Page 200 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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Thursday, May 9,1996 -Page 8 NEWS Western Maryland awarded REFLECTIONS best delegation at MSL ON MSL -----I: Christian Wilwohl ••----- When I attended the Maryland Student walked away from this conference with a Legislature (MSL) Conference in Annapo- great practical and political experience. The lis a few weeks ago, I had no idea what to delegation attended the conference without expect. WMC had not sent a delegation to an academic advisor. The MSL Governor the MSL in several years, so there were no signed several WMC pieces of legislation students around to offer any advice or share into law. Four WMC delegates obtained his or her experience. Initially, I had very leadership or committee positions for fu- mixed emotions about the MSL. However, ture conferences. Even more outstanding, after a weekend full of heated debate and the"WlvlC delegation won the award for best forming legislation, my opinion about the overall delegation. In addition, some stu- MSL is now nothing but positive. dents will earn academic credit for partici- Overwhelmed with the preparation and pation in the MSL. All of this truly indi- dedication of most of the students at the con- cates the initiative and participatory attirude ference, I was equally impressed with the of those students who attended this confer- cooperative and supportive spirit of a sig- ence. nificant portion of the delegates. Students The students who look part in the MSL Some students who attend the Maryland Student Legislature are pictured left to right: Andy from various delegations assumed similar received a $75 stipend from the SGA 10 Kolisperis, Lisa Healy, Jeff Seltz. Aaron Corbett, Cody Northcutt. Christian Whiwohl. Amy stances regarding certain issues and pieces cover traveling expenses. As mentioned Hanna and kneeling Scot Hoover. of legislation. The passage of a bill or reso- above. the Department of Political Science were Best Legislator and Best Legislation, lution left the delegate who sponsored it and offered students the opportunity to earn aca- By SARAH SNELL StaJfWriter both won by Josh Bird of University of Mary- those who supported it with a feeling of ef- demic credit for participation in the MSL. Eleven Western Maryland College stu- land at College Park. Best Orator was won ficacy and accomplishment. It is my understanding that Dr. Smith of dents attended the Seventh Annual Mary- by Nathan Jones also from UMCP. Participation in the Maryland Student the Political Science Department has agreed land Student Legislature in Annapolis and The MSL was held in the State House in Legislature is certainly a learning experi- to advise the WMC delegation in the fu- returned with the award for Best Delega- down town Annapolis. Events at the MSL took ence, especially for those interested in the ture. In addition, the delegates have ex- tion. place in the actual Senate and House Cham- legislative process and how it operates. The pressed interest in establishing an MSL club WMC along with ten other schools at- bers. The group earlier proposed resolutions MSL certainly gives one an insider's view on campus under the direction of Dr. Smith. tended the MSLApril 19 through 21. West- and bills which were debated in the General into politics. With strict adherence to Istrongly encourage the Department of Po- ern Maryland was the largest delegation Assembly. Robert's Rules, one learns a great deal about litical Science and the SGA to continue and attending. Governor Susan Dill of UMCP, Lieuten- parliamentary procedure at the conference. increase their support of students partici- WMC students won other honors in- ant Governor Jones, Attorney General Jody without question, the WMC delegation pating in the Maryland Student Legislature. cluding freshman Aaron Corbett who was Kaplan of UMCP, and Secretary of State elected Lieutenant Governor, freshman Sherrie Nelson of Garrett Community College Goucher College's bid to house the Christian Wilwohl, and Junior Sarah Snell. Scot Hoover who was appointed State Trea- were the officers in charge of the 1996 MSL. 1996 Interim Council of the MSL in the Sophomore Elizabeth Valuet was unable to surer by the Governor, Cody Northcutt who Officers for the 1997 session will be fall was accepted. attend. was appointed the Chair of Membership Governor Alex. Jennings of UMCP, Lieuten- WMC students attending the MSL were Other schools at the MSL were Bowie and Rules committees, and Allison Perman ant Governor Corbett of WMC, Attorney freshmen Aaron Corbett, Amy Hannah, State University, Garrett Community Col- who was appointed Assistant Secretary of General Jamie Kendrick of Goucher Col- Lisa Healy, Scot Hoover, sophomores lege, Hood College, Morgan State Univer- State. lege, and Secretary of State Elliot Bennett Allison Forman, Andy Kalisperis, Cody sity, Salisbury State University, Towson Other awards given at the convention of Morgan State University. Northcutt, Sara Beth Reyburn, Jeff Soltz, State University. Campus renovations Campus activities office from page J not only judged by how many people at- lege life more enjoyable." And Erin Farver, Continued from page 8 Student opinion has been a strong fac- tiative in planning campus activities is tended the functions, but by how much those a'freshman, enjoys attending activities spon- tor in planning the changes. CAPBoard. Secretary Kendra Jones feels the people enjoyed themselves. sored by the CAO since they "give me a Seidel explained, "I've been on the fac- organization would not be able to function Kaltenbaugh feels that increases aware- chance to meet new people." These views ulty long enough to know that you can without the help of the CAO which helps ness of school-sponsored event could help parallel Kaltenbaugh's description of the make a real mistake doing things to the CAPBoard in talking to executives, giving to boost the number of people drawn to these CAO as the "heart of a college campus." residence halls without getting student in- business advice, and making sure that "things events. She also says that by cosponsoring So now when somebody asks you what put. We tried to incorporate students' ideas are going smoothly." activities, organizations have the ability to the initials CAO stand for, you'll know the into the dining hall renovations. All of Many of the events from the past year that attract more people. them worked out well and we're going to remain memorable to Alexander and Measuring the effectiveness of the CAO continue working them." KaJtenbaugh are the ones sponsored by becomes a difficult task. According to Don't miss On September 28, the college will kick CAPBoard. Alexander said that the Deep Alexander, it is usually the officers of clubs off its Comprehensive Campaign to raise Blue Something concert, the trip to see "Ms. Midnight money for long term renovations which Saigon," the orientation dance, and the co- Students are not aware will most likely include residence halls. medic performance by Leann Lord "all went A new science building is a high pri- well." enough to become more Breakfast at 10 ority on the list of renovations and im- Regardless of bow memorable these active in clubs and provements for the campus. events are, low attendance continues to con- pm, May 14 tn The college has received a $3.5 mil- cern the CAO staff. Alexander feels that "stu- organizations lion grant for the new building which is in dents are not aware enough to become more the design stage. Seidel estimates that the active in clubs and organizations." Atten- Mitchell Alexander Glar final cost will be around $10 million and dance at events varies greatly depending upon hopes that work can begin before the end the night the event is held, what the event is, of 1996. and other events that may be going on that and organizations who make the most of Free munchies in the same night. Recent, popular school-spon- their services. But the office exists to serve Pub May 12,13,15, sored events include Spring Fling weekend, all students and, by holding a prime loca- Write for The the Moonlight Cruise, and the DDS concert, tion in Decker Center, students :know where 16! Open until 1 am according to Kaltenbaugh. Jones Agrees, say- we are" even if they don't know "what we Phoenix today! ing, "people like big events where they are are." from May 6-16! involved." In attempting to deal with this First-year student, Brian Hornbecker call x8600 problem, CAPBoard reviews all of its events feels that the office "organizes a lot of fun after they are held. Jones says they success is activities for people to do (and) makes col-
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