil approachedthe altar tothrow stonesinto' Attorney's Office. a metal trash can, a sound which echoed the An anonymous survivor of child moles- drums. Everyone was throwing the stones tation described her years of silent suffering. with feeling and meaning. They weren't Her experience as a child created a cycle of doing it just to do it," said Dr. Colleen abuse that carried into her adult life with her Galambos, assistant professor of social work ex-husband. "I lost so many years to abuse, and one of the event's coordinators. years I'll never get back," she commented. Participants reacted positively to this With the assistance of Carroll County's healing ceremony. "The [stone throwing] Rape Crisis Intervention Service, she af- was a very powerful experience. A lot went firmed that she now lives a happier, healthier Dr. Smith wins Zepp award through my mind as I did it," said Kate life. Quicker, a sophomore. Other speakersincluded CityofWestmin- An outstanding record of teaching and Galambos developed this exercise from ster Mayor Kenneth Yowan,Maryland State research has proved a winning formula for tory of scientific thought. This course is similar ones used for small groups of rape Senator Timothy Furgeson, Delegate Nancy WMC Chemistry professor Richard H. based on a compilation of excerpts from 40 survivors. Performing this ritual with a large Stocksdale, and Lt. Col. Cynthia R. Smith Smith, Jr. who was named Maryland Chem- landmark publications. He is a Visiting Scientist at the National Pornography of the Maryland State Police. ist of the year by the state section of the Cancer Institute's FrederickCancerResearch "I would've liked to have seen more sur- American Chemical Society in 1995, and is Continued from page 1 vivors thanpoliticians speak that night," said the J 998 recipient of the Ira G. Zepp Distin- and Development Center where with his un- by minors then it is illegal. If not then the Quicker. "[The survivors'] experiences are guished Teaching Award. dergraduate student colleagues he has per- charge would only be fourthdegree burglary. very important." He was a 1993recipient of a Camille and formed research on the chemistry of triaz- ines as it relates to the development of new Maryland law states thai a person may However, combining the political and Henry Dreyfuss Scholar-Fellow grant and not willfully or knowingly display or exhibit community aspects is essential, commented served for two years as a mentor and tutor to anti-tumor drugs. This research has involved to any person under the age of 18years ma- McFaul. "Having politicians at the vigil al- a recent Ph.D. in Chemical Science who over 30 student collaborators and had re- sulted in more than 25 journal articles, the terial which is principally made up of ob- lows them to see how important this issue is joined the College's faculty to experience majority coauthored by students. scene description or depictions of illicit sex. to their constituents." teaching and research in an undergraduate Since 1993 a second student-faculty At their weekly meeting immediately af- This year's vigil was coordinated by a setting. This award was one of only eight project was undertaken, the design of new ter the incident,membersof Channel 17were segment of Galambos' SocialWelfarePolicy presented that year to colleges and universi- non-nucleoside inhibitors of the enzyme curious as to the identity of the culprit. Su- class, which included McFaul, Cindy West, ties across the country. HIV-I reverse transcriptase. choski said that he thought it was somebody Bronwyn Craig, Michelle Hughes, Lyndsae In 1990he developed a course in the his- Courtesy oj Public information who worked at the station since they would Gates, and Megan Lewis. know how to operate the equipment. How- ever,TechnicalManagerAnne Butlerpointed out that It is "not that taxing to work out." Lemieux said that he was shocked, ask- 24 Hour Hotline: ing "Who?" and "How?" when he heard the news. "My biggest fear is that somebody 410-857-7322 breaks 111 and steals equipment," he said. "Another big fear is people showing shows that should not be televised." Suchoski received many phonemail mes- "Whether the crime happened last night sages about the surprise show. Students or years ago, we can help." seemed happy with the broadcast, leaving messages saying "We love you channel 17, you're our new favorite station," and "Por- nography says it all for Channel 17." Services are available to victims, family or friends. While the movie was being shown, sta- Whether it's sexual harassment, abuse, dating violence or rape, tion member Dan Gadd was watching tele- we can help. Allinquiries are free and confidential. vision with "twenty-five 10 thirty guys in an ANW·suite." Flipping channels, they came RAPE CRISIS Services include: walk-in crisiscounseling, individual therapy. across the pornography. Asked if he had therapy groups, accompaniment to police-hospital-court, known it was going to be shown he replied: INTERVENTION SERVICE and prevention education programs. "I hadn't heard anything about it," before OF CARROLL COUNTY accidentally turning on the channel. Suchoski used one of the sexually toned, Walk-ins are welcome (Monday thru Friday) 9am - 5 pm phone messages to make a commercial pro- moting Junk Boy, an animated show which 224 North Center Street, Room 102 features explicit sex. This show is graphic, Westminster, MD 21158 Fact: The perpetrator of a sexual crime is said Suchoski, but it is not pornography. 24 hour hotline: 410-857-7322 more likely to be someone you know than a Butler expressed regret that the pornog- Office: 410-857-0900 or 876-9147 stranger. raphy was broadcast, "It's not the image we're trying to portray."Suchoski was apolo- A Private Nonprofit Agency Serving Carroll County getic but jubilant: "We got ratings," he said.
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