Page 157 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 157
Spring Fling photo p 1,300 COPIES OF THE PHOENIX STOLEN! SPECIAL EDITION: spread --See pages 8-9 ....___ . Volume XV, Number 12 Thursday, May 8, 1997 Open forum challenges MC STUDENT CHARGED graduation date of '98 ITH THEFT OF PHOENIX IIY NIKKI BnANG£R which is an annual project the se- "/affwriter niors undertake by soliciting CCUSED TOAPPEAR BEFORE HONOR AND CONDUCT BOARD TOMORROW AFTERNOON On Monday April 28, about 50 classmates to donate money for a By KATE HAMPSON students from the junior class met project on campus. Another pos- AssistamNe .....sEdilor so ina way that left staff members feel- ptained that a lot of work goes into th ing as though they were being bullied, in the Decker Center Forum sibility is refusing to donate any although no specific threats were made. newspaper and that the stolen editio to devise a plan of attack to have money once graduated. as future It is not known whether the student had been particularly difficult as the graduation in 1998 changed back alumni. n Friday, May 9 over the recent theft coming before the board is a_mernber werecornputerproblems. She said ''I' to the Saturday of the week fol- "I foresee a huge problem," fthePhoenix. of Phi Sigma Sigma and informa- like to find out who the culprit was an lowing finals. said Assistant Director of Annual Morethan l,300copiesoftheApril tion will not be released until after the at least have them pay for the reprint' "We want to deal with this in Giving Vanessa Berger, who edition of the paper were taken from The newspaper was reissued th the most professional manner added that many times if alumni ker Student Center on Wednesday hearing is completed, sometime before following day at a cost of $392 an the end of the semester. possible," said Lynnae Stoehr, have had a problem with the ad- ,sometime between 2:30and4 p.m, placed in students' mailboxes, to next year's senior class president. ministration in the past, they have papers had been delivered a day If the board finds theindividualre- vent the theft from reoccurring. The group discussed several often refused to donate any yandwerestandingoutsidetbepnst: sponsible, be or she faces sanctions Stealing the newspapers is aseri ways to have the students' con- money to the college. ffice awaiting distribution. ranging from a warning to expulsion, ous crime. It is considered to be a the according to Dean Of Student Affairs cerns addressed. They passed a Sara Beth Reyburn. next The student will be called infront Phil Sayre. The investigation is being of $392, afelony inMaryland, punish petition.around to different cam- year's senior class Student Gov-. ' able by up to 15 years in jail and pus organizations and students. emment Association representa- conductWby~Safely, who are $1,00,) fine. Taking the news to name any suspects. al- and parents are writing letters to tive, met with Berger to discuss reluctant Director of Campus Safety themse1vcs is al
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