Page 154 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 154
Thursday, April 24, 1997 - Page 10 SPORTS WMC Baseball sends Washington home; 6-5 CC record They are currently on a roll after two consecutive wins over both Washington and Swarthmore of a double header against Swarth- runs, and they were playing a team "You've got to put it in perspec- Swarthmore, giving him five on the By DAN GAUD more on April 13, earning him a with an overall record of9-17. For tive. It's one game. You have to season. That gives him the team SlajJWriler spot on the Centennial Conference some reason, however, the Green make corrections, you have to learn record for saves in a season, which Streaky. That is the one word Honor Roll for that week. Terror were unable to put the Bul- from your loss and the mistakes had been four, and puts him within that probably best describes West- "He's been a big spark. When lets away, and a seven-run fifth-in- you've made. We have nine games one save of the career record of six. ern Maryland's baseball team this you have a guy that's going to hit ning opened the game up for Get- left and our goal is to go out and His E.R.A. of 1.42 has im- season. home runs like that, thai's a big tysburg. try to win every game we play," pressed Seibert, who feels this is The Green Terror entered Cen- spark to your offense. He's hit them "We lost our composure there. Seibert said. "We have the oppor- the most important stat for a tennial Conference play with a at some pretty opportune limes We made a lot of mistakes, ... you tunity to win nine more. We can pitcher. "I anticipated that he solid 8-3 record, but proceeded to too," said Seibert. can't do that against really anybody beat anybody on our schedule if we would be able to help us as a fresh- lose their first four conference Sophomores Pal Durand, Mike and expect to win. We would have play welL..if we play welL" man. We've opted at this point to games, two to Franklin and use him in relief. He's been very Marshall and two more at the "We have the opportunity to win nine more. we can beat anybody effective for us," he said. hands of Johns Hopkins. They fol- Seibert also points to the strong lowed that by winning their next on our schedule if we play well ...if we play well." pitching performances of sopho- six games, defeating Washington, more Kevin Culleycjunior George Muhlenberg. and Swarthmore each Dave seibert, Head codch Cossabone, and senior Tim ;..- twice, and then losing 13-6 to Get- D' Angelo, who despite a high tysburg, making their conference Marino and junior Brian Miller had trouble beating anybody yes- Despite the five losses in con- E.R.A. has the best record on the record 6-5. have also jump started the offense terday the way we played defen- ference play, Seibert says he is team at 4-2. D'Angelo has also Earlier in the season head coach with their bats. Miller was hitting sively," Seibert said. pleased with his team's play, and pitched more innings than any other Dave Seibert had said that run pro- .400 and had scored 15 runs head- The loss may have ended he expects good things from them" pitcher on the team, including a duction would be the key to the ing into the April 15 game against WMC's run for the conference during the rest of the season. complete-game seven hitter as team's success. This was evident Gettysburg. championship, as they are now "We've had a combination of good Western Maryland beat Washing- in the two streaks as the Green Ter- Durand was leading the team three games behind both Johns pitching, our defense really has ton 12-5. ror averaged just over two runs per with 16 runs to go with his .379 Hopkins and Franklin and been pretty good and we've hit well Seibert feels the team has the game in the four losses, but nearly batting average, and Marino entered Marshall, with no games left too. We've played well up to (the ability to win the rest of their games 10 runs percontest in the six wins. the game with a batting average of against either team. Gettysburg game)," he said. if they can play consistently. Senior Rick Estes has been one .370. Seibert is looking for his team One highlight on the pitching "We've got nine wins left the way of the reasons for the sudden turn- Everything seemed to be fine !O rebound from the loss and play staff this year has been the relief I look at it. Potential wins. J be- around in scoring, having hit four going into the game against Gettys- well for the rest of the season, work of freshman Brent Fuchs. lieve in them, Ibelieve they can win home runs in the last four games, burg, the team was on a six game whether or not they have a shot at Fuchs picked up saves in both every game they play. I really be- including two in the second game winning streak, they were scoring a conference championship. games of the double header against lieve that." Men's lax checking off opponents Track athletes run goals and two assists, while teammate America in '92 at Ithaca College; toward championship SporrsEdilor Hope added four goals and four as- Whalen is a former assistant at West- Men's lacrosse is ravaging the srsts minsterRS and veteran of the Mary- By JUI.IE EDWARDS centennial conference this season. A large portion of this success is land Lacrosse Club and the Balti- Sports Editor The Green Terror play on of the due to excellent coaching. Head more Thunder; and Johnson in his The Western Maryland track and toughest schedules in Division UI Coach Keith Reitenbach has won two , second year at WMC also coordi- field teams are having a phenomenal lacrosse, but you would never know national championships playing at nates the Green Terror strength pro- year. Competing against Division I based on their record. Cornell and coached in three NCAA gram. schools like Penn State, the athletes are The men are now 9-0 after an ex- championship games. He stresses the These men rely on the seniors to hanging tough. citing upset win against Gettysburg importance of family unity, especially carry the team, as Reitenback be- At the Shippensburg Invitational on last week, and a win over Haverford. the "Green Terror Lacrosse family" lieves, "success in college athletics AprilI2,themenandladieseachplaced tal this season include wilson, Cynthi On April 9, WMC hosted eighth- who meets for picnics and alumni is most often directly related to your eighth out of fifteen competitors. The Callen in long distances with a fo ranked Gettysburg. Junior Bo events. In addition, Reitenbach be- seniors." This year he has five, and men coinpiled 38 points, 21 fromjun- fastest conference time in the 5,000, Schrott helped Western Maryland lieves in overall success, which they are meeting his expectations. ior Donte Abron who won the I()().. Fisher in the 100 and 400 hurdles, as secure the win in the fourth a quar- means concentration in the class- Captains Steve Hallowell and Hoppe meter dash, places second in the long well as the two record setting rela ter with three goals and one assist, room. He is very proud of his team were both nominated as, preseescĀ» jump, and came in sixth in the 2OOdash. teams at Colonial, and Erin Williams and senior goal-lender John Torpy GPAof2.45, including ten guys with All-American candidates, after Freshman Josh Beck paced fifth in the with the 3rd farthest shot put and fo made the Centennial Conference GPA's over 3.0. Hallowell made the l st Team AlI- 3,{XX)..metersteeplechase and seventh discus in the conference. In addition, Weekly Honor Roll for his perfor- Reitenbach's game philosophy is Conference as a defender last year, in the javelin. mance of 17 saves that game. even more intense. As sophomore and Hoppe made the 2nd team as an The women tallied 21 points with Three days later, the Green Ter- defender Matt Moscato reflected, attack player. Torpy is their top the help of freshman Kerry Wilson who ror cam back from a 3-0 deficit to "each game should be the most im- goalie, Mark Frey has turned on as a placed third in the 100 hurdles, fifth in defeat Haverford 11-8. With this portant game of your life." The Green real role-player, scoring two goals in the 400 dash, and eighth in the 200. win, WMC climbed to thirteenth on Terror look at each game equally, both games last week, and Scott A week earlier at the Colonial Re- the national Division Ill pole and tied even when they face nationally Schenzer, who was Rookie of the lays, hosted by WtlliamandMaryCol- ~ the school record for most consecu- ranked teams like Gettysburg, Salis- Year in '93, is now their best face- lege, WMCsetfourschoolrecords. The tive wins. Sophomore Jeremy Kober bury State, and Washington. off man. men's (3:36.82) and women's (4:30.36) recorded three goals and one assist Relrenbach could not do this on On the other hand, Reitenbach sprint medley relay teams, and roth as senior Malt Hoppe added two his own. He has the support of assis- recognizes the importance of having 4x200-meter relay squads set records. goals and two assists. tants Charles Shourberg, Brent freshmen to step in and be front-line The men's 4x200 team, consisting of the conference, and Matt Helfrich i Saturday, the Green Terror de- Whalen, and Chris Johnson. Each impact players. He hopes to have 2- Abron, Gavin DeFreitas, Richard fourth in the pole vault with a height 0 feated Franklin and Marshall 14-7. have established success in lacrosse. 3 he can play day-to-day each year Smith, and Chris Hydom, placed 10th twelve feet Abron cwrent1y has th Schrott scored a game-high five Shoulberg was named Ist Team AlJ- to continue to develop into even of21 teams. top score in the lOOand longjwnp, sec- stronger upperclassmen. Abron finished seventh in the long ond in the 200 and triple in addition 5a.00f) - S8.00f) ModhIY Oswiecilnka has competed a tremen- thesecond-besteffortinschool history. his relay efforts. In addition, Martin sophomore .ump with a leap of22 feet, 3 3/4 inches, Head coach Doug Renner is WORkiNG diSTRibUTiNG OUR PRodUCT BROCkuRES. dous amount this year after taking the The ladies 4x400 relay of Sommer with the season so far. He says his ath Pauline Kare Fisher, GET PAid - WE Supply BROCkuRES. season off last year. team Cborman, and WIlson also posted the leieeere'umningwell." Theyhave ken six school records and consisend McAlonan, The Green Terror lacrosse Fff OR Pff. FoR FREE Iwfo WRiTE: has the toughest part of their season second-best time in school history. improve personal bests week afte . DIRECTOR ahead with contests against fourth Abroncamewithinsix-hundredths week The team is still scheduled 1375 C-Y"'- Ave., SIB. 4Z7 ranked Salisbury and second ranked ofasecondofqualifyingfortheNCAA compete at the Penn Relays' April B.-Jyn, NY11230 Washington still to come. The team Division m.championship 29 in the pre- 25,theDiclcinsonInvitatio~ApriI26, will visit Dickinson, who has not beat at the IheCCchamp;""""pMayJ.4.and March on liminaries WMC in 30 years, on the 23ed. Susquehanna University Intematiooal. Mizuno Invitational May 10.
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