Page 148 - ThePhoenix1997-98
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Wednesday, April 1, 1998 - Page 12 FEATURES Senior Series: Ambitious student is Looking back atWMC after 'prepared to meet any challenge' four years When she first came to WMC she was very shy and thought college was going to Favorite Professor: "Dr. be hard. Now, almost four years later, Sara Donna Evergates in History Beth Reyburn is one of the most active stu- dents on campus. has been a big help. All of the "Now I'm prepared to meet any chal- teachers in the Political Sci- lenge," she said, adding that her goal this semester, her final one, is to finish her two ence Department have been senior seminars in history and political sci- great." ence while continuing her internship in An- napolis working in government relations. As Reyburn prepares to begin her life off Biggest Disappointment: campl!S, she looks back on her four years at "The social life. " WMC with few regrets and much advice. "Take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way," she said, noting that she Advice to Students: "Take was able to learn leadership skills by becom- activities. advantage of every opportu- ing involved in many different of the Student Not only is she president nity that comes your way." GovernmentAssociation, which she has been SGA President Sara Beth Reyburn is active in numerous aspects of college life. involved with for all four years, but she also "I've learned a lot of skills, improved my on several occasions. helped found the History Club and became writing and communication and also learned aspect of college has Another challenging Biggest Challenge: "Getting president for one year. Reyburn helped found time-management," Reyburn said. "I'm pre- been trying to get other students involved in other students involved in ex- the WMC Delegation of Maryland Student pared for life." Her friendships have also activities on campus. "It's hard seeing how tracurricular activities." Legislature and was delegate chair for one been an important part of her college career. apathetic students are," Reyburn said. year, has been a member of the Phi Mu fra- Despite these lasting friendships, Rey- Although she thought this semester was ternity for three years, and is a member of burn cites the social life as one of her big- going to be her easiest, she admits she was several honor societies. gest disappointments at WMC. During her wrong. Many of her friends have also said freshman year she lived in the honors dorm that planning what to do after graduation, and missed out on getting to know her class- applying to graduate schools, and receiving CONFIDENTIAL AIDS TESTING mates who were in Whiteford. that the rejection notices is very frustrating, Reyburn She has also been disappointed said. school's Iii 'OH"""c,12:00 - 2:00 ;, academic name isn't well-known outside of But Reyburn is ready to move on. She circles. "I wish people would know to be an. attorney Iii e·''E'VERYOTHER TUESDAy more about (he school," she said, adding that has always wanted law school at the Univer- and plans on entering March 24 she has had to explain where the school is sity of Pittsburgh in the. fall of 1998. April in the Stars April 7 &21 9: 6~:mqlIm :,,,, 'I,! .May 5 Aries (3/21-4119) LOCATION - SMITH HOUSE Happy birthday! When you prepare to Libra Yikes! (9122-10/23) Take a chill pill. Find a Gemini CALL EXT.769 or 243 blowout those candles, be careful what you who will allow you to let your hair down and wish for, you just may get it. And if it's good, learn how to have some fun. You know what FOR AN APPOINTMENT hold on to it. Some things don't last long. they say ... All work and no fun makes Jack (or Jill) a dull person! Taurus (4/20-5/20) Classified lfyou're hurting this month, follow this Scorpio (10/24-11/20) advice. When you have some quiet time to Watch out for pranks on April Fool's Day. yourself, draw or write about the source of One of your friends might find it funny to Help Wanted Lifeguards 1Pool Managers your pain. Analyze what you see and create play a joke that won't make you smile. Just Summer Months, FfIPT a representation of the solution. Then, bum remember to check (and double check) ev- EARN $SS AND WIN Training Available the symbolic pain and keep the solution erything! a VIDEO CAMCORDER. Is the semester Baltimore Area & somewhere safe. almost over and your group still needs All Surrounding Counties Sagittarius (11/21-12/19) money? Before it's too late, try a Gemini (5/21-6/20) MasterCard fundraiser and earn quick ORO Pools 410-785-7665 You're almost free from school (at least Calm down! Problems aren't that bad. cash. It won't cost a thing, call today! Travel for the summer). However, there are still Take a notepad and write everything down. 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Curiosity didn't kill the cat, believing in the Aquarius 0/20-2118) America's There's no obligation, so why not call TRAVEL, student North tour operator! largest boy who stuck him in the microwave did. Do you believe dreams are the windows for information today. to our souls? You may after a month of re- Call 1-800-323-8454 x95. Call Now! 1-800-838~6411 Leo (7/23-8/22) peateddeja-vu. You shouldn't worry, the bad Mexico/Caribbean or Central America The month of trial has arrived. Your love dreams are only here to warn you. The only HELP WANTED $200 r.t. Europe $179 o.w. Other world life may seem very turbulent this month. real terror is in not paying attention to them. MentWomen earn $375 weekly process- wide destinations cheap. Ride it out and joy awaits you. ing! assembling Medical J.D. Cards at ONLY TERRORISTS GET YOU Pisces (2/19-3/20) home. Immediate openings, your local Virgo (8123-9121) Take my advice. If you don't have any- THERE CHEAPER! area. 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