Page 147 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 147
FEATURES Wednesday. April I. 1998 - Page II 60 Seconds Glar paves path to college for Myers What was the best April fool's prank BY ERIC BARRY SlaffWriler you've ever heard of, done or would Not only is be the person who like to do? swipes your card at Glar, but he's also someone who has overcome By Jessie Watt$ many difficult hardships during his youth. This has helped make Jake Myers a much stronger person and now he's ready for college. Myers, now 18, had an average "Some guys in lacrosse threw a pine childhood, playing sports, hanging cone instead of the ball, and it made it out with friends, going to Disney World. IO his But, when he was real hard to throw. " parents got separated. And the next eight years were not easy for Jake Dave Hendrix '99 or anyone else in his family. After the separation he and his sister, Exercise Science Carrie, who is now 16, moved in with their mother, Sharon Myers. That lasted for a short while before they went to live with their father, Ken Myers. Living with his sister "Tell Mitch Alexander I'm taking over was not easy for Jake. lake Myers swipes cards in Glar /0 eaT1Jmoney for college. For many years Jake and Car- cipline he needs. The job has also His job has helped keep him his job." rie have had a very chaotic relation- ship. There have been "a lot of ~:~~e~!~:::i~~~::ยท~~~e~sc~~:~ ~:n~:t~~~~:il~~:c:~~eSee;i~~/:d Danielle Dickerson '98 fights" between them, he said. One where he is a senior, at 3:30 pm and hours while on his 3D-minute time she tore off all of the wood barely has enough time for a snack break, seeing drunk people come Exercise Science/Spanish from the side of his bed. So in re- before rushing off to Glar. Jake's into Glar, meeting some of the BaI- taliation, he broke her door down. parents are very supportive of his timore Ravens, and hearing funny "It was completely down, hinge jobs and school work, he said. stories from his co-workers have all and ali," Myers said proudly. His mother backs him up, but helped to ease the stress. Myers also recounted how his she's "not as influencing as my He emphasized how he has en- at Glar for the last "Fill a trash can with water, prop it sister had thrown knives and scis- dad," he explained. His father is joyed working and how much he will incident two years very tough on him, but he's thank- sors at him. The scissors against someone 's door and knock. " occurred only a year ago, so next ful for that. "He makes me want to miss Ir. The students have been year at college, Myers will be glad do what I do," said Myers. very kind tohim for the mas! part, ,I Matt Burger '01 to be away from the chaos. Jake For example, his dad urged him said Myers. I' blamed many of the problems to apply to many colleges and he Sophomore Steve Weber dis- HistorylPolitical Science within the family on his mother. did-seven in all. But his father, a agrees, saying that "people don't "I regret blaming my mother for 1970 graduate of WMC, didn't give him enough respect. People a lot of things. l..lost the relation- push his son to come here. Instead, walk by without saying anything; ship between us," said Myers. he explained to Jake that WMC is they should at least say 'thank However, he is thankful that he too expensive, but more impor- you'," Weber explained. lived with her at the beginning of tantly, too close. Nonetheless, Myers has re- "Plastic wrapping the toilet seat in a Catholic school. " Asked if any WMC students had asked him out on any dates, Alicia Eakle '01 Myers said that they had, but only jokingly. Maybe they were PhilosophylEnglish serious. He is a very likable guy. the separation so he could help her Being from Westminster, Myers ceived many compliments on through rough times. sees a lot of familiar faces at WMC, G1ar's comment board. People During these stressful times students that came here from West- have written "he deserves a raise" "I acted like I had a broken leg and Myers had many jobs. His most minster High School. This constant and others have just written that he recent is the Glar job, which he sameness convinced Jake to try and is very polite. went to theater practice two weeks started about 20 months ago. How- get away from the area. "He's a smart ass ... naw naw, ever, this September he will be quit- Myers has lived in Westminster I'mjustjoking," said Glar's front- before a play. " ting this job and heading off to col- his whole life and only in two of-the-house manager Jeff Courtney Risch '99 lege. In the time Myers has worked houses, which are within biking Callihan. and he gets along with the is a really Myers good at Glar he has had many memorable distance of each other. He is look- worker English/Politica] Science incidents. His first day of work he ing forward to going to either students well, Callihan said. He started out in the dish room. Wesley College in Delaware or also "gets upset when students dis- One day things were running Frostburg State in Maryland. He respect him by leaving trays on the very smoothly until Myers tried to was accepted by both colleges and tables," the manager added. dislodge a fork from the conveyor was especially excited about get- Even though Myers seems very belt, and snap! -something broke. ting into Wesley's sports medicine serious he actually has quite a sense "My girlfriend told me she was Soon he was moved elsewhere in program. If he can get the money of humor. He got a kick out of G1ar. Unable to work the new he would prefer to go to Wesley, Callihan's "smart ass" comment moving." hours, Myers was fortunate to get he said. when he was told about it. the pm checker position. He will have an easier time sav- Asked if any WMC students Ron Serrnarini '00 Monday through Friday from ing money now that he has broken had asked him out on any dates, History 4:30 to 7 pm he runs students' ID up with his girlfriend. Myers said jokingly. Maybe they were serious. Myers said that they had, but only he used to spend half of every pay- cards through the little machine and then from 7 to 9:30 pm he helps check on her. Now he feels like it He is a very likable guy. clean up, all for $5.88 an hour. The was a waste. This time next year Myers will job is very tedious, but rewarding, "Right now I have better things be at either Frostburg or Wesley, according to Myers. to do," said Myers. He may sound most likely studying physical Not only does the job give him bitter, but he's not; hejust wants to therapy. And hopefully he won't money for college but also the dis- focus on going to college. be working at the dining hall there. .1'
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