Page 74 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 74
i5?w2Imm~~~,[XMMIiW·hWI··· .Editorial The Phoenix New Television Show Offends Student I recently watched a new TV job or even functioning as a part of have extremely poor vision - am [ your show, "You Couldn't Be Worse," on society, He was shown as an outcast next victim? Don't think for a minute Editor-in-Chief cable channel 17, also known as Up- and an unwelcome part of our lives here that any of you are perfect. And not to Lisa T, Hill '97 link, our school's own television at WMC. It put me in tears to think that sound like your mother. hut what would station. After viewing it I must say college students, especially those from happen if in the future one of your chil- Managing Editor r was very upset. Not only was I my own school. could he so cold and dren or grandchildren arc born with a shocked at the total lack of taste and heartless even to think of something like handicap? I bel this whole thing would Advertising Manager consideration for others, but I also this. really be hilarious then. David Weigelt '95 felt a complete sense of embarrass- By watching the show it is obvious People should learn to think Business Manager ment for the entire school. I could that there is a lack of class and respect for about feelings before they usc some- Udeni Dhannapala '96 not believe that something like this others, but don't they have any compas- one as the center of a joke, After Layout Editor would even be shown on a college sion, or is that missing as well? Do you all, we arc all adults here and this is Pamela Barry '96 station, or any station at all for that think disabled people don' t have feelings college, not kindergarten, So until News Editor or arc they just non-existent in your little, you can grow up and write some- mailer. Dan Schaeffer '94 Although I felt the show as a protected college life? Some of us have thing even close to the intelligence On the Hill Editor whole was immature and pointless, I close friends and family with handicaps level ofWMC students, don't waste Jenny Daino '95 have a problem with one skit in par- similar to this and it is not funny, It is ac- my time with your garbage, The Photography Editor tually very sad. How would you feel if title was almost perfect- It Couldn't ticular. This skit was entitled "The Aden Moges '97 Tard" and it depicted a retarded boy someone used one of your personal Have Been Worse, Sports Editor acting as a news reporter. The entire downfalls as the center of one of their Jay Hilbert '95 skit was centered around making fun jokes? What's next - short, tall, fat or Tiffany Michele Metzger of the boy and his disability. It por- thin, what about the many of WMC's Class of 1997 trayed bim as incapable of doing his students that must use sign language? I General Staff Aaron Ahlburn '97, Virgil Cain '96, Paco Fnsuetos Kromer, Rebecca Students Enraged By "Hate Crime" Henry '95, Heather Reese '96, Keith Remo '97, Charlotte Saylor '98, Jonathon Sbacat '98 Dear Editor: Campus Safety is conducting an Students and teachers must mobilize WMC Community: "alleged" investigation and has sup- against this evil. Faculty Advisor ARE YOU A WARE OF posedly notified the Westminster City We, the Black Student Union of Terry Dalton WHAT OCCURS ON YOUR Police Department. Violent. hateful Western Maryland Coucgc think energy CAMPUS? has been running rampid, students and teachers should be On October 3 I, 1994, racial since the outbreak of racist "white aware of what occurs on this cam- slurs were torched in bate power" literature on this campus, pus, We take a forceful stand .......... across tbe,·WMC gotr.coursevtr First, .Juerature is being circulated, against all "hate crimes." Evil can- 'tNIGGER" was transcribed in now a "hate crime." not be tolerated. gasoline and then ignited. SGA, What to are take we waiting of it? for, the Or SPEAK OUT NOW!! OTHERWISE care What seems to be an organized maybe campus safety to protect WE ACT AS "SILENT WIT- The Phoenix is published bi- as a "hate crime" has had little us? We as a community cannot NESSES." weekly, The opinions expressed do or no reaction from the campus let silence and ignorance tear us The Black Student Union. not necessarily represent those of The or community, DID YOU Plwenix staff, the faculty, or the ad- KNOW THIS HAPPENED? apart! ministrators of WMC. The paper- welcomes freelance Students wonder about racial problems at WMC submissions on Macintosh disks in most word processor formats .. The aung a disturbing environment for those "Historically, editor reserves the right 10 edit for times get worse." I expect this to rise as lem? S~udents on campus were asked who are different from the majority. This is what one stu- these preceding questions. clarity, length and libel and to publish dent said in response to the problem in Of the many students who were asked Others believed that there were a few as space permits, All submissions who were "fu- anti-minority activity on campus. Re- bow they felt about this problem of hate people on and off campus (excluding self-addressed diskettes) cently, there has been an increase of anti- showing itself on campus, many of the cling close-mtndedncss" on campus, become the property of The Phoenix ethnic, anti-racial, and anti-homosexual same responses were heard over and Finally, students were asked what and cannot be returned, over from the majority of the students: "J should be done to solve this problem be- Please include a name and phone propaganda on campus. In this semester alone, there has been distribution of anti- haven't seen it" or "11 hasn't affected fore it got worse, Overall, students felt it number for verification, Names will minority pamphlets in the residence halls me:' But there was a distinct minority was the resonstbnuy or the students them- be withheld only by the discretion of who disagrees. "That's how this spreads. selves to change the direction of campus the Editor-in-Chief, and a sequence of hate-mailing by because people don't want to see what's thinking towards being more accepting of The Phoenix. does not discrimi- groups outside the WMC community in many minorities is seen to be a ma- really going on. This nate based on age, race, religion, gen- the rorm of a book list. These few ex- jor problem by some students. the problems should be horrified face today, by these "Students der, sexual orientation, national ori- amples degrade and defame the minority When the students who admitted to things on campus, We can't allow the few gin, condition of handicap, or marital groups in the United States, "Not only realizing the surfacing problem, they close-minded to silence the many", status, does this hate affect the minorities on campus", says a concerned student.t'bur were asked what was causing this prob- (Students quoted in this piece did not wish in insults the intelligence of all the stu- lem to rise, Many students felt the col- to be Idenufled.) Mail to address: lege was becoming "homogenized", ere- James Riggins ThePlwenix dents", 2 College Hill You may ask why is this happening WMC on campus this semester? Are things re- WE'RE SORRY!! Westminster, Maryland 21157 ally getting worse in campus? Daily we see some new story about how someone (410) 751-8600 was beat because of his skin color, shot The Phoenix starr would like to apologize to Chris Gagnon and Brad (410) 876-2055, ext. 8600 because he was a foreigner, or killed be- Mountcastle for the error in the 60 Seconds on Campus section in the Novem- cause of his sexual preference. Does this ber 3 issue, with a @ mean that a liberal arts college, minds to The Phoenix starr would also like to apologize to the WMC Porn Squad for mission to open young people's different ideas 'and cultures, is suscep- identifying them as WM C Cheerleaders in the November 3 issue, Please Recycle!, tible to the plagues of ignorance that are sweeping the nation? And furthennore, We always try to report campus news and issues accurately and objectively. how'are we to begirt to corribat this prob- However. try as we might, mistakes sometimes do happen!
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