Page 154 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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Thursday, April 11, 1996-Page2 COMMENTARY Staff RUMINATIONS ------_,I Michelle Hamilton, Editor-In-Chief 11------ Edttor-In-Cbief Michelle A. Hamilton '98 Managing Editor Sarah E. Sheckells '97 I've heard time and time again from my knowledge or of the area, it still seems as if working in a group with a person who ev- brother, "But, no one else is going to do it it isn't worth it. eryone knows is lazy, yet people consistently Advertising Manager like that!" This often occurs after someone Just sliding by is becoming a tradition, set low standards for themselves despite how Elizabeth Valuet '98 suggests he do a little extra for a class project and a very scary one. What would we think they feel when other people do it. or paper to make it excellent. If he already of doctors who were "just studying enough I've heard, "Well it's just to hard to do it News Editors right." My reply: too bad. People need to Grant A. Rice '99 knows his will be one of {he best in the class, to get by." We wouldn't accept any doctor push that little extra to do things right. Many Christian Wilwohl '98 he has no motivation to do any better. It may like that to perform an operation on us. What not be by energy or effort that makes his the if it were the amount of tests run on a person times it doesn't even take more time to do best, but rather it is by default. Everyone before diagnosing him/her with an illness? something right, just more attention. It just Features Editors takes caring and a little effort to make some- else's is lousy. "Ah, well, we've run three tests, and urn, it Jonathon Shacat '98 Iuse my brother as an example, but he is looks as if you might have typhoid, so let's thing work the right way. Jennifer Vick '98 not the only person who exhibits this atti- treat you for that," the doctor declares. This Like my grandfather used to tell me when tude. In fact, most people in society today would be unacceptable behavior from a doc- I was little, "Oh, if you're not going to do it Sports Editors tor, but many people don't have much higher right, don't do it at all." I have ingrained Carolyn Barnes '99 seem not to care about personal satisfaction standards for themselves. this into my values, and strive to do things on ajob well done, but rather on if it will get John Manard '97 a good grade or if it is good enough to pass What ever happened to learning for the the best way that I can with my given mate- as acceptable. sake of learning? Why do I find so many rials and talent. Photography Editor It is apparent at WMC as well. If a stu- people who do just their job, and do not try In settling for no less than excellent, a Meghan Joyce "99 dent is in a class where tests will be prima- and push any further to achieve excellence? sense of pride and self satisfaction can be rily out of class lecture, slhe will most likely I fwd this not only bothersome, but a bur- felt in a way unimaginable to those who "just Circulation Manager not read in addition to lecture. Even though den on people who do try to pull their weight get by." Laurie Cicero '98 the person will gain a better grasp of the and more. The last thing we want is to be Computer Consultant LETTERS To THE EDITOR Heather Brinkhous '97 General Staff ______ --11 Chris Mathews & Dave Neikirk 11----- -- Aaron Ahlburn '97 Aaron Corbett '99 Becky Cockerill '99 Adam Dean '98 open as long as Hoover. an additional I14 labor hours per week. Even a legitimate expressed Michelle Hamilton Joshua Foster '96 concern for longer operating hours in the The primary constraint on the operating at the minimum wage that amounts to an in- Tom Gill '99 schedule is, of course, budget. It takes two crease in budgeted expenses of almost $500 Amy Hanna '99 library's microcomputing lab ("Rumina- per week or, over two semesters of 15 weeks Nicki Kassolis '99 tions," The Phoenix, March 29, 199('i). Rec- Even at the minimum each, about P,500 per year. Students at Stacey Mclntyre '99 ognizing that demand increased on an almost, other colleges who considered and rejected and of the Library daily basis, the directors Mike Puskar '99 wage that amounts to an 24 hour access have shown that the actual Services Heather Reese '96 of the Information ways of extending Department are increase in budgeted use of the library after midnight varies from investigating lab hours. Sarah Snell '98 infinitesimal to none at all and is insufficient Cameron Speir '97 Our goal is to provide 24 hour access as soon expenses of almost $500 to justify cost increases. Emily Stamathis '99 as possible. Twenty-four hour access to the library per week or, over two Although 24 hours won't be reality until building proper, however, is not under con- next fall, the lab will be extended hours for sideration at this time. Although key card semesters of 15 weeks the last few weeks of the semester, as if tra- Adviser access to the library was discussed briefly at ditionally is. From April 22 and until May Terry A. Dalton each, about $7,500 per \0 the lab will open until 2:00 a.m. Sunday Hood College, it was reflected out of hand in the face of insuperable security difficul- year. through Thursday. Also following tradition ncs. the library will observe extended hours dur- No college of university in the region is Mathews & Neikirk ing reading days and final exams, form May open significantly longer hours than Hoover 10 through May 19. The Library Commons Library and most are in fact open somewhat people to keep the building and provide even will be open 24 hours as well during that The Phoenix is published biweekly. fewer hours. Hoover is open 101 hours per the barest minimum of service and security period to provide additional late night study The opinions expressed do not necessar- week during the academic term, Hood's li- at the Circulation Desk. The arithmetic space. ily represent those of The Phoenix staff, brary is open 93 hours, Goucher and Notre speaks for itself: two employees times 57 Chris Mathews, Director, Information the faculty, or the administrators of DamelLoyola in the mid-90's. Not even the hours (the net difference between the present Services and Dave Neikirk, Director of the WMC. University of Maryland at College Park is schedule and a 24 hour schedule) produces Library. The paper welcomes free-lance sub- missions on Macintosh disks in most word processor formats. The editor re- Terry Dalton 1.----------- serves the right to edit for clarity, length, and libel and to publish as space permits. All submissions (excluding self-ad- dressed diskettes) become the property Putting together last week's symposium form Public Information, Mike Webster from support for this event form the so-sponsor- of The Phoenix and cannot be returned. on "Women in the Media: Overcoming the Campus Safety, Ginny Gent and Virginia ing English and Communication depart- Please include a name and phone Glass Ceiling" was a labor of love, but could Story of the Sociology and English depart- ments, especially those department members number for verification. Names will be never have been achieved without a lot of ments and student Shannon Tinney. who offered excellent suggestions and words help from others. At least the risk of leaving Naturally, I am also appreciative of the of encouragement at the right time, not to withheld only by the discretion of the out someone worthy of praise, I would like mention their presence at the event itself. Editor-in-Chief. The Phoenix does not discriminate to publicly thank the following individuals: Putting together last Most of all, however, I want to thank Student escorts Nicki Kassolis, Emily the terrific panelists, several to whom made based on age, race, religion, gender, week's symposium was a significant personal and professional sacri- sexual orientation, national origin, con- Stamathis, Maggie Lemerise. Shea Henyon, fices in order to participate, and the large and dition of handicap, or marital status. Nicki Siegel, Lisa Hill, Amy Hanna, labor of love, but could Michelle Hamilton, Jonathan Shacar, responsive audience for making this event Mail to: Carolyn Barnes and Jackie Brilliant. never have been achieved one to remember. The Phoenix Others to whom I am indebted include: without a lot of help from WMC. 2 College Hill Karen Arnie from Career Services, Anita Terry A. Dalton, English Department. Westminster, MD 21157 Kaltenbaugh and Michele Patterson from others. Dalton is also the Journalism professor at Women's History Month, Kathy Cousins WMC. (410) 751-8600 from Facilities Management & and Confer- Te rry Dalton (410) 876-2055, ext 8600 ence Services, Mary Roloff from Dining FAX, (410) 857-2729 Services, Don Schumaker and Joyce Muller
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