Page 151 - ThePhoenix1996-97
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FEATURES Thursday, April 24, 1997 - Page 7 Milstein gets down to business with VITA tax program the student organizers of the pro- a model at the regional conference course for the past four years, ad- gram. for IRS agents three years ago. vising trumpeters, and advising the Due to the strong commitment Impressed yet? On top of her sorority Alpha Nu Omega for 12 Milstein has to the program, the teaching and running the tax pro- years. original instructors have requested gram, she has had her own account- Anyone can see her admiration to come back every year for the ing company, Kessler and Milstein, for Alpha Nu Omega by just set- past four years. for the past 15 years. The com- ting foot into her office which is Milstein's commitment has.en- pany serves approximately 150 cli- filled with pandas, the sorority couraged student commitment and ents and added 10 this year, she mascot. This panda craze started taken this program to a business- noted. in Milstein's second year of teach- like level. She has also owned her own in- ing at WMC. Five of her students Ryan John, a senior business vitation business for the past 28 were Omegas and they invited her and economics major, recognizes years. It came into existence when to a meeting and later asked her to what Milstein means to VITA. her husband Marvin worked for a become their adviser. "She is the sole reason it exists, printing company and, after the "Mrs. M.", as the girls call her, the program is her brainchild," third call from a customer inquir- recalled the feeling that engulfed said John, who added that Milstein ing about invitations, he called Su- her at that first meeting: "I could is the driving force behind the pro- san and asked if she wanted to go tell it was right because the girls gram. She plays a vital role be- into business. She remarked what were so full of life." Even cause she is the main CPA that a great money-maker this business Milstein's daughters, Jen and ".. checks the returns. would be if she only had more time Debbie. observed what a special During VITA's first two years, to devote to it. thing Alpha Nu Omega was and af- the college gave the students in- Milstein has covered a lot of ter years of growing up with the volved a grant of $500 which en- ground having two master's de- sorority they became sisters with abled them to purchase the basic grees. Recently she was asked to their mom as an adviser. When Jen supplies. The following two years, be the chairwoman for a commit- was asked what it was like having they received whatever amount tee, specifically Members in Edu- "mom" as an adviser, she said, "My WMC Professor of Economics Susan Milstein plays a vital role in VITA was needed for incidentals. In the cation, of the Maryland Association mom knew a good place to be and Perhaps one of her greatest achieve- future, the free tax program will of Certified Public Accountants I felt the same thing." BY SHEA HENYON ments on campus is the free tax help be built into the economics/bust- (MACPA). The MACPA repre- ContriblllingWrirer Last spring Milstein gave up program. In 1993, Milstein wanted ness administration department sents almost 10,000 CPA's in the advising the sorority, rape crisis, Her husband teases her about to organize a program which would budget, Milstein said. state of Maryland. This is the same and teaching mahjongg. Fortu- calling the FBI's missing persons allow her students studying to be The program requires little organization that awarded her the nately, she was forced to give up bureau. Rightfully so, because this CPA's (Certified Public Accountant) money because two computers "Outstanding College Accounting these activities because her tax busy lady is unstoppable and rarely to provide free tax help to students were donated by Palladin Com- Teacher of the Year in the state of business is growing rapidly and at home. and low- income individuals. So she puter Company, Kiplinger Corpo- Maryland," in 1992. the MACPA committee is time This full of life, has-her-nose- contacted the IRS and asked them ration donated software, Staples Despite all her career achieve- consuming. in-everything, woman is associate to provide the needed forms. They donated a computer table, and a ments, Milstein still regards teach- It appears that Milstein will professor of the economics/bust- informed her that they already had parent also donated a computer ing and her involvement at WMC never let one aspect of her life ness administration department, an existing program called VITA table. This program has been so as being most important to her. Her take up all her time because, as Susan Milstein. (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance), well pur together and organized by active life inthe WMC community John put it, "She is energetic and In her 14 years at WMC her in- The IRS also lold her thai they Milstein that the IRS used her has included the rape-crisis pro- always willing to rtr students into volvement has been impressive. would send two instructors to train method of running the program as gram, teaching mahjongg Jan term her schedule and do it happily." "... The RAV4, Which Corners Better, Rides More Smoothly And Feels "Toyota's New RAV4 Seems To Bridge The Cat Chasm Between Car And Truck. This More Nimble Than Any SUV Made." -AutoWeek, June '96 Little Wagon With Big Wheds Is A Car And A "lruck," -Car And Dnv", April W "TIle RAV4 Is A Fun-Junkie's DreamMachine." -Car And Driver. 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