Page 155 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 155
COMMENTARY Thursday. April 11, 1996 - Page 3 LOCK AND KEY ------------------------------~I JonathonShacat .1------------------------------ "Riiiiiiip!" You sit down in a comfy chair Give me a break. in Hoover Library to enjoy a nice go:!~~~p7e~n~~~:o;:~~:eO~~~) magazine only to find that each I 0 ( , color picture has been ripped out ~ and they can make them for you by an ignorant classmate. A little • there. However, this suggestion frustrated? brings up another interesting topic Well, it might ease your frus- Academic violations consist because of a rule that prevents stu- tration to know that this practice is oLmisuse of library materials and dents from removing bound peri- a violation of the WMC Honor borrowing privileges." odicals or reference books from the Code. "Both student and faculty have library. With this rule, no student Damaged books are noticed by an obligation to themselves and to could, even if he or she wanted to, the library staff quite often; about their peers to discourage honor vio- get a color photocopy of a maga- once every two or three weeks, ac- lations in any form. The student is zine picture. cording to Lori Voskuil, circulation expected to report all instances of Getting color photocopies and reference librarian. Even academic honor violations." might be an option if the library though the violations are frequently Inaneness, what is it? staff allowed students to checkout found, actually catching someone The American Heritage Dictio- these books for, perhaps, one hour. in-the-act of corrunitting one rarely nary defines the word "inane" as During this period of time, the stu- occurs. During the 12 years that "lacking sense or substance." With dent could go to a store that offers Philip Sayre, vice-president and a definition like that, this word a color photocopying service. dean of student affairs, has worked could be applied to any number of Anyway, what does a person do atWMC, he recalls only about two facets in life; one being the van- with that tom-out section of a ref- such situations that led to an honor dalism of school library materials. erence book or magazine after his and conduct board hearing. Replacing damaged library ma- or her research paper has been writ- Sayre researched one such case terials can be expensive. Voski.til ten? I'd bet it is thrown away. that occurred in 1990. In this situ- remembers an incident when some- What a waste! ation, the person who was found one cutout a section of a volume "The library is for everybody guilty of damaging a library book from an encyclopedic set. The and if we have people who destroy, faced punishments that included: problem is that this encyclopedia deface, or steal library materials paying the cost to repair the book can only be ordered by the set (at a then those same materials cannot (about $100), receiving a zero as a cost of approximately $1800) and be available to anyone else in the grade on the assignment for which not by the volume. Due to budget campus community," explained the honor code and notify a librar- suggested by Dr. Ethan Seidel, he was researching because it was constraints, the library is unable to Voskuil. ian of the circumstances. You may vice-president and professor of considered an academic violation, pay the large replacement cost and This behavior is mconstderate also call extension 281. economics & business, slated that and doing college community ser- this particular set is now incom- to both the librarians who try' to Better luck next time the foreign language requirement vice. plete, said Voskui!. replace the removed pages and to A decision has been made. Pro- should be included in the global In the WMC Honor System The cost to photocopy a page the students who depend on them fessor Of communication Richard awareness category rather than be booklet, it states, "The Western of a book is a mere dime. So, I as a resource. Simply put, this con- Dillman's idea to eliminate the for- eliminated completely. Maryland College community af- ask, why rip a section of a book out duct is inane. eign language requirement was Regardless of these attempts, firms its commitment to the ... use when you can copy it for less than If you witness anyone tearing modified and voted on at the April the modified proposal was defeated of the library and other facilities. a dollar? Is that too much money? pages out of a library book, obey faculty meeting. The modification, by a 44 to 24 vote. THE SOAPBOX I Adam Dean 1 The real reason why destruction, crime, and mindless vandalism occurs in the male dorm at WMC I know that r promised a col- suffer a similar fate. Some indi- ject. So if you all would not mind I prove that you too are a man, in don't have to be mindlessly de- umn this week on the presidential vidual has done this strange act would like to take a minute to try your at least in your heart. Even if structive in order to prove your race (sorry Mr. Dalton!) but 1 am a' twice! and help this mystery vandal. that fact may nOI be easily discern- strength. An inanimate object is a rather fickle individual and some- This aroused great pity within Friend, I realize how difficult . ible when you drop your drawers. poor vessel to express your domi- thing happened this week which I me for that sorry soul. I can't help life must be for you. The taunts, the I can imagine how this could nance on anyway. Does a door of- decided I wanted to. write about a but wonder what would cause a shame. Having to hid your true self have been troubling in your early fer any resistance? Can a mere door little more. man to react in such away? Was he behind padding, jockstraps and years. Being placed in the pink fight back? No. I know that you are I am a sophomore student but perchance abused by a door when stall doors. Not everyone can be as nursery in the hospital right after a better person than this. this is my first year living on cam- he was young? Did a door pick on blessed as others. Being born with birth. Going to a new gym class and So next time even though it may pus. As a first year resident I did him in elementary school? Did he a small, withered privy member being told "Miss, I think you are in be tempting, try not to take out your take a door to the prom and then must be horrible. That tiny, almost the wrong shower." The shame of anger on the innocent, helpless not really know what I was doing door. Your personal smallness is and somehow wound on Did a door pick on him in elementary school? Did he take a door the first floor of Rouzer Hall. just the cross you will have to bear. This morning, a lovely bright to the prom and then when he left to go get some punch look Be strong, you have friends on this and warm Saturday, I got up, back and find the door ·'admitting' someone else? campus that will support you. walked down the hall to the bath- I hope my dear readers that this was not too long or boring. Some- room only to find that someone had Adam Dean pathetically tried to pull the en- time l just see a problem and feel it trance door on my side of the hall the undivided urinals. All these is my duty to try and help that poor offits hinges. I say pathetically be- when he left to go get some punch vestigial organ must haunt your things must have done horrible soul. Compassion is the greatest cause he only managed to gel the look back and find the door 'admit- every waking thought, knowing is damage to your self esteem and emotion possessed by humankind. the very seat of your manhood lower hinges undone, so now the ting' someone else? more likely to cause your partner emotional well being. It is what makes the world go door hangs sadly at a crooked While all these explanations to giggle than to moan. Male im- But please, don', despair! Life round. And if I can help one per- angle. may explain some peoples' aver- potence is a terrible thing. is still a wonderful thing. You still son this will have been worth it. This would not be so bad if the sions to doors, there is really only I know your inability to prop- are a man and I am sure a good door had not been replaced only one thing that can explain such, an erly function forces you to lash out, one. There' is so much more to be- Adam Dean is a Sophomore Politi- cal Science hatred and desire to domi- major. extreme weeks before. And this poor door's nate and destroy an inanimate ob- to reassert you dominance to try to ing a man than mere anatomy. You predecessor had been forced to
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