Page 161 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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NEWS Thursday, April 11. 1996 - Page 9 WMC dedicates art gallery SGA NEWS The art gallery at Western "The world around me provides was enjoyable to do, and that its Maryland College, formerly known visual images that need to be ren- viewers find the visual experience BRIEFS as Gallery One, will be dedicated dered in a permanent way through rewarding." and renamed in April in honor of the work of my hands," she said. The gallery at WMC is open -----cr- Esther Prangley Rice, a friend of "And when I stop working on it I Monday through Friday, noon-a the college. want to find that I like it and it p.m.; Wednesday, 7-9 p.m., and Mrs. Rice of Round Hill, VA, meets my standards, that it Sunday. 2-4 p.m. also will host the first show in the Legislative Officer Applications ings, which she calls "translations College Choir tours Applications available at the Information Desk, exhibit renamed Her paint- area. of nature's forms and substances," local schools Thursday, April 11 and are due Wednesday, April will be on display in the Rice Gal- 17. lery through April 21. A dedication ceremony to for- By CHRISTIAN WILWOHL. different areas (of singing)." mally rename the gallery will be A!>'sisIiUltNews Editor While at Suitland High School, Legislative Officer Elections held Friday, April 19. Liberty High School, Eleanor the choral groups performed some Mrs. Rice is the wife ofWMC Roosevelt High School, Suitland of their repertoire with a highly se- Monday, April 29, and Tuesday, trustee and alumnus Lee Rice, a High School, and Prince George's lect group of choral music stu- April 30 Ilam-2pm. corporate executive in shipping and Community College all hosted dents. shipbuilding and a recognized WMC choral groups in their latest Sara Beth Reyburn '98, leader in international maritime tour. touched by this experience, com- SGA Spring Cleaning affairs. Mr. Rice, who is currently On Thursday, March 28th the mented that the Suitland students SGA will perform various activities around the serving a term as chairman of the College Choir, Madrigals, and Gos- "knew and loved the music and board and has been a WMC trustee pel Choir toured all four schools were willing !O share and partici- campus to make the campus more attractive for for more than 15 years, recently, bringingsong,musicandhopefully pate with us." Spring. made a gift to the College in honor interest to a new group of students. Jimmy Redden '99 concurred, of his wife. Dr. Margaret Boudreaux ex- "It was nice to see the younger stu- "We are honored that we can plained that the purpose of the an- dents involved in music." SGA Has Email show our appreciation to Mr. and nual tour is to recruit students and Often Boudreaux affirms that Mrs. Rice for their years of service to increase awareness of WMC, as music is a "time machine," giving If you have questions, comments, or concerns, to our College," said Dr, Chambers. well as to give the choral groups an people the opportunity "to explore please email the SGA at sgaOOL "The Rice Gallery is a fitting trib- opportunity to improve their repec- all cultures and periods and to ex- ute to Mrs. Rice as an artist and a toire for the upcoming spring per- perience music in as broad a man- supporter of WMC." fonnances. ner as possible." SGAHotline to the high .............. Mrs. Rice studied commercial In addition, Boudreaux com- art at the Abbott Art School and mented that the three choral groups UrCOMING CHORA.L Contact SGA at x 631 to voice painting, drawing and design at the on tour demonstrated EVENTS your concerns and comments Corcoran Gallery School of Art in school students that "all styles (of Apr 16 -7:00pm Washington,D.C. singing) are worth exploring," es- E a I~'" APr 2 ;l!3~~~ Collegium The show at WMC will feature pecially since most of the students works in acrylic on canvas with a on the tour were members of at least Baker Memorial Chapel ,--------: .. -;,,...;-.----'--------. focus on the abstract. Many of her two of the choral groups. College Choir ..,.".V should feel "in- AP';E~:rg~;a~~drig'I'. works are modem paintings'ofclas- She further explained that, at ....~~~~~ !~ltli~lt~r'l'W~I~~~~'a~~r[~~t~r sic subjects, such as "Crucifixion," WMC, all students a more contemporary, abstract of a vited and welcome to explore the ~~$I~~~\, fl.'b 68 West Main Street religious subject. Music instruments of old used in • ~~btQ')~~? 15% discount j~T~DE on all four Western Maryland groups $9.95 Pager electronics fR[[: Activation Forget the French horn and the of today's double reeds, the oboe sound of Bach and his contempo- Activation and jewelry & lmont~ airtime oboe. Try the krumhorn or the and bassoon raries in the 17005. while you with this ad! wit~ any ~ager rackett. Now that's real music. Only one of the other ensembles The concert is free and open to wait* urc~ase Well, at least it was 500, 600 years has a name, she continued. The the public. For more information ago. Trobaritz , an early French word call 857-2599 or the WMC Events And now the Collegium meaning female troubadour, is an all Line at 410/857-2766. Musicum, a group of four en- female student group that will per- Courtesy of Public lnfonnation sembles from Western Maryland form a program that includes a chant College, will revive the krumhom, by Hildegard of Bingen, who lived Party Ice & Supplies the rackett and other sounds of in the 12th century and is the earliest ~-------- early music, 1000-1700 AD, at its known composer of western art mu- first concert Tuesday, April 16, at sic. . !Fami{y Hair Salon. 8 p.m., in Baker Chapel. Many of the Early Music compo- "The music is absolutely gor- sitions were written for soloists since geous," said Robin Armstrong, as- the orchestra was not fully developed Let Us Complete sistant professor of music and di- as a musical force, according to Dr. rector of the Collegium ensembles. Armstrong. The Early Music sound, Your Look ''That's what really drew me in." which is slightly different harmcni- The Collegium has two vocal cally, faded with the emergence of the 848-3466 Lottery & Lotto with a personalized style and two instrumental groups and all of the groups are open to students REXALL PHARMACY and members of the community. PRESCRIPTION SERVICE One of the instrumental groups, ~ The Voice of the Turtle. which Manicures, Facials meets every Saturday, is now com- prised of all community residents. and Tanning And, by the way, Dr. Armstrong Hours: Mon-Fri. 9am.9pm said, they are looking for a good' Free Local Delivery Offerexpires5-11·96 Sat·Sun. 8am-4jJm shawm, which like the krumhom (limited area) Onecouponpercustomer and the rackett is a double reed in- strument. But the shawm, unlike 21 Wesminster Shopping Center (410) 857·1177 the others. is the true predecessor
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