Page 108 - ThePhoenix1996-97
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Thursday, February 20, 1997 - Page 12 FEATURES Griswold-Zeppaward applications available Continued from page II A follow-up interview may be required. Women's History Month should be on answering the question: How will The Deadline for project applications for the thisaward help me become avolunteer in a mean- award is Tuesday,April 8,1 m with notification ingful social service/action project? Wile inter- of recipient(s) no later than Tuesday, April 22, -February 26: One Woman Show: Michelle Banks ested insupporting relevant social service organi- 1997. zations, theselectioncommitteeismoreconcerned For sample applications please call the De- ''The Reflections of a Black Deaf Woman" with encoumging innovative proposals whether velopment Office and x249 or pick them up at Forum 8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. in connection with existing social service organi- the information desk in the Decker Center. Sponsored by: CAPBoardlBSU zations or not. The selection committee is par- For additional information please contact Dr. ticularly interested in proposal which emphasize Colleen M. Galambos, Dr. Sberri Lind Hughes, personal interaction with the target group to be Dr. PatReedorDr. RonTail. Students arestrongly assisted. encouragedro see the film The Outward Journey ·March6: "Tahireh: poetess and heroine of 19th- century Iran" Any full-time Western Maryland College in and talk with one of theabove individualsprior to Harrison House 7:30 p.m. undergraduate in good standing, that is, with an submitting an application. A video tape version Sponsored by: Baha'i Club overall GPAof2.0 or above, may apply. of this film available on reserve at the Hoover Applications will be available in thedevelop- Library. mentoffice and atthe informationdesk in Decker. Completed applications should be forwarded to Courtesy of Development Office ·March7: Film (TBA, but will be current Women's film) Griswold-Zepp Award,c/o Development Office. Decker College Center 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. CLASSIFIEDS Sponsored by CAPBoard FUNDRAISER ATTENTION GRADUATE STU· -March 10: Women and AIDS speaker Motivated groups needed to earn $500+ DENTS: Hill Hall Room 108 7:00 p.m. promoting AT&T, Discover, gas and re- Sponsored by: ASAPlHealth Services tail cards. Since 1969, we've helped Villa Julie College has an immediat thousands of groups raise the money they need for a Resident Director for its off need. Call Lynn at(800)592-2121 x174. campus housing complex. The Resi Free CD to qualified callers. dence Director will be responsible for as -Marcli 10: Acoustic Singer sisting residents in developing their per MARKETINGISALES: GRADUATING sonal, academic, and social skills and fo Barbara Bailey Hutchinson IN MAY? WHYPLAYTIlERE5UME developing a community conducive t Pub 9:00 p.m. GAME? comfortable living. The Residence Di You have invested a large amount of time and rector will also be responsible for admin Sponsored by CAPBoard money for your education. Spend only one hour with me forthe opportunity of a lifetime. If you istering rules and regulations that pro are concerned about your health and your mote safety and harmony, overseeing th future ...the polenliaI for Six Figure lncome. .. Give ResidentAssistant and attending monthl ·March25: Lecture: meacall--410-876-0287 meetings with the Director of Campu "Breaking the Bowls" Life. The Residence Director will repo $200·$500 WEEKLY to the Director of Campus Life and wil McDaniel Lounge 7:30 p.m. Mailing phone cards. No experience nec- be expected to provide weekend cover essary. For more information send a self- age biweekly. The Residence Directo Sponsored by HistoryDepartment addressed stamped envelope to: Global shall receive a furnished apartment, fre Communication, P.O. Box 5679, Holly- utilities and local phone service. Resi wood, FL 33083 ·March26: dential Life experience preferred. Inter Musical Ladies Dinner Show ested individuals should submit a resum Dining Porch 6:15 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. and cover letter to: GOOD Sponsored by CAPBoard WEEKLY Villa Julie College AITN: Human Resources INCOME 1525 Greenspring Valley Road Fi!m series to be announced Sponsored by: Women's Studies and Various Departments processing mail for Stevenson, MD 21153 national company! Fl1Ie supplies, postagel No BROKERAGE INTERNSHIP All events are free and open to the WMC Commnnity salling! Bonuses! Start Prepare yourself for a Wall Street Career. immediately! Genuine Earn your Broker's License (series 7) in opportunity!RushSA5.E.: a semester. Provide yourself with an in- The support and awareness of women's history is an impor- v M C. SUITE 174 side track to the best jobs in the invest- tant component of fighting sexism. 1861 N.PEDERAL BWY ment industry. Part-timelflexible hours. ROLLYWOOD.PL 33020 Call Adam Michaels in Baltimore. INSTANT CREDIT r,------------------------------j I :YES'. I SERVICES P.O. Box 220645 Guaranteed Credit Cards With Credit Limits I I vao~Cn!di~ Cimls _ate1y. STUDE .... CREDn Fl 33022 : I IIou.YlIOOD. YouOCfanQualify T~Receive m,,: Up To $10,000 Within Days! : lDD% DUARANTEEDI : n~~;;di7:OBb;d~E;;d;i:~~i~;:;~T?::: : ., City i • Two The Most WIdely Used "t~" a: I _( , I Credit Cards In The World Today! SipoIw< : Want VISA & MasterCard Credit Cards? I L J I
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