Page 20 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 20
60 Seconds Movie Review: on Campus Forrestt Gump By S.A. Sommer "My mamma always said, 'Life's like a box of choco- he's got as an actor. This is ing our hero Gump such places as meeting President easily one of his best perfor- lates, you never know what mances ever, which is a con- John F. Kennedy, or at By Aden Moges you're gonna get." says siderable feat coming aftcr George Wallace's symbolic Tom Hanks, as the gentle- his role in the movie Phila- blocking of the door as the Where do you go to have minded title character in tbe delphia. University of Alabama was Sally Fields, who starred blockbuster hit, fun on this campus? summer's Gump. And like as the stressed-out mother desegregated. The com- Forresn puter generated ping pong that box of chocolates, a and interior decorator in playing proves that it really movie offers the same un- Mrs. Doubt/ire, brings life is amazing what technology known promise. but where to the otherwise dull child- can allow movie makers to other films can hardly be hood flashbacks. accomplish now. called Whitman's, Forresn The actress who portrays Overall the film is ex- "The Phi Delt floor. secondjloorB/anche. " Gump sbould be considered Gump's long-time love, tremely well acted and en- Godiva. Robin Wright, has not had tertaining, though there are The story-line is so basic much exposure since she a few rough spots. The run- tbat one would wonder how portrayed Princess Butter- ning sequence seemed a bit a movie about a man silting cup in Rob Reiner's The lengthy and the Viet Nam and waiting for a bus could Princess Bride. Wright scenes often felt contrived. Arman Latif '96 hold an audience's attention shows here, that she has ma- I'd recommend this film BusinesslEcon for two and a half hours, and tured as an actress since that to everyone and give it a also bow it could make the fairy tale role. solid A rating. audience both laugh and cry. One of the most striking But Forrestt Gump succeeds features of this film, how- Forresn Gump is currently be- in botb areas. ever, is not the acting but ing shown at Hoyt's Cranberry Hanks gives the character rather is the use of news 6 Theater at the Cranberry Forrestt Gump everything reels to create scenes show- Mall. Please call 857-1410 for sbow times and other features. lE®mmCO/ § lE®wn®w§ g disappear fear By Keith Remo Following in the tradition of ing immuneandindifferentto the was outside so everyone/ Could Graphic Design familiesmaking beautifulmusic growing injustice and loss of see and judge but we decided! together, sister duo disappear morals rampant in the nation's Thiswasmore." One ofthemore fear bas releasedtheirsecond stu- capital: "There's blood on the charming, simple love songs is dio album Simplyself-titled. sidewalk from someone Imight 'The Missing Song," a piece Known for intertwining har- knowl Should Istep around it so about beautiful memories. To monious folk melodies with I won't get it on my soul?" In round out the seriousnessof the sometimesbitingsocial rhetoric, "who's SoScared,"leadvocalist album, the CD ends with good- disappear fear continues along SoniaRutsteinsingsofher desire natured songs: the slow but the same vein. Attacking such to reform our homophobicsoci- dancy "PlaytbeMusic," country- issues as gay persecution,racial ety: "What Idiscover, Lover af- tinged l)ance All Night," and discrimination, AIDS, and war, ter Loven/ There's nothing the upbeat "Kiss the World the new CD proves to be a wrong-withmelThat's just a Lie Goodnight." thought-provokingfind. by society." "Be the One" is a The new album by disappear The first single,"Washington wonderfulballad that openly de- fear provides, like its predeces- Work Song," speaks of becom- clares gay pride: "We kissedJ It sors, music with a message. "We ~.o to the R.A. s room Respond To Our Fall Staff Postitions Paper! ! Available Vijay Petwal & Writers Sean Chaudhuri '98 Write Letters To Layout staff Biology Proofreaders Pbotoqraphers call x8600 for more The Editor! ! information
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