Page 73 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 73
THE PHOENIX Western Maryland College WMC Football: One Win Away From Their Best Record in 15 years --;;:BY:;CJ;CA~Y"HI;CLB::E=RT:--But then, we got them into big and onequarterbacksack. pass to Ray--his first WM Swarthmore's Malt Minero S!,<"uEtiilOr situations where they needed a '" was pumped up for this. touchdown-ended the first connected on his second 36 yard All season we have been big play and we're the ones that We played really real well, got quarter scoring aI28-3. field goal oflhe game in the sec- hearing the names Brian Van ended up with big play," said off the ball quick and forced Ray (two catches, 44 yards) and, but WM still held the 28-6 Dcusen. Alan Pietkiewicz. and Green Terror head coach Tim some key turnovers," said has had the unsung role of the advantage after 30 minutes of Butch Schaffer as all three play- Keating. '" don't think they play. ers have put up record numbers played very well in the first half, Despite the WM offensive as vital parts of the Green Ter- I could feel it when they came advantage, the Gamet outgained ror offensc. out. Our guys were a little flat, the Green Terror 324-307, total Last Saturday, names like it's just our guys woke up plays (88 to 63), and controlled Mike Kappes, Joe Krcma, Bob sooner then they're guys did." the time of possession (36:35) Symanski, Donte Abron and Dating back to last season, for the game, but Swarthmore Derrick Ray took center stage as the Green Terror are 7-3 in their shot themselves in the foot turn- Western Maryland put up 28 last ten games. ing the ball over twice inside the rust quarter points, defeating The numbers that may the Green Terror 20, the Swarthmore Gamet, 34-13, most interesting is 25 and 274. Garnet quarterback Pat in Wesurunster. Both teams combined for 25 Straub did not help matters with The win seals a Green Terror penalties totaling 274 yards; S- 8 for 29 passing. Although, run- winning season (5-3 overall, 4- 14 for 161, WM-II for 113, ning back Dave Reeser did rush 2 Centennial) for the first time The freshman Kappes came for 138 yards on 30 carries, since 1990 when they went 6-3- in for injured linebacker Shayne Symanski went over the 100 I. Another victory at Johns Beecher (shoulder) midway tackle mark on the season (108) Hopkins on Saturday will give through the first quarter. With on the strength of 15 tackles, the team their best record since Swarthmore being forced to while Krcma was second with going 7-2 back in 1979, which is punt deep in their own territory 13-second on the season with when they last won at Hopkins and WM already leading 7-3, Green Terror wideout Derrick Ray (#81) scampers Ior 70. Krcrna still holds a team- (9-0). defensive end Carl Von Tobel yardage in Saturday'S 3-'-13 win over Swarthmore. high rive sacks and 15 tackles "We got the winning record. broke through and blocked An- Kappes. blocking wide receiver but still for losses in the '94 season, butI'm not going to be satisfied drew Clayton's punt. Kappes Two minutes later, wideout has collected 17 catches for 190 As a whole, the defense re- and neither is anybody on this puued'trtn and wenrnve-vards Abron usedtusuack-speed; run- yards, duced it's points allowed per team if we don't end up 6-3," for the touchdown. Dung ning for a' 39-yard touchdown "Derrick's the most im- game from 27.5 in their first two said Ray, Dtnn's extra point put it at 14-3. off a reverse. Another Dinh proved player on this football games to 20 in their last six. "They stopped our early run- Kappes ended up the day point made it 21-3. team; a pleasant surprise," sees Out of the nine games so far, the ning game, which worried me ... with II tackles, three for losses, A Van Deusen 38-yard TO Keating. See "Football," p.6 New AIDS Support Group Offers Robinson & Sisti Are Free Testing at Smith House Spellbinding at WMC By MICHEI,LE HAMlLTON mcnt rwice a month, and all of Gtar. Also, during the card By JONATIlON SUACAT to become a magician. He S"'jfl\'ri'" testing will be confidential sale a survey will be con- S"f!Wri~r said "what I like about stage Smith House's health ser- and anonymous. More in- ducted on behaviors of Visual illusionist Richard illusion is that if you're no vices is offering something formation will be be an- W.M.C. students. obinson and master magi- there, you miss it". Hi new to W.M.C. Next year the group plans 'ian Jim Sisti took the stage first road show, A,S,A.P., an acronym for on bringing in trainers to n an astounding evening of "Robinson's Mysteries," AIDS Support. Awareness, "I think the addi- make select students peer nagic and illusion on Friday loured for several years with and Prevention, was created educators on AIDS. "I think pctober 28th. Those who Robinson playing the role 0 to (I) promote awareness tion of peer edu- the addition of peer educators ncnded uus show would a wizard for whom nothing and education to the student cators will help will help make the issues of gree that many of the illu- was impossible, body on the dangers of AIDS more of a reality to the nons were quite incredible. His career as an illusion- AIDS. (2) support people make the issues of students of WMC," Bonnie Robinson has been per- tst has taken many forms with AIDS and its ongoing AIDS more of a Bosley said. These trained orming magic since the late other than stage perfor- research, and (3) promote students would give programs 970's. Due to his interest rnance. He has written an the safe and responsible be- reality to the stu- in dorms and to the student n stage illusion, he decided See "Magician" p.5 havior to prevent the spread body. of ATDS. dents of WMC," For February, A.S.A.P. plans The group, working under --Bonnie Bosley on presenting a AIDS aware- 'advisor Bonnie Bosley, has ness program to the campus. [n this Issue ... already arranged for AIDS Officers are President, testing on W.M.C:s campus nounced in the near future, Elizabeth Valuer, Vice Presi- starting on December Ist. A.S,A.P. is also sponsoring dent, Michelle Hamilton, p.2 Students speak out about "hate" The Carrol County Health a holiday card sale where all Treasurer, Brian Peltier, Sec- Department outreach was profits will be donated to a lo- retary, Tameka Collins, and incidents occuring at WMC "agreeable to include cal AIDS charity. The cards Public Relations, Scott Lee. W,M.C. as a testing satellite will feature a building on Meetings are held every Mon- due to the high risk behav- Western Maryland's campus day from 3-4 in Smith in becom- 1P·3 Preview of "Into the Woods," House. iors of college populations," along with warm wishes for If you are interested according to Mrs. Bosley. the holidays. Sales will be ing involved in this program opening TONIGHT! The free testing will be on a held on November the 29 and or have suggestions, call walk in basis or by appoint- 30 during lunchtime in front Health Services at x700.
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