Page 109 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 109
S P 0 R T S Thursday, February 20, 1997 _ Page 13 Men's basketball works hard to earn 9-11record Will Marshall hits 1000 point mark as underclassmen step up to help team By DAN GAIlD had to do at the beginning of the scored a game high 33 points 10 Slu!flVr;ter year. One of those things was con- give WMC a come-from-behind ditioning," said Zoulias. "We felt win against Catholic. In the Get- Entering the 1996-97 season our team was not as well condi- tysburg contest, senior forward things looked bleak for the West- tioned last year as they should Daeviid St. Rose scored seven ern Maryland men's basketball have been. We had a very good, straight points in a 58-second span team. They were coming off a dev- strong preseason conditioning pro- to key the Terror's conference win. astating 4-20 1995-96 season, and gram for our guys this year." St. Rose also added 21 points would go into this season with Zoulias feels that this hard against Frostburg, as Marshall net- seven freshmen and four sopho- work has allowed the learn to win ted a game high 27 points which mores. games that would have slipped put him over 1,000 points on his Despite all this, the Green Ter- away last year. "At times it seemed career. Freshman center Brian ror have turned their fortunes almost like early last year, but the Billman scored a season-high 20 around to earn a respectable 9-11 difference was these guys hung points to top four WMC players in record, including a victory over with it and made things happen." double figures in their non-confer- Franklin and Marshall in their last Their hard work has paid off, ence win over Villa Julie; sopho- game. and with four games remaining more guard Brian Tombs added 15 Head coach Nick Zoulias cred- they have already more than points and Marshall and St. Rose its the players' work ethic and de- doubled their number of wins from contributed 14and 11, respectively. sire for making the difference. a year ago. In their last game the Green "This is a different team than last January saw wins to Catholic Terror defeated Franklin and . year's team," he said. "It's a dif- University (84-84), Gettysburg Marshall 71-64. Although they lost ferent composition of players, and College (82-74), Frostburg State an earlier contest by 33 points this I think these guys have a higher University (84-73), Haverford season to the Diplomats, the Green level of commitment to playing." College (65-60), Villa Julie Col- Terror came ready to play in the Part of this commitment was lege (76-75, and Franklin and Sophomore Brian Tombs dribbles around his Franklin and Marshall rematch. Billman scored 18 points opponent to help the team de/eat F&M by a score 0/71-64 established in the preseason. "We Marshall. and grabbed 15 rebounds to lead talked about some things that we Junior forward Will Marshall Western Maryland, as Tombs added 13 points and sophomore guard points. Kevin Buckley contributed 12 "Will is a real hard worker and points off the bench. a dedicated player," said Zoulias. The victory ended a 24 game "He did it when we played very well losing streak to the-Diplomats, dat- and won the game against ing back" 10 1985. "Our guys Frostburg, who was a pretty good Showed a lot of courage," Zoulias team, and we playedoneefiou! best said. "The whole history of com- g~~~ o~t:'ifjar...ttr~~~harmade "Will is a real hard worker and a dedicated player. He did it when wee played very well and won the game against Frostburg, who was a pretty good team, and wee played one of our best games of thee year. ..that 's what made it special." Head Coach Nick Zoulias Sophomore Brian Tombs attempts 10 score 111"0while senior Will Marshall prepares/or the rebound. petition against Franklin and it special." Marshall has been one of frustra- With two freshmen and only one players on the team. team's leading scorer in four of the outside shooter, hitting 45 three tion and disappointment." senior in the starting line up, most Billman is currently fourth on last five games, and was named to point baskets this season, good for "I told the guys 'this is really a of the credit for the improvement the team in scoring, and leads the the Centennial Conference's third in the conference. "(Tombs) big game for us and not just for us, this season has to 11"0 to the oun er team in rebounds. He has been the Weekly Honor Roll this past week is coming into his own as a player, but there are a lot of guys that for his performance against Villa as we thought he Would," said worked their butts off at Western FREE TAX HELP Julie and F&M. Zoulias. Maryland, toiled for years playing FOR WHOM: For Students and Other Low to Low Moder- Freshman point guard Jeff Cree With leading scorer Will under frustration that this means a ate Income Tax Payers has also been a key player for the Marshall and several other key lot to," Zouiias said. WHERE: Western Maryland College-Gold Room B Green Terror this season, and he players returning next season as Before the game, Marshall was WHEN: currently leads the team in assists. well, the Green Terror men look recognized for scoring his IOOOth Tuesday Thursday Saturday "Cree has emerged as a very good ready to make a successful run at point two weeks earlier versus 7-9 pm 7-9 pm 12 am - Sp.m. freshman point guard," commented the Centennial Conference title. Frostburg State. Marshall is the February II February 13 February 15 Zoulias. "We think our future is bright," fourteenth player in Western February 18 February 20 February 22 Tombs, another young player. Zoulias said. Maryland's history to score 1000 February 25 February 27 Marchi has proven that he is a dangerous March 4 March 6 March 8 March IJ March 13 March 29 March 25 March 27 April 5 April I April 3 April 12 Sti.~ - IS.VOOMadhlY April 8 April 10 WORkiNG diSTRibUTiNG OUR PRodUCT BROCkuRES. Walk-ins welcome from February 11 - February 22 GEt' PAid _ WE Supply BROC~URES. FO~~~~:~~~o:ea~:o~~~;~~::=:;:~::;;nt, In OR ea: FOR FREE INfo WRiTE: call Ryan John at 751-8291 if you are off campus / DIRECTOR Spring Break begin Mar~~ ~;91 if you are on campus. 1375 Coney laIand Ave., Ste. 427 ~,~l/~=====================B=~==~~=.=N=Y=1=1=2=30~ L_C_I"_"_'re_'_"m_,_M_'re_h_24
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