Page 173 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 173
• Volume Number 6 Riot police break up party BY JONATHON SHACAT Police Dept. Three hundred stu- counts of disorderly conduct and & KATE HAMPSON dents had gathered in the area be- one count of resisting arrest, ac- Senior Writer & Editor-in-Chief tween ANW and Daniel MacLea, cording to Brewer. Two students were arrested as even though official Spring Fling Police were contacted at 7:02 police with dogs and pepper spray events were not laking place there. pm because the students would not broke up a Spring Fling party Sat- Sean Healey, a junior, was listen to college security officers, urday evening. charged with one count of disor- said Director of Campus Safety Initially, five city police offic- derly conduct and one count of fail- Mike Webster. Also, there were two ers were called in by Campus ure to obey a lawful order of a po- reports of fist fights and numerous Safety to disperse an unauthorized lice officer. Lynda Oxley, a sopho- instances of aJcohol violations. party in the quad, according to Lt. more, was charged with two counts Campus Safety made an "in- Dean Brewer of the Westminster of second degree assault, two credible mistake," said Paul moe. rocks campus Charbonnier, a senior. "They should have tried to do something before calling Westminster City." Westminster police officer Mark Berard, who was struck by Lynda Oxley, Continued on page 15 discusses the incident with students Porn shown on WMC 17 Phoenix RY KATE HAMPSON nel 17." At that point he ran to take nationally Editor·in·Cllief the tape out of the machine. He claims honored WMC students were in for a Suchoski said that he gave the surprise the weekend before last tape to Campus Safety. when they turned on Channel 17, officers have dusted it for finger First place for Overall Ex- The station was broadcasting a prints and plan to match them with cellence-weekly newspapers hard-core pornographic movie those of the organization's key- or papers published less fre- throughout the campus. holding members this week. quently, The Society for Colle- This was not part of the sched- However, Webster said that he giate Journalists recently distin- uled programming, according to did not think that his department guished the Phoenix as such in Richard Suchoski, general manager personnel has done this. He said its annual national contest for of Channel 17. While Suchoski was that it was unlikely that the suspect the year 1997. at the moe. concert, somebody put would be caught in this manner as "The award really speaks of a video entitled "Sex Abroad" into Campus Safety can only take fin- the staff's efforts and coming the station's VCR. gerprints from volunteers and few together to produce great is- The station door did not show college age students have given sues," said Carolyn Barnes, the signs of forced entry, according to their prints for investigative pur- paper's editor-in-chief during Director of Campus Safety Mike poses. that year. Webster, "It appears to have been When interviewed several days Of the staff members who keyed entry or the door was not after the incident, Dean of Student received individual awards, Art properly closed," he said. Affairs Philip Sayre was unaware Editor Mike Puskar received Nine members of the Channel that the incident had happened. He three in total, including first 17 staff have a key to the station, expressed concern that he had not place for editorial cartoons, sec- including their advisor Dr. Robert been notified of the incident. He ond place for a sports/features Lemieux. explained that showing pornogra- story, and an honorable mention Campus Safety were alerted to phy violates the college's policy on for a Green Terror comic strip, the incident by an anonymous lewd conduct. Features editor, Nikki Be- phone call, according to Webster. There is some debate as to langer, received a third place "At 11:20 pm Campus Safety whether it is illegal for Channel 17 award for a sports/features story. Rob Derhak of moe. entertained concert goers for well over two and a pulled me out of the concert," said to show pornography. Webster Her piece on Director of Alumni halj hours at the campus concert on Friday, April 24. For a review oj the Suchoski. "They asked me if I stated that if the movie was seen Affairs Donna Sellman's induc- concert and interviews with the band see pages 10 & 11. knew what was playing on chan- Continued on page 2 tion into the Carroll County Sports Hall of Fame appeared last fall. For his set of stories on student/faculty dating, Senior '!.l,.i"l§,!£,;, cause it makes them official," said thought the chartering process Writer Jonathon Shacat won a Assistant Director of College Ac- would take much longer. "I ex- third place award for news sto- Soapbox: In his last editorial for tivities Betsy Chimock who consid- pected the students to be less orga- ries excluding sports. the Phoenix, Adam Dean dis- After 2 years of hard work and ers the chartering a right of passage nized, to put in less time and ef- "I am absolutely thrilled by cusses the European monetary struggle the Phi Kappa Sigma fra- more than anything else. "The sys- fort," said Wladkowski. "And they the news for our amazing suc- union and Taco Bell. ,OF, ternity received their national char- tem accepts them as Phi Kappa have proved me wrong." cess in this national contest," Eta ter and was named the Delta not the Phi Kappa Sigma Sigma, said "We met the challenge," 'Wjilii chapter of Phi Kappa Sigma at a colony." Phi Kappa Sigma president Mike said SCJ advisor Terry Dalton. com- "The fact that the Phoenix chartering ceremony and banquet All of the new members ex- Spring Fling: Photo spread of the held on Saturday, May 2, pressed a feeling of great satisfac- Blundin, who best summed up the petes against colleges and uni- feelings day's activities including the po- The nationaJ charter gives the tion having received their charter fraternities at the banquet. in his closing versities that are much larger remarks lice in the quad. fraternity, now 25 members strong, in just little over a year, which is The executive vice president of than us makes the results all the fMifU .:1 recognition on the national level considered very quiclcly by the na- Phi Kappa Sigma International and more meaningful," he added. 55 SCJ has approximately Scoreboard: Get the state on and a voice and vote in the Inter- tional organization'S standards. the two alumni members of the active chapters across the coun- your favorite Spring sports play- Greek Council at WMC. Dr, Brian Wladkowski, the Phi WMC chapter, Dan Ebrahimi and try. WMC's chapter was "The charter is important be- Kappa Sigma adviser, said he founded in December of 1996. Continued on page 4 by Christian Wi/wohl
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