Page 115 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 115
COMMENTARY Thursday, February 29, 1996 - Page 3 THE SOAPBOX I Adam Dean I Controversial 24-11Ourlockdown rejected by students; policy promotes isolation on campus Last semester the students of Western Maryland College held a referendum on the issue of whether the doors to residence halls should be locked 24 hours a day. 261 stu- dents voted, of which 217 opposed the measure. This overwhelming rejection of a 24 hour lockdown policy should have sent a strong message to the schools' administrators that such a policy was unnecessary for the safety and peace of mind of the resident students on the campus of Western Maryland College, the people who literally make the col- lege their home. Apparently, the message was not received. On February 12, 1996, in the middle of the semes- ter and without warning, the col- lege radically changed their policy on door locking and announced that from now on the doors would be locked 24 hours a day. I spoke with Dean Sayre about this sudden change of policy. He explained that the Sunday morning a few weeks ago prompted this immediate action. The college had planned to institute this policy next semester anyway, and something had to be done to "send a message" about public safety to the student body. Dean Sayre stated that "sometimes ... you have to make a decision that may not be popular, but I think that it was the wisest one." I do see the logic that Dean Sayre has used to reach this deci- sion. In the letter sent to all WMC But has the college confused didn't want or need this protection. at a time when residence halls were imagine EMT personnel waiting at Resident Students, he listed the prudence with cowardice? Fear, if Cowering, locked up in your little locked anyway. So please tell me the door of a residence hall while points he used to reach the deci- taken in small doses, is useful. Us- residence hall does nothing to solve exactly how an incident like this a Campus Safety Officer is fum- sion: more than half of the colleges ing fear to justify taking students' the problem of crime from offcam- may be prevented in the future by bling with the keys, trying to find they surveyed locked their doors 24 freedom is not only unjust but ty- pus. locking us up 24 hours a day. This the right one, as valuable time is hours a day, WMC is not immune rannical by its very nature. Espe- We all know about the incident is a simple one. It can't. wasted. Now I know this scenario to crime and "it is better to take cially after a referendum was just involving off-campus intruders Does having all these doors is a little extreme, but nOI anymore prudent steps to protect the com- held that demonstrated that the near Blanche a few weeks ago, but locked 24 hours a day make the extreme than the belief that unnec- munity, even if they are not imme- community, the very people this how would have this policy have campus more safe? What about essarily taking students' freedoms diately popular." measure was meant to protect, prevented it? The incident occurred medical emergencies? I can just will make/life safer at WMC. This college has too strong of a siege mentality. When is the last THE REMNANT OPINION time you actually went into West- minster? Walked along the streets, bought things in the stores, said hi I Progressive Stude~ts • to the people you passed? No, Little George's does not count! I thought so. Well, why not? It is all Sometimes I wonder about this dence life think it's excusable for ing to "think dangerously," but in- so poor? part of this isolated, siege mental- school. This is my last semester Campus Safety to walk into stead are met with administrative I wonder if students care ity. and I still wonder where our money people's rooms without warrants. hassles and an uninformed student enough to speak their minds or do Living in box like this makes goes, why we sit up here on this they just float through college, pick you take an "us v. them" view of hill so isolated from the conunu- I wonder if the administration realizes that up a degree without making a com- things and gives you a sense of nity, and why some of the dorms mitment to their environment. self importance that doesn't have stilllook like prisons. it is dealing with an extremely divided You know what? This is your anything to do with reality. I wonder if the administration campus that can't get anyone to come to its home for four years. Make it what You start to look down on those realizes that it is dealing with an you want. If you don't, the admin- who are not like yourself. You take extremely divided campus that .events and take interest in the goings on of istration will, and we will have a a superior attitude that is unjusti- can't get' anyone to come to its the community. dull, sterile, bureaucratic fied. You become self righteous. events and take interest in the go- school...uh, kind of like it is now. This college is too isolated Don't underestimate the power from the world at large. And this ings or! of the 'C6inm~nity. I won-, der if Campus S'afety knows' that ' I wonder if they know that $20,000 body. I wonder if-they realize thai of your voice; it is an act of self foolish, cowardly lockdown policy we are inteIfigent people tryingto and rising is not just small change initial disappointment grows and respect. is just one symptom of it. get an'educaJi'cm ev~'n th()Ugh.lh~y to us-it is an investme~t. I w?n- grows until oneis so bored and dis- treat us like petty crim'inals. I won- der if they know row dlsappoLOt- iUusioned, they. leave. Could thai _Written by Arma Hrybyk with in- der if the administration aria red!J,) ing it is to pay thatgrand~lJm.hop-': be the reason our retention rates are put from Na~1a Zedevic
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