Page 104 - ThePhoenix1996-97
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Thursday, February 20, ) 997 - Page 8 FEATURES Dining at the Chicken N' Ruth Deily "Star Wars: The Special Continued from page 9 / Edition" - still out of this fers many types of sandwiches, break- spread. The decor includes framed cop- Bal- world after twenty years fasts, and desserts, waiter Jonathan ies of newspapers and magazines includ- Schulman said the milkshakes are the ing ~ The Baltimore Sun, best by far. "Think milkshakes," he timore Magazine, and The Capitol, all said, referring to the thick concoctions featuring articles about the deli and its e-release of George Lucas's sci-fi classic made with real ice cream and served in owners. old- fashioned soda fountain glasses. The restaurant is decorated largely rings the force to a whole new generation For the big appetite, brightly col- with items of memorabilia, such as let- ored placards on the wall list the many ters from fans, photos of famous custom- BY JIM GROSS Princess Lea, the swashbuckling Han Solo an speciality sandwiches, named for ers, and of course the bagels strung down Sta/fWriter his pal Chewbakka, and the.clumsy C-3PO an people who have ordered them fre- from the ceiling. There are plaques over his chirping friend R2-D2. And who coul quently. certain tables reserved for the governor Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away ... forget the powerful and menacing evil of Dart These eight words define the beginning Vader. Most notable are William Donald and city council members. f a movie that most current college stu- So once again, Luke, Han, Leia, an ents have never seen on the big screen but friends do battle against the evil Imperia But is i "It's the fact that you get so many different types of till know every line by heart .. Empire and try to destroy the planet. .yes. Th the 20th anniversary This year marks worth the $7 to get in? In a word. people. This is really Annapolis, this is the f the original release of George Lucas' added scenes and effects make the movie re "Star Wars," and everyone asterpiece, traditional small-town deli. It's a fantastic elebrate with the re-release of the trilogy. can The added scenes and On Jan 31 the lines at movie theaters restaurant. No better place in the world. " orldwide were packed with people eager effects make the movie lonathun Schulman, waiter o see "Star Wars: The Special Edition." refreshing and there are nd why is this edition special? It is filled ith computer enhanced visual and audio surprises around every Schaffer, Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, Schulman notes another large reason seen by and of course, Maryland Governor for the restaurant being so special, "It's ffecrs, and scenes never before really im- turn. e public. These enhancements Parris Glendening. the fact that you get so many different rove the blockbuster and help to make it Besides its convenient hours, Chicken types of people. This is really Annapo- N' Ruth's is also one of the least expensive lis, this is the traditional small- town ppear more realistic. station The explosion of the freshing and there are surprises around eve no longer looks eath Star space places to eat in Annapolis. The food is rea- deli." he same as a tiny TIE fighter. The techni- tum. It is definitely better on the big screen. If you see only one movie this year, this shout sonably priced (the-popular milkshakes start Whether for a take-out snack or a sit- al face-lift given to the "Special Edition" be it. at about $2.50) and the portions are large. down meal, Chicken N' Ruth's is one of "The Empire Strike Table service is standard, even for ice cream dining experience that will never be for- akes it new and interesting for even the Back" With the re-release 21, "Return of the Jedi' ost die-hard fans. on February cones, but carry-out is also available if you gotten. Many people agree with Best of all for me, was the opportunity on March 7, and the huge popularity of th so choose. Schulman, who said,"It's a fantastic res- o see my favorite childhood characters on The fame...pfAbiSJ..ittlqdeJi taurant..No better place in th,e world.';, toys and books, I think that Obi Wan Kenobi he big screen. The young and naive hero said it best: "The force will be with you .. _uke Sky~\llk~r, the I:!¥~t!f.!-'\ a~d .l} WE'RE PACKED FOR Peterson Hall hosts SPRING BREAK Chatterley Exhibit By~~~;::ri~!MURA who is angry can ~terally be in someone's face. The sculpture titled "Emergence" shows a man On display at the Esther Rice Prangley Gal- kneeling away from a wall that contains his imprint. lery are the life-sized sculptures of Mark This is to illustrate where man came from. Chatterley. " Mr. and Mrs. Archetype" are two standing, life- The seven sculptures are practices in the sized sculptures, and "Morphogenic Wave" is a metaphysical and abstract" and are inspired by sculpture with figures that are sitting closely, one the "artistic tradition of the metaphysical, seri- behind the other. ous and humorous," Dr. Michael Losch, asso- Overall, the exhibit demands a lot of the viewer ciate professor of art, said. but is worth the free visit to the gallery. The sculp- At first glance, the sculptures appear to be tors will be on display until March 14. solid rock or stone. However, they are actually made of ceramic arid are hollow. The effect of having the sculptures appear stone-like, makes them look like people who have been caught in ashes for 100 long. Theeyes ereactuallyshts inspiredby"Japa- nese and Chinese prints," according to Losch. These slits put a focus on looking beyond the obvious and into the inside, or the soul. One of the seven exhibits, "The Sin Eat- ers," is a table and chair set. The "table" is made of two sculpture people who are dead, and the "chairs" are four sculptures seated around the ''table.'' Viewers are permitted to sit at any of the "chairs." The whole premise of 'The Sin Eaters" Losch said, is the ancient belief that people had to eat the sins of the dead in order for them to go to heaven. Other sculptures in the exhibit, "In Your Face," "Dirty Dancing," and "Kiss," are pretty straight forward. "Kiss" is a piece of artwork in which two figures are melded together in a OWJNGSMIlISTOWNC£NTIR 410·356-0280 kiss to illustrate that in this union, faces seem to disappear and two people become one ... TYSONSCORNERC£NTIR 703-748- 1987 Dirty Dancing" are two figures intertwined among Mark Chatterley's Swlmwear year 'round FAlROAKSMAll703·3S9-2943 and "In Your Face" is a sculpture illustrating A sculpture of clay sculptures be0~ disp!p)'e? Jf collection the strong forceIhat anger is, andhow aperson Peterson. Hall ¥n(il March./4.. II \'r\'
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