Page 160 - ThePhoenix1996-97
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COMMENTARY Thursday, May 8, 1997 - Page 4 Graduating seniors reflect on past four years at WMC By SARAH SIiECKEU.s AND LISA T. nomics major Ryan John said that his Communication major Jim Boicourt, Although the dreaded math profi- HILL best friends-Randy, Mike: Andy, Pete, who gave WMC an eight, said, "I've ciency test will not be required for the Comribmj11gWrifers Brian, Kevin, Drew, and Donald-will only made one better decision, [but] incoming class of 200 I, political science be his most vivid recollection. WMC also loses a point for not serving major Leslie Kirkwood reminds other With a mixture of nostalgia and re- Likewise, sociology major Brian the tastiest food around." students to take it before their last se- lief at the close of another chapter of Culley said, "Playing on the baseball One of the main complaints these se- mester on {he Hill. their lives, the graduating class of 1997 team and making a bunch of great niors expressed was the inadequacy of "Take the math and math class as looks back on their four years at WMC friends" will be his best memory. the social life on campus. Communi- soon as you can," said Kirkwood. "By as they prepare for Commencement on In addition to sharing their fondest cation and theater major Kristen Olsh the time you're a senior, you have little May 24. memories, seniors were also asked to wrote that the "continuous 'crack time, and it's a lot of unneeded pres- In the past few weeks, surveys have rate their experience at WMC, number down'" on' all levels of sl~de~t revelry" sure." been distributed to randomly chosen one being "the worst decision [they] has "become ridiculous." Boicourt suggested bringing a com- seniors, asking them to express their puter to school and making sure it is a feelings about WMC. Half of those "The results of the survey varied, but one thing was Macintosh with Clarisworks. who responded were women and half held in common: these seniors have many special A majority of the seniors suggested were men. There was also a good bal- others should make the most of their ance between commuters and residen- memories to take with them" college years. "Do your work, but en- tial students. joy your four years here, because they'l! The results of the survey varied, but have ever made" and J 0 being "the best On a more cultural note, art and com- be over before you know it," said Culley. one thing was held in common: these time of [their] life." Most of the an- munication major Calvin Lineberger As for the academic side of things, seniors have many special memories to swers ranged between seven and nine. said he would have liked to have a more John and communication major Jeanine take with them. "I strongly believe that WMC was diverse campus with more students. Witles advised students to get to know Although students spend the major- very important in making me the per- In addition, John and political sci- their professors. ity of their college days in classes and son 1 am today," said art and art his- ence major Randy Rytter agree that "Get involved in as many activities doing work, much time is spent devel- tory major Heidi Snyder. "I have be- communication between students and as possible, and get to know as many oping lasting friendships and relation- come open-minded and have acquired the' administration needs to be recipro- people as possible, including students, ships with others. great leadership skills." cated. faculty, and administration," John said. When asked what her most vivid Even though most students have had "I would make the school adminis- "Not only do you build lasting relation- memory of WMC wiil be 10 years a fairly good experience here, several tration more student-friendly," John '. ships, you can get things done more ef- down the road, communication major still. have a few last complaints. commented. "I know they try to listen, fectively," Shea Henyon said, "I don't think I'll Respondents mentioned the need for but sometimes I don't think they try to Although these seniors cannot speak have one particular memory, but I will more computers, better food in the din- understand." for the entire graduating class, their look back and think of a lot of terrific ing hall, improved living conditions, After spending four years at WMC, classmates would surely agree that while memories and very special friend- less rules and restrictions with dorm seniors leaving in less than a month also they are happy to be moving on to "big- ships." ~ life, a better social' life, and more had advice for incoming first-year stu- ger and better things," a part of them will Business administration and eco- school spirit. dents as well as current underclassmen. always miss their days at WMC. Changing Quiet Hours .• P.ROVS.CON The Phoenix was recently made aware By ADAM DEAN By ERIN HOWARD them. of a proposal by Director of Residence Life Edi/OrialsCo·editor Editorials Co-eduor The present quiet hours are not severely or Scott Kane to push the start of quiet hours strictly enforced. Generally, those being ex- back from 9 o'clock to ten or even later. One might argue that by extending the Although changing quiet hours from be- tremely noisy only receive warnings, only in This reporter thinks that is a great idea. quiet hours the time available to students ginning at 9 p.m. to beginning at 10 p.m. would extreme cases are people documented. Keep- This is a great idea and a very prag- to study hassle free is reduced. This would be a minor change, I disagree entirely. Resi- ing this in mind, it is difficult to say that an matic one. The quiet hours as they now be a convincing argument if it were not so dence Life has recently proposed this change excess of pointless noise violations is a real exist are difficult to enforce and do not irrelevant in real life. First of all, quiet in quiet hours because they believe it would issue. reflect the reality most college students hours are inconsistently and erratically be more practical for acollegecampus, as most If quiet hours began at 9 p.m. on weekends, face living on campus. enforced by the RAs. In some locations students are not going to bed at this time, and I would be one of the first pe.ople to say that quiet hours are no more than suggestions. Resident Assistants say that it would be much "Under these conditions Second, no one is ever hassle free on a easier to enforce. True, it is much more prac- cc ••• what about those college campus. You get phone calls, tical for those interested social interaction, but having quiet hours start people drop by, the whole nine yards. And what about those who occasionally would like who occasionally would as early as 9 p.m. is third, there are plenty oflocations in which to study? Isn't that one of the major reasons like to study? Isn't that to study. The library has permanent quiet we are here? ridiculous. At 9 o'clock hours. That is why I always do most of my Particularly busy students do not even be- one of the major on most nights the studying and reading for class there. If you gin their homework until later in the evening, It reasons we are here?" and 9 p.m. seems like prime time to begin. want, sit outside on a pleasant day, go down evening is really just to Harvey Stone Park or sit in Red Square. would be -impractical for everyone seeking they should be pushed back or even abolished. You can even study in Decker Center most some peace and quiet to go to the library to But they don't, weekend quiet hours are mod- beginning. " nights. study. Of course there are other places.on cam- erated to be conducive to the social lives of Quiet hours are important. They pro- pus to study, but some people, like myself, en- college students, just as the weekday quiet the city that never sleeps." Well, Western vide some quiet time to the majority of stu- joy the convenience and comfort of studying hours, beginning at nine are conducive to stu- Maryland is the college that doesn't sleep dents and enable us to sleep more easily in their room and are entitled to doing so with- dents desiring to study. very much. than if the room next door was blaring out excessive, unwanted disturbances. Quiet hours are established for the benefit Under these conditions having quiet music at three in the morning. But starting No, quiet hours are not conducive to blar- of those wishing to concentrate and for those hours start as early as 9 p.m. is ridiculous. them at 9 p.m. is ludicrous: All starling ing your stereo or television, or shouting in who are unaware of the ways of common cour- At 9 o'clock most nights the evening is quiet hours that early does is harass stu- the halls. but these acts are annoying and tesy. They are really not that invconveniencing really just beginning. I myself work late dents who would like to take a little study inappropriate at any time of day. Therefore, or difficult to abide by the way they are right and don't usually get home until after nine. break before finishing up and turning in. J do not support changing quiet hours sim- now. Honestly, I believe it is sad that quiet As the rules are now, I can not listen to my ply to allow people to listen to their stereos hours even need to be established. Wouldn't it radio at any volume other than a moderate or talk to people from opposite ends of the be nice if everyone was just considerate? one, or watch television if the sounds might Adam Dean is a junior Political Science hall a little while longer, which seems to me Erin Howard is a freshman Communica- disturb the neighbors. major. to be the primary argument for changing tions major
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