Page 105 - ThePhoenix1996-97
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FEATURES Thursday, February 20,1997 - Page 9 Parking problem addressed by the SGA NewslBrie Commuter Student Association Western Maryland College S!udent Gover "" Campus Concert Committee Addressing the problems Thanks to all who participated in the concert survey conducted by the BY NIKKI BELI.ANGER commuters have is one of the To raise money, the CSA campus Concert Committee. Due to availability, fluctuating price, and SrajfWriler holds various fund-raisers club's key functions. One such throughout the year. Some of previous show information, the Campus Concert Committee chose They What is one of the biggest problem is "getting information these activities include per- Might Be Giants 10 place a bid on. These are the top five bands listed problems commuter students to commuters about different forming live-action role play- in alphabetical order based on the campus survey. Please keep posted face at Western Maryland Col- activities and getting them in- ing, sponsoring Halloween for more information. lege? Finding a parking space. volved," eSA president, Sarah grams, holding a bake sale at Better Than Ezra The Commuter Student As- Simantel said. To deal with this the nontraditional student's Garbage sociation was created to ad- problem, the group conducted a magic show, and selling food Jewel dress this and many other prob- survey last year to find out the and soda at Spring Fling. The LL Cool J lems commuters face. One of best ways to help commuter stu- money is used to stock the They Might Be Giants its goals is to "help commuter dents. commuter lounge with free students feel connected to the The results of the survey put soda and to pay for photo- Need Poster-Making Supplies? campus," said Mitch the parking problem number one copies made by the CSA The SGA has recently purchased a set of Texas Markers and paper for Alexander, director of college on the list of concerns. "My big- This year, the CSA will hold poster-making. Any student organization is welcome to use the set for activities. gest problem is finding a park- an end-of-year pizza party. a fee of $5 to defray the cost of purchase. Forms will be available at The CSA is one of the old- ing space," commuter Laura The money raised by the party the Information Desk. Please contact Brandy at ext.. 8269 24 hours in advance to reserve the set. "There are more commuter students than there is parking. " Dorm Renovations Forum Sarah Simantel, Commuter Student Association President Thanks to all who participated in the Dorm Renovation Forum. Re- suits will be tallied and more information will follow next semester. est clubs on the WMC campus. Gatier said. will be used to buy something SGA Meetings Since it was established in "There are more commuter new for the commuter lounge, 1975, the club has grown to in- students than there is parking," such as a new television. Cur- SGA Meets every Wednesday at 8p.m. in Hill Hall 104. The campus clude 24 members, including a Simantel added. With the help rently the lounge has a couch, community is invited to attend. president, vice-president, sec- of Campus Safety, the CSA ad- a television, a radio, a small retary, and treasurer. The dressed this problem by opening refrigerator, and a microwave. Have a concern you would like SGA to address? group meets every Wednesday an additional gravel parking lot. With a small deposit, any com- Call SGAat ext. 631 or email at noon in the commuter stu- Permitting parking by the track, muter student can get a key dent lounge, located near providing commuters with more from Alexander to use the Englar Dining Hall. A bi- spaces, and giving more tickets, lounge at any time. who WMC's well-spoken monthly newsletter, which is are other steps being taken to Commuter students sent to all of the members of reduce the parking problem. would like more information the CSA and placed in Decker "Overall, we're pleased with about the CSA can either con- students face off at College Center, is produced by what's happened," Simantel tact Mitch Alexander or attend this organization. said. one of the weekly meetings. speech contest Annapolis offers unique dining at Chicken N' Ruth Deily Dr. Lemieux, assistant professor of communication, revives the event after BY COURTNEY RISCH landmark that reminds the diner days a week, which makes it 60 year absence SraffWriler of limes gone by. From the old- the perfect place to grab a mid- On certain days, you may style service and delicious food night snack or a very early BY Jli:N VICK speech entitled "A Holiday for even find the governor of to the bagels hanging from the breakfast after a night on the FemilresEdiror Hannah." This was followed by a Maryland enjoying a tuna salad ceiling, every aspect of this res- town. On December 9 all of the seats speech about the positive efforts of sandwich in his private booth. tau rant leaves a mark in people's While Chick N' Ruth's of- in McDaniel Lounge were filled by Habitat For Humanity presented by It all happens in Chick N' minds and hearts. Plus, the deli Gross, ajuniorcommunication ma- students and faculty who came to Jor. Ruth's Deily, an Annapolis is open around the clock, seven Continued on page 8 witness WMC's first speech contest A communication major and se- since 1936. nior, Witles presented a different In the tare 1800's WMC had a view of medicine with her speech department of elocution and "elo- entitled "The Advantages of Alter- cution recitals" were regularly native Medicine." Zimmerly, a given for 45 years. But since sophomore communication and they've ended, activities of this kind English major, wrapped up the con- have been restricted to the class- test with an enlightening persua- rooms. sive speech on "The Effects of Dr. Robert Lemieux, assistant Over the Counter Stimulants." professor of communication, sought First, second, third, and fourth to revive these long lost competi- prizes were awarded. Zimmerly tions by hosting a speech contest for walked away with the first prize of four of the best speakers from his a plaque, $30 cash, and a gift cer- two speech classes. Each were tificate for a restaurant. Gross was elected by their fellow classmates the second prize winner and also to participate. received a restaurant gift certificate Nicki Kassolts. James Gross, and $20 cash. Kassclis and Willes Jeannine Witles, and Robin came in third and fourth respec- Zimmerly presented persuasive tively, winning two free movie tick- speeches on a topic of their choice. ets each and restaurant gift certifi- Their speeches were separate from cates. those they'd given in class for a The judges for this event were grade. Richard Dillman and Dr. Jasna Kassolis, a sophomore commu- Meyer, representing the communi- '''nication major, persuaded the audi- cation department, and Dr. Richard ence nOI to forget the disadvantaged KOJ1um for the department of phi- during the holiday season with her losophy.
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