Page 13 - ThePhoenix1994-95
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..---------~-----------------~--~ -~-~- Gettysburg Preview Page 10 THE PHOENIX Western Maryland College Green Terror Football Prepares For first Home Game By JAY HILBERT ing all the right reads; he's a (5-10, 210, Centennial honor- 225) will be the primary man s"",u&nu" Van Deusen should pass very intelligent quarterback." able mention in '93), right out of the backfield. Lecorchick This year's Green Terror Mike Hamm's career passing Pietkiewicz returns follow- tackle Pat Godfrey (6-1, 210), will be the prototype Tom football team will have 10 use mark of 3962 yards at about ing an outstanding season that and the third senior, Carlos Rathman player ( block, run, their potentially dangerous of- mid-season (Van Deusen cur- earned second-team confer- Ramos (5-9, 230) round out move Mitt fense to offset their inexperi- rently has 2539), ence honors. Pietkiewicz was what is probably the best o-line an~,::c!~:t:s:; enced defense. in sight of all the seasonal re- in the conference. New addi- into the backfield to bolster our Head coach Tim Keating ceiving records; his 59 recep- tions to this line include former offense. Last season, we were (second year) returns with the tions broke Rich Johnson's ten- linebacker Dave Miller and more of a finesse offense, and I hopes of bettering the 3-5-1 year record, while his 758 re- Barry Blauvelt. wanted to change that attitude," record (2-5) in '93. ceiving yards were 18 short of "The offensive line is second explains Keating. Despite last year's record, Andy Steckel's 1991 mark. to none," says senior co-captain The offense lost the award- are the Green Terror ready to "Alan has tremendous ath- Matt Lecorctnck. Lecorchick winning running back in Rob breakthrough this year? letic ability and he demon- feels that the experience of the Johnson and wide receiverl "Not yet. We've got a lot to strated that last year catching c-line will make it a lot easier punter Paul McCord, an all- learn," said Keating. But don't all those passes," said Keating, for Van Deusen to find his tar- Centennial First Team selec- count them out yet. "We have "He leads by example, good gets. tion. to play with a lot of emotion, if work ethic." Inaswitch, Lecorchick (6-0, In the first season of the run- they do that, there's no telling Carmen Fetus (5-9, 180) and-shoot, WMC finished first how good we can be. Their po- proved to be a worthwhile ad- in Team Passing Offense (291.9 tential is all in front of them," dition with 49 catches, and yards/game), second in total of- Keating added. Butch Shaffer will emerge into fense (382.7 yards/game), and Offensively, this team could a steady, big-play guy. Add fourth in team scoring (22.71 be scary. Leading the run-and these three plus Donte Abron game). shoot offense will be junior "We are all on the same and Derrick Ray and you have The first two stars speak for quarterback Brian Van Deusen page." thinks Van Deusen of probably the top receiving corp themselves; moving the ball of- (6ยท2, 170). Van Deusen, an his offensive cohorts and their in the Centennial. fensively is no problem; until All-Centennial Second Team attempt to improve in their sec- Overshadowed by the pass- they reach the "red zone." pick last year, who set numer- ond season of tbe Keating run- ing attack is the experienced The Green Terror must move ous passing records, one of and-shoot. offensive line, Senior left up in team scoring if they are which most passing yards in a Senior co-captain Alan tackle Rob Nightingale (6-0, going to stay in the conference season (2315). Van Deusen Pietkiewicz is impressed with 255), a four-year starter (29 race. Ending drives inside an was 204 out of 376 and tossed Van Deusen's intelligentatQB. straight games) returns to an- opponents' 20-yard line will not 17 touchdowns. He finished the "Brian is doing a lot better with cbor the line with another se- get you a lot of points. The final three games last season the reads, the coaches are letting nior,left guard Tom Gruneberg move to put Lecorchick in the without an interception, him call plays. He's been mak- (6-2,245). Center John Carroll backfield is not all bad. Yes, tbey could use him on defense, Pizza Now Delivered To Alumni Hall but you take his great blocking ability and ever-improving run- ning game, you end up with a solid back to assist a run-and- By REBECCA HENRY referred bim to Ethan shoot team like the Green Ter- SlDjfW,;u, Seidel, vice-president of fi- ror. Has anyone who lives in nance, who referred him to Since teams will obviously Blanche Ward Hall ever not Michael Webster, director of be eyeing Pietkiewicz, Felus complained about having to Campus Safety. and Shaffer should be able to walk all the way to the Cam- Webster consented to increase their reception totals pus Safety to pick up a Kahn's request, agreeing with ease. pizza? that it is a question of safety The offense must score and Thanks to the SGA it will and also of fairness to have score often, flat-out. no longer be necessary to two different pizza delivery Defensively, losing Trevor take a hike to pick up pizza, sites on campus. Sellers, Rob Rimmcl and Den- because it will now be deliv- "1 hope that this [change] ~nis Walker, the defense will be ered to two different spots- will show people that the SGA ~ doing some ?ig~time rebuilding. Campus Safety and Alumni really can affect campus life," ~ -e Led by JUniors Joe Krcma Hall. Kahn says, "and 1hope that this Junior Aaron Kahn, presi- is only the beginning," i See Football, page 3 dent of the SGA, approached The change will be formally ================= Philip Sayre, dean of Student announced at the Open Fo- Affairs, about the problem of rum on Monday, September Students can now have their pizzas delivered to Alumni Hall, pizza delivery. Dean Sayre 19. Welcome Back Weekend Provided Fun For All By REBECCA HENRY They were your average continued Saturday after- "Welcome Back Weekend" Mulbem. S>ajfWri"" Western Maryland College noon with dinner and activities is sponsored by Cepboard's Planning for this particular Anyone wandering students taking advantage of on the Quad, including velcro Special Events Commitee. event began at a retreat that all around the Hill on Saturday, "Welcome Back Weekend," jumping, Fun Pix, which are Brandy Mulhern has been chair- the Capboard executives at- September 10 may have {he first all-campus event of computer super-imposed pic- person of this committee since tended at the end of May. been struck by the abnor- the 1994-95 school year. tures, and a Dancing Piano. A last spring. The Special Events Com- mally large crowd gathered The festivities began Fri- dance held in the Forum, with "Welcome Back Weekend" mittee coordinates an event at in the Quad enjoying food day evening with an outside live band Tomorrow's is "Capboard's way of bringing Halloween and all of Spring and various activities. Who showing of Mrs. Doubtfire Partyperforming, finished orr in the school year, and getting Ring, as well as Welcome were these people and what behind Winslow Hall. They the weekend. everyone back together," says Back Weekend. were they doing?
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