Page 149 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 149
NEWS Thursday, April 24, 1997 - Page 5 They Might Be Giants rock Western Maryland College continuedfrom page J ing; the spotlight was on two man- began their set. The five-man nequin heads on poles that reached band's upbeat tunes, highlighted by to the ceiling, lipsyncing the words the lead singer's keyboards, with mouths that opened and closed prompted plenty of cheers and on strings. dancing from the crowd. TM BG used a lot of audience The opening act lasted about 40 participation to make their fans part minutes, then after a 45 minute lull of the show. During one song in the action, TMBG began their about halfway through their perfor- performance at 9:30. mance, the band called for the entire The music lasted for well over crowd to form a conga line that an hour, but after nearly five min- snaked all throughout the gym. utes of cheering from the crowd, What the band didn't ask for, but the band returned for a two-song got, was an audience that for the most encore. This featured what may be part could sing right along with the TMBG's most popular and imme- songs. The crowd seemed to know diately recognizable song, every word to the TMBG hit "Bird- "Istanbul (NOI Constantinople)." house In Your Soul," from Flood. The band's quirky musical style translated into a lighthearted, fun, concert was advertised on 99.1 WHFS, in order to bring others Government Assembly. from the community to the show. tory Showroom. Within minutes a The first step was to survey All security was handled by the rainbow of confetti was shot from WMC students to get an idea of Phi Sigma Sigma sorority, Sigma the stage and one fan in the crowd who they wanted to see. Accord- Phi Epsilon and Phi Kappa Sigma was blowing bubbles. ing to one student who voted, the fraternities, the Campus Concert A lot of what made the concert list also contained groups such as Corrunittee, Campus Safety, and an as unique as TMBG's music was use Garbage and Elastica. Scheduling, off-duty Westminster Police Of- of unusual instrumentation. There the size of the crowd the band ficer. was accordion accompaniment on a might draw, and money were also Mulhern stressed that everyone few of the songs, and one featured a factors that ultimately made TMBG involved put in their maximum ef- glockenspiel. A headbanging rendi- the school's choice, Mulhern said. fort, working from noon to 1:30 tion of Maryland's Stale Song pro- It cost $10,000 to bring the band a.m. on the day of the concert. vided another offbeat. memorable to WMC, plus more than $5,000 "Everything that is done to get extra for sound and lights, catering, the band is totally student volun- teer work," Mulhern said.
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