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cmllR Teffllr S pc r e s Men's lacrosse to Baseball 10 Women's lacrosse II Terror scoreboard 11 Volume XV, Number 10 Western Maryland College Thursday, April 24, 1997 Softball success in conference surprises young squad The Lady Terrors are 13-5 overall, 10-1 at the top of the Centenial Conference inning, driving in the winning run biggest asset," Dix said of her. and handing WMC the win. 10 the opening game ofthe April The Green Terror faced Mcs- 16 double header against Dickin- siahonAprillO,ateam which was son, the Green Terror launched four ranked #2 in the NCAA Division home runs, two coming from III East Region, but they did not Mathias. Gina Hughes and Backof back down. The Green Terror were also homered. Stacie Healy added narrowly defeated 3-2. After giv- a home run in the second game to ing up 2 runs in the first inning, give WMC five on the day. pitcher Amy Cipolloni took con- While WMC's bats have been trol, only giving up one run the rest giving opposing pitchers head- of the game. Western Maryland's aches, Kim Ruprecht has helped usually explosive bats, however, keep other teams at bay. She cur- were only able to muster four hits, rently has an E.R.A. of 1.42, giv- two of them from Kari Thompson. ing up only one run in her last game Since that time the Green Ter- against Dickinson. ror are 4-1, with all four victories With no seniors on the team, coming over Centennial Confer- Dix is looking forward to having ence foes Muhlenberg and Dick- an excellent learn next year. "Any- inson. The only loss being an 8-5 lime you don't have any seniors. defearto non-conference York you have your top players return- Amy Cipolloni earned a spot on ing, plus a couple of new people to the Centennial Conference Honor add to it. It's something a coach Roll for her performances against looks forward to, especially when JOSE (!UBA) S1QUER1A Sophomore Kim Ruprecht strives to reach base before the throw. Ruprecht leads the women this season with her Messiah and the opening game of you're having a good season," he strong, consistent pitching. the double header against said. Bv DAN GAUD Dix wasn't quite sure how the The second game of the Muhlenberg. "She's done a good Before the team looks into the SlaffWrlier learn would do when the season double header was also exciting. job for us. She doesn't have the future, they must get ready for If you hear the sound of ex- began. He says the loss of key With the score tied at 4, Backof speed, but she's able to move the double headers against Ursinus and plosions emanating from some- players from last year's team left was able to gel a single with one ball around and keep them offbal- Gettysburg, both of whom are still where near WMC's practice some question marks heading into out in the bottom of the seventh ance. Her control is probably her in contention for the championship. fields, don't be alarmed, it just this season. He was pleased, how- means WMC's softball team has ever, to see some of those voids Tennis endures rebuilding season a game. filled by Mathias' development as The offensive numbers put up a player. By JULIE EDWARDS ference which is real good at this Tyler Barrell has been a shining star by this year's softball team are "We're just surprised by the Sports Editor stage. Ididn't expect that," Lopez but has been out sick in the last few overpowering. Just ask any way she has been hitting the ball The Green Terror tennis team commented on his ladies squad. weeks. Another freshman, Mark WMC opponent. They have used with power. I think that gave us began this season with three goals Junior Kim Keller is playing the Martilotta playing at the number six this power to eam them-a 10-1 an extra lift. That may be the dif- in mind: developing as a team, number one spot, followed by sur- spot has been winning matches record in the Centennial Confer- ference right now, She's been a developing a positive team altitude, prise success Lara Henderson. against hard teams. ence and first place (13-5 overall). big surprise," said Dix. and not worrying about wins and Henderson is a freshman, but fourth The men are currently 0-4 in the The Green Terror had the top Along with Mathias, Dix says losses. in the conference in her position. conference and 2-4 overall. WMC two hitters in the Centennial Con- he looks to Backof, Kari Thomp- Both the women and men are She is 3-2 in Centennial Confer- men's tennis has never won a con- ference, the top two home run hit- son, and January Scott to help ters, and three of the top four run keep the team on top. According "We're in the middle of the conference which is real good at this scorers heading into their April 16 to Dix, when "the game is close or double header with Dickinson. something like that, they have that stage. I didn't expect that. " Julie Backof lead the conference little extra drive to reach back for in batting average (.710), home a little extra. That's been the big Jim Lopez, Head coach runs (4), and runs scored (20). thing, I think, to give us the edge. weak in experience with no seniors ence play and 6-2 overall. She ex- terence match. In response, Lopez Jacie Mathias ranked second be- Whenever we need a big hit or and only four returning letter-win- tended her winning streak to five states, "They're just a little better hind Backofin both batting aver- something, one of those four have ners. However, Head coach Jim matches last week. Lopez is also than us, I really can't explain it." age (.680), and home runs (3). been able to come through for us." Lopez feels pretty good about their very pleased with Keller and A few reasons may be that this No one else in the conference Western Maryland's only loss future since they will retain the Henderson as a doubles team. He conference is one of the strongest was even close to these two in bat- in conference play this season was nucleus of the team. feels they have shown vast im- in Division III tennis and other ting average or home runs, as the in the first game of an April 5 In his second year at WMC. provement together in just a few schools have built strong winning third ranking batting average was double header against Washington Lopez is still building his program. matches. traditions to recruit new,players. below .600, and no one else in the College. The Green Terror were This year they began fall competi- Lopez also mentioned that his Other team also have indoor facili- conference had more than one trailing 13-1 before making a furi- tion and next year they plan to take freshmen seem to be doing a lot of ties to play year-round and take homerun. ous comeback to tie the game at a spring trip which he feels will damage, helping the ladies to a 2-3 spring trips. "Where most teams are fight- 13, sending it into extra innings. give them strength as a team. Centennial record and 3-5 overall. "The hardest part is keeping ing, and scratching, and clawing washington, however, was able to Lopez was formerly a national On the men's team, Lopez re- their attitudes up when they are for a run, we're going for the three capture- the victory in the ninth, coach for the United States Tennis lies on his number one singles loosing matches," Lopez said. "We run blast," said head coach scoring two runs without getting a Association. player junior Roland Wolfe and should be able to step up as our George Dix. hit. "We're in the middle of the con- classmate Craig Eckard. Freshman team gets stronger."
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