Page 19 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 19
The Puzzee Page EXPRESS YOURSELF POT·POURRt Two tasks below. First, fill in the blank at the right of each number with· ACROSS the simple verb associated with the expression. Then, find the definition that 1 Back or tooth 63Po~, magical drink e ~polDome 40_·pie,lrom to loot head Scandal most closely pertains to the expression and write its letter in the blank to the follower 64 Suffix lor kitchen 9 Order (abbr.) (hyph.) left of each number. Easy ... 5 Spotted horse 65~guard 10 Pranksters 43 Kind 01 music 10 _____pol, 44 _ 1. the bucket a. become best cumulative action (2 wds.) 11 Mountalnrldge Dined _ 2. theday b. reply evasively stakes 56_Antony 12_Major 45 One Slavic language 13 TIes Prophet 67 _ 3. the lead out c. dispel emotional tension 14 Clip, prune 68 Drift 21 22 Pot, ~rambled 47 48 Disturbance Kill 15 Contempt Within Use a straw 69 _ 4. the record d. satisfy 16 Algerian port 24 Describes 32A 49 Cat needs _ 5. the roof e. refuse to answer 17 Pots, DOWN 25 26 Even, to a poet 50 51 Speak formally anagrammed Hotel S~ick, adhere places _ 6. the light f. take advantage of opportunity 18 19 Infrontol 1-_boyt- (abbr,) 53 PoL-, Farmptoduc:e Lotto-typegame _ 7. the crowd g. forgo retaliation 20 Appendix (abbr.) 2 3_mus,latge 28 29 Dips In water 57 fragment dance Eplcpoetry Israeli _ 8. the rails h. cram for test; work late 21-_cJearday (2wds,) 4 animal 31 Hawaiian food 58 PoL-, , ... Printer's strength pastes _ 9. the question L understand completely 22 -,., born to measures 33 Mov9brlskly 60 Handgun _10. the coop j. severely reprimand ~righr: wds,) 5 Keyboard 34 35 Promise River 61 62 Make a mistake HamJeI(2 Society Pot_ page Instrument _11. the wrong way k. make someone angry 23 AdVersary 6 Done_.too 36 certain cesar word 27 Salad ingredient hurried (2wds,) bills 63 Trademarks _12. thefifth I. act the bad guy 28 Railroadslalion 7 OiL 38 Play the ham (abbr.) 13 the air m. discuss news, gossip 30 Rhythms _14. the distance n. provide irrefutable evidence 32 Writer Edgar ~(init.+last ~15. the point o. pass away, die 33 name) tightener Muscle _16. the peace p. prove competence 34 _cheese _17, the music q. let another do it 37 Beatrixor M'A'S'H's _18. the grade r. do it now, rush Colonel 39 Need before _19. the other cheek s. take responsibility for outgo ~20. the buck act like a sheep 41 Soc, Security _21. thespot u . escape, leave 42 Admin, Marshyground _22. the fat v , prevent fighting 46 Sunbathing result (2wds,) _23. the heavy w, travel like a hobo 47_chips _24, the midnight oil x. persist to the end 48 49 Go Particulars _25. the riot act y. shout in anger deteriorate (2wds.) 52 ereee cr cet 54 Angry 55 Cleric (abbr.) 56 Definlteartlcle 59 Skin problem TITULAR RAINBOW 60 Aladdin's friend The famous titles below (listed with their famous associates) are missing their colors. Warning: Some colors are used more than once. Fill in the blanks. 1. The Co/or , Walker/Spielberg Gold 2. Submarine, the Beatles Gray 3. A Clockwork , Kubrick Green A \t' 1 SON 3 1::1 1 1::13 3 S 4, The Panther, Sellers Orange :) 1::1\t' V'j 1::1 \t' 31::1 'V 3113 5. The===== Badge of Courage, Crane Pink NOll 3!N3~ HS 'V 1::1 6. Eggs and Ham, Or. Seuss Purple 31 v I::I! 7. Riders of the Sage, Grey Red S o NY! S 1::1 3 d 1 0 dOl 8. Fang, London Scarlet 3 d SOl 'V 10 d 9. The Rush, Chaplin White NYlY W 0 o N SSVI::IOW 1::1 3 1 'ISS d 1 0 3 I 10. The Letter, Hawthorne Yellow 1.0d 1::I0SN3l 30dV 11. The Pimpernel, Baroness Orczy SOd W 3 1 1 0 d 3 a 12. The Bug, Poe S S 3 1::1::> 1::1 3 SOd dO 13. Roses for a Lady, Vinton 1. I 1 3 S 'V NO 14, The Great Hope, James Earl Jones o N 3 )1.0 V 3 H V S dOl 15. The Man in the Flannel Suit, Peck NVI::IO 1::13NNI Wll::Il )I:)'v'r OlNld 3H:)V lunod·IOd 's5u!ueew J!e41 S'e 119Msa SUO!ssaJdX9 9)dW!S awos UJB91 '95 ecreq !J!el '59 01 55 !Iuanaoxa '08 01 Ot ncuedns S! OO~ 01 5a 'JaMSUB I::19JJOO qcee JOI enqcc 5 )19SJOO); 911!9 :8JO:>S 'f 'pear--sz '4 'uJnq-yZ 'I ');eld---e;z 'W Answers: TITULAR RAINBOW 'Ma4:l-Ze 'P'I!4-IZ 'b'ssed-oZ '6 'wnt--tH -d 'a)lBW-81 'S '90eJ--.l.I 'II 'da91f--~H 'lI1J~--SL 'SI!IIM-vi 'snlg;pal:J-£L 'PIO~-Zl 'lafJl1:J$-IL 'IS/18:JS-OL 'PIO!) 'U '9110Jd--gl 'x 'ofi-.....v~ '0 'Jeel!)---£I 'a '9'ljBI--Z~ ')I 'qOJ--I I n ');U-Ol -q 'PI9!1-6 'M -6 'aJ!IIM-g '81dJnd--L 'UaaJE)-9 pal:J-S 'l{U!d-v ·s6uiJJO-£ 'MOI/9.,(--Z 'S}dJnd--l 'ap!l-8 'I'MOIIOI-L '1 'aas-9 ,); 'aSleJ-S -e '>leaJq-y 'J'lafl--£ 'I 'azlas-z '0 '>101>1--1 ______________________ ~~~~~~_~~~~~_~~~~~~J~~_S~~ _
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