Page 18 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 18
Jonathon Shacat Mercer, Pennsylvania. where a foUefesti- By JENNY DAINO '95 0. 1M HIli EdilCl' val is held and membersdemonsrrate what While most of us spent time this sum- life would be like during the time of the mer decked out in nothing but bathing Revolutionary War. Spectacles include suits. shorts. shirts and sandles, freshman authentic candle making, blacksmiths. Jonathon Shacat, spent several weekends shaker box makers, sheep shearing and dressed from bead to toe in a replica 18th even juggling century Revolutionary War unifonn re- 'That's {the trip to the Mercer Mu- enacting historical battles. seum] my favorite event of the year, Igot Saacat, who has been re-enacting my picture put in the paper for juggling since December of 1991. explains his once, that was pretty neat," said Sbecat. pastime as an incredible experience. He The sixth Regiment bas participated in first became interested in re-enacting af- many battles and re-enactments though ter seeing his step-father participate in a and bas gone all over the United States to battle. such places as: South Carolina, North "He hadbeen doing it for a long time, Carolina, Maryland, Pennsylvania. Vir- Jonathon Sbacat participates in Revolutionary War re-encatments. and had a lot of equipment, and I guess giniaandNewJersey, He added that they "Sometimes you get scared because after seeing him Ibecame interested in it," bad to recently stop attending battles in When doing re-enactments such as you have a whole army marching out at sajd Shacat. New Jersey due to former Governor Jim Valley Forge and the Crossing of the Dela- you, it's scary because it's not planned, Sbacat, who lives in Washington Florio's view on guns and weapons. ware, participants, including men and it's very impressive though, .. said Crossing, Pennsylvania, now belongs to Sbacat said, "We spend a lot of money women, dress in replica uniforms of cot- Sbacat. .. I always have something the Sixth Pennsylvania Regiment with his on guns, and were afraid of getting them ton or leather breeches, West coats, and scared in me, in the bottom of my stom- mother, step-father and brother and about taken away." felt bats known as tricoms. The women 20 other active members with ages range That did not stop them though and a lot dress in cotton dresses and wear hats also. ach, but you can't be bothered by it,"he from 1()..20. of people are still very dedicated to these "It's not a costume ifs a uniform, said added. The Regiment attends approximately events. There are regiments from almost Shacat, because we are not actors, we are Although the Regiment docs not re- 15 re-enactments a year, and are invited every stale where a Revolutionary War re-enactors.' Shacat added that people ceive that much funding for their acuvi- to historical sites, however, Snacat said battle was fought. frequently refer to them as costumes. ties, members are very dedicated and love participating in a part of history. the unit is not always invited to historical Shacat said, "This is a really really big During the re-enactments, the Regi- places, and they do not necessarily do re- deal. There are some Regiments for just ments of both sides line up and the British "On the weekends you can leave all enactments . one artillery cannon, and all they do is haul actually charge. Since actual bayonets are your worries behind. You s\eepoutside in a tent, and it is very primitive, thatiswhy I Several times a year the Regiment vis- the cannon around. which takes about six used, participants are careful not to come its places such as the Mercer Museum in or seven people." too close to the others. enjoy it so much," Shscat corcnxed, If you know someone who should be in our "A Closer Look At" FAN~ Chinese Restaurant feauture, let us know!! Szechuan * Cantonese * American 848-0919 ust drop us a note with your name 876-3166 and your recommendation or call 59 W. Main SL Westminster us at x 8600. Hock's Florist Student Specials $2.99 Fall Is In The Air Monday -soturoov 11:00 am - 3:00 pm Flowers For All Occasions! Carry Out Only Sweet and Sour Pork Sweet and Sour Chicken 10% Discount with college ID Come see us in the Westminster Pork Chow Mein Shopping Center next to Woolworths. Chicken Chow Mein 410·857·1447 Pork Lo Mein Chicken Lo Mein Pork Chop Suey Chicken Chop Suey rapist by the way they look. r----------'r----------, RAPE MYTH # 8 MYTH: You can identify a potential I 10 % Off II 15 % Off I FACf: Ifit were that simple, there would be no backlog in the courts! In truth, a rapist is much more likely to be someone you know than a I llWithCouponforal stranger. If your intuition tells you that someone makes you nervous, listen to it and get away•. I With Coupon I~of15ormorel For help or more information, call tbe Rape Crisis Intervention I After 3:00 pm II after3.00pm I Service. Our services are and all inquiries are confidential, I L ~L I ~ II· Hotline: 857-7322 Office: 857·0900
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