Page 162 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 162
Thursday, May 8,1997 - Page 6 NEWS Levine Music Hall to receive a much needed addition cently approved the plan for construction and the much easier," says Mrs. Kirkpatrick, "Students funding is there. Presently, the College is taking won't even have to leave the complex. It will bids from construction companies. make the music department more self contained Or. Boudreaux hopes that classes will not have and complete," to be interrupted by the construction of the new Structurally, this addition will be able to be wing. Accommodations have been made to move added onto in the future. There are plans to build summer courses to Hill Hall in order for the con- a second floor on top of the planned band room. struction to begirt Common Ground on the Hill This will be added when the funds become avail- istheonlygroupusingLevinethisswnmer. How- able. ever, according to Dr. Boudreaux, the construc- This administration is making a very good tion should be a minimal distraction. effort to help this growing program. Dr. The facility includes many new advances. Boudreaux feels that this administration is happy, There will be an elevator that makes me building proud, and pleased with this music program at handicap accessible. There will also be ramps WMC. She also feels thatthey are also frustrated leading into each room. The elevator area will be by the fact that they could not do something sooner used for storage lockers for students and there will to accommodate the growing department. Dr. also be and open staircase. Then there is the new Boudreaux will soon be going on sabbatical and band room. she hopes that this project will have somedosure Here will be the new home of the band and before she leaves. Above is an architects 3-d rendering of the new addition to the right of Levine Hall small ensembles such as the jazz band. Mrs. Linda Before construction begins, some trees will Kirkpatrick and Mr. 80 Eckard have really built have to be removed and also the generator and air BYMrCHElJ.EL Hcu. rehearsal faciliries.therecitalhallis meant forsmall up this program. conditioners which are located between Alumni Staff Writer groups, and there is no area for the band to prac- ''It [the addition] will make band practice so Hall and Levine hall will be moved. Levine Hall, one of the music buildings on tice. Dr. "We are a wondering tribe." says campus, will soon be getting bigger. Boudreaux, 'There is no one music building." Passover celebrated on Levine is the oldest building on campus, and as of this year, it has not been greatly renovated. This addition is going to unify the music de- The recital hall did receive minor renovation a partment. Thenew hall wi!! be utilized forperfor- students few years ago. However, this building can no rnances and classes. This will also open the door longer completely house the music department. to creating a music library accessible to all stu- Due to the growing number of music majors, dents. This library will also have a computer with and music minors, Levine can no longer accom- MIDI hook up to work on class assigned projects. modate the academic class. There are only two The main part of Levine Hall still needs some realclassrooms in the building, the recital hall and renovations. For example, the practice rooms and a classroom on the third floor. lessons rooms are in desperate need of sound proofing. The extension onto Levine is still in the early stages of the project but the Board of Trustees re- TlONS internship is available in the spring 2 months starting immediately, with 1--::==-==:-:--==--::--:------1 possibility of full time employment. The Students attending this years seder meal enjoyed a delicious meal whitt obs:~:~~O~~~ S~JUE!RA Porches, intern will work on administrative and Judaisms oldest holidays and traditions. --- Cadillacs, Chevys, BMV's, Corvettes. policy projects under the guidance of gether. The ISU's seder was open to all on AlsoJeeps,4WD's. YourArea. TollFree experts in arms control issues, attend campus and as the participants went through 1-800-218-9CXXl Ext.A- 3327for current meetings and network in the arms control On Tuesday the twenty-second of April, the seder the significance of the actions was listings. community, and attend Congressional the Jewish Student Union held a sederdin- explained. However, because there are so debates. Transportation costs of daily ner to celebrate the holiday of Passover. many things involved in the process of a commute are reimbursed. The intern The seder is a special meal held at Pass- seder, there wasn't enough time to go into ADOPTION recognize the need for new national over to help Jewish families remember what great detail about each step. priorities, and have a willingness A loving family and secure home await about major legislation, Congres- suffering their ancestors went through in Some of the loss in explanation could be your baby. Stay home mom, professional sional selections, and key weapons Egypt and how God delivered them from the attributed to the particular Haggadah that was dad and our adopted son wish to share our systems; and have an interest in U.S. Egyptians. This year's ceremony was led used. Tiffany Urbansky commented the "the lives and love with another child. Medical involvement in UN peacekeeping, reduc- by the father of the Jewish Student Union's Haggadah that was used didn't explain the and legal expenses paid. Let's help each ing the USlglobal weapons sales, and how advisor, Sue Singer. Attendees took turns holiday as much as it could have." other. Call Sue and Bruce at 410-467- reading from the Haggadah, a special book The JSU is attempting to use a different, these issues impact US nations security 9423 or 1-800-404-5589. that tells the story of Passover and gives in- more explanatory Haggadah for next year's and the world. Forty hours a week, with structions on how the seder should be con- dinner. 1b:~~~~~~~~~iI==i1room for flexibility if needed. To apply, ducted. JSU president, Heather Corto, stated that send resume and cover letter to Ms. Jenny foods are eaten the seder special GOOD Smith, Council for a Livable World, 110 to signify certain aspects of the lives of the she "think]s] this year's seder generally went During very well." WEEKLY Maryland Ave., N.E., Suite 409, Washing- Jews on Egypt. Some foods include hard- According to those who attended last INCOME ton, DC 20002, FAX 202/543-6297 or call boiled eggs which symbolize the rebirth of year's seder, the setup was more intimate and 202/543-4100 for more information. processing mail for Equal Opportunity Employment. the Jewish Nation, bitter herbs (horseradish) friendly this year and there was more food. this year's seder, and said the bitterness of bondage tional company! which symbolize which is eaten because the Heather planned it was a lot of work "this din- in Egypt, matza that although supplies, postage! ner was a lot more organized." Her advice selling! Bonuses! GOV'T FORECLOSED homes Jews could not wait for the bread to rise dur- to anyone planning an event such as this is a which ing their exodus, and charcsth, immeadiatly! from pennies on $1. Delinquent mixture of apples, wine and nuts which would be to "keep on top of it." opportunity!Rush Tax, Repo's. Your Area. Toll stands for the sweetness of freedom. Through Although the seder was long, as most V M C, SUITE Free (I) 800-218-9000 Ext. H- this the history is remembered. usually are, the guests who were able to stay 1861 N. FEDERAL 3327 for current listings. Seders are usually held in the home and for the entire dinner were happy to do so and HOLLYWOOD,FL family and friends gather to celebrate to- were pleased to have attended.
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