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Thursday, April 24, 1997 - FEATURES College television is reborn at WMC Dundes Addition of new networks and "alternative college" programming on coordinates Channel 17 makes for exciting viewing after a two-year hiatus apprenticeship program For sports fans there is ESPN. For rnu- sic enthusiasts there is MTV. And now for the Western Maryland College fanatic there lYAM makes WMC is Channel 17. Channel 17 has resurfaced following a students into mentors two year hiatus, according to assistant pro- fessor of communication Robert Lemieux Ill" AIIIII R[JIl~lAN StaffWrile, He was asked to be the advisor of the station last fall. This summer, WMC students who would Stolen equipment, lack of funds, and no like to spend their vacation helping improve studio were some of the problems facing the lives of others, need look no further. ..., Channel 17. But afterreceivingagrant from Since last year, Western Maryland Col- . the SGA, buying new equipment, and put- lege has sponsored a "Community-Based ting a studio together in the basement of Rou- Strategic Learning Prevention Program," zer, Lemieux looks forward to the "rebirth called Integrated Youth Apprenticeship of Channel 17." Method (lYAM) that is coordinated by Dr. At the helm of this "rebirth" is station Lauren Dundcs, professor of sociology. It manager Tom Gill, a senior communication focuses on the problems in communities major. Gill became interested in Channel JOSE(JUIIA)$IQUIOIRA where youth face violent street life without 17 after reading about it in a WMC viewbook Jonathan Rattner takes control ofClwnnel17. proper career guidance or constructive ac- he received while in high school. When Gill tivities. arrived at WMC, he was disappointed to find "Clueless" and "The Phantom." past week, and a "Week in Review." Ac- According to Dundes, IYAM "provides the station nonexistent. "Let's bring it back," Channel 17 also shows free programs sent cording to Lemieux, Channel 17 also airs a a foundation for stability" by reaching out he said, deciding to dedicate his time to this to the station from outside sources. "Burly student produced movie review show and to areas in East Baltimore through student project. Bear" and "Da Spot," are examples of these an investment program hosted by WMC mentors. These college mentors provide "We're up and running again." Gill said. "alternative college" shows. "These are alumni, Christopher Ozaewslli. valuable role models to the youths, stress- The station is on the air seven days a week shown at a lot of the big universities," Gill In addition to the "rebirth" of Channel ing the importance of education, values, from 7 p.m. until I u.m. On Tuesday nights said. 17, two new cable stations have been added goals, and discussing how to deal with an- new movies are broadcasted on Channel 17 As for local programming, Channel 17 to regular cable service at WMC. Lemieux ger. and are rebroadcasted the following Mon- broadcasts "WMC in Brief," a news show IYAM also provides opportunities for the with day night. Past movies have included that looks at the major campus events of the Continued on page 9 children to participate in other activities activi- of the mentors. These the guidance WMC offers study abroad SERVE-ing T being taught from field trips to museums, to ties range to make own Arncan their tech- opportunity in Budapest others over drums and performing basic drumming to voca- for mayor, niques Baltimore's Kurt Schmoke. They also gain exposure Spring Break tional and career options, community service not trouble transferring classes and credits projects, that includes preparing an art ex- BOYNICKI KASSOUS AsstnantFeatures Editor 10 fulfill BLARS and major requirements, hibit in city hall, visit places like Chuck E. since the school is part of WMC. Presently IIY DAN WOOTEN Cheese, and even take a week-long camping Have you ever wanted to spend a semes- the following courses are offered at WMC- Contributing Writer trip. ter abroad? Have you ever dreamed of tak- Budapest: Accounting, Calculus, Under- What did ten students and an advisor do The key to IYAM's success is sending the ing courses amiss {he rich cultural backdrop standing Europe, Introduction to Political over spring break while others were getting right message to children. That is why the of Europe? Well now Western Maryland Science, English Composition, Principles of tan? They each paid $50 to travel eight mentors are so important. Dundes explained College-Budapest can make your dreams a Economics, Elementary Statistics, Principles hours to Dungannon, Va. to repair homes that they provide hope and inspiration to reality. 'of Marketing, Speech Arts, Technical Writ- for low income families. youth at-risk of delinquency. The role mod- For the first time in the fall of '96 stu- ing, and History of Western Art. In addition, SERVE, Students Engaged in Rural Vol- els help the children realize that they can be dents from WMC-Budapest came to the two courses about the political systems of unteer Experiences, is WMC's own AJter- anything they want, do anything they want, main WMC campus. In the fall of '97, Di- Eastern Europe are being taught. native Spring Break Program. It was' and even go to college. In order to obtain rector of Admissions Martha O'Connell While the school's size aIJows it to offer founded two years ago to provide an inex- this though, Dundes noted, " We need the hopes to send WMC students to study in only a limited number of courses, the pro- pensive alternative to the traditional spring right kind of staff whom the children will Budapest. gram directors are willing to work with the break taken by many college students. respect." She said this is necessary to build "Budapest is a remarkable, magical place student's individual needs. "Ifsomebodycan While in Dungannon this year, students up trust between the staff and children which and one that will change [your] life if [you] define what they want to do, then we can do hung dry-wall, laid linoleum, repaired a explains why there is only about one staff take the opportunity to live there for three our best to work it out," said O'Connell who roof, built wails, and painted. In all, five member to every three children, providing months," she said. adds this may involve independent study families were helped by the WMC SERVE an environment ideal for bonding. O'Connell visited Budapest for a week courses and internships. team. SERVE would not be possible with- This summer IYAM will be funded by and describes the city as rich in history and Provost Joan Coley encourages WMC out the generous support of others, and we the Goldsmith Family Foundation with culture. The public transportation system students to take part in this study abroad op- would like to thank the following people $10,000 in matching funds. Johns Hopkins and the fact that English is spoken at Ihe portunity. ''The experience in general is en- and organizations for making this year's trip Hospital's Corporate and Community Rela- campus make Budapest a "very manageable riching and Budapest itself is spectacular," possible: tions will fund $8,000 and the Carpet Cleaner city," said O'Connell. she said. Coley has been to Budapest five Dr. Robert Chambers (a privately owned business) also has Perhaps the most attractive feature of this times and describes it as "a very cosmopoli- Provost Joan Coley pledged $2,000. However, Dundes said that study abroad opportunity is the cost. Study- tan city." Dean Phil Sayre financial assistance is always welcome and ing in Budapest would cost a WMC student Students who chose to study in Barnes and Noble needed because increased funding can attow the same amount of money as it would to Budapest will Live in apartments with other Sodexho for more children to be served with more .srudy here. All financial aid and scholar- WMC students. They will be given money Student GovemmentAssociation stimulating activities. ships travel with the students to Budapest. for their meals and will have the option of Dr. Con Darcy All WMC sudeneareencouragedto bea part This is not the case with any other study eating in a dining hall. Mrs. Carolyn Yates of IYAM. There are some paid positions avail- abroad program, according to Dr. Martine If you are interested in studying in GiantFoodStore.s able for students who wouJd be good role models Motard-Noar, associate professor of French Budapest in the fall of '97, contact Martine Grace Fellowship Chapel for African-American youth. Dundes wants stu- and coordinator of the study abroad pro- Motard-Noer at x467 or 857-2467. You can Ellerslie United Methodist Church dents to be a part of the program because help and grams. "[WMC-Budapest'sJ greatest advan- also reach her bye-mail at Grace Fellowship Church volunteers are essential to bettering the lives of tage is that there's full transfer of scholar- The deadline If you would like more infonnation ebout our these children, their community, and their future. ships and financial aid," she said. for registration at WMC-Budapest for the fall trip or how you can become involved with For more information contact Dr. Lauren Dundes Students who study in Budapest will have semester is in early lune. SERVE contact Dan Wooten at (410)75 1-828 I. at extension or (410) 857-2534.
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