Page 21 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 21
Volleyball Shows Solid Promise For '94 Season at WMC) knows mis year's in kills (304), hitting percent- IIIyes, and Jensen (second in Gettysburg will once again be group of seniors does not age at .232, solo blocks with block assists with 34), will all the biggest threat to Western By ,JAY HILBERT ,o;p-,ro,E,d;,or wantto narrowly miss. 18 (shared with senior Jen becrucialintheteam'ssuccess Maryland. Kri;~d ~~a~::ora:-ca~~:"They know what they Jensen),andblockassistswith this year. The Elizabethtown touma- Spangler, Green Terror volley- ~:V~h~d~c!~~.~a~~,r:;3S'Shaffer led the conference on::~i::Sl~~~~:i~~~~ :~~;i~~~e:~~~~r~::: ball seems 10be as rock-steady id "Thei . t it odf 'th414d'gs(427per arne) ers. Centennial First-Team se- cess in the toumey couldpresent as ever. :'s ~e Sh~I:~g~~SI y a 0- ~~ attac~aue~pts Wi~h824: lection Laura Everhartdecided a bid for this team. the ~i~~~n ~I~~::am~n~S~! Spangler, a second team and her 233 kills were good not to return to the team this Molloy thinks that with a (27-11 8-2 C . 1 all-Centennial selection in enough for secondplace. season. "The jearn wanted "tough defense, our offense Con f )' entennta 1993, was eighth in the con- Seniors Anne Plunkett, the what was best for Laura," said should come much easier." on leMolk head coach ference in kills per game t~leaderin '93 with 38 ser- Molloy. Though she feels that the de- Caro e alloy (second season (3.10), while leading the team Vice aces.Jen Keilholtz Tineka Franklin and Marsball and fense still must improve. Women's Soccer Ready To Put '93 Season Behind Them By JAY HILBERT "We need to pick up our beads a though, that this team isslowly be- TheGreen Tenor Jadies willget S"",uE,d;"" allygoinglOhelpuslaterinthesca- coming a cohesive unit "Theirre- a chance to win its flI'St conference 1993 is a season to forget in son," said senior Katie Names. liltlebit,notwilhtheplayatthemo- ally starting to work together. game in almost two years as they WMC women's soccer history. Despite this "new blood," ment, rut the next play. We bave We've worked a lot on COOIIIlurU- play at Swarthmcre next Saturday. each other aliltlemore." IOplayoff With a record of 1-12-2 (0.-6-2) Flynn sees - some improvement RyM is quick to point out, cation, wortdng off the ball." reeded. in the Centennial and being outscored 41-10 ovean, the lone bright spot was goalie Sarah Kepbart, who played ootstanding despite the circumstances; in fact good enough to finish second in theCentennialPlayer-of-the-Year bauonng. Even though Kephart has graduated, surprisingly, the team has become stronger and shoold easily surpass last season's mark. For the first time in the sport's history at WMC, cuts bad to be male. 30 ladies showed up, but aftercut_ooIy20badmade iL Head Coocb Jenny Aynn gets jhe conference award for reauit- ing. Wltb 11 freshman on ueros- ter, all of wbicb have shown they belong on the team, Rynn bas good reason to be excited. Returnees to the squad are se- niorcq-<:aptainsChristaMoseand Paula Moyer. Mose led the team in scoring last season with two goals and two assists while Moyer trings experience and intelligence to the backs. Also returning are Arnie Cnttccet, woo was second in points last year with four, and back Mary Ellen Sheehan. But the ones who have been most impressed with the new players have been Mose and Moyer. "They (the freshman) didn't come in cocky, Ux:y listened wen. and they came in ready to play," saidMose. Among the f:reshman faces in- elude goalies Julie Backof and Christine Kalobius, midflelders Erin Kelly, Anre Nealon, for- wards Jessica Mongrain and Karl Thompson. Sophomore Erin Murphey looks very impressiveas well. "We have a very strong team and we're going 10 bave to build on it," added Moyer. With the influx of rew people, the bench has become that much ARMY ROTC stronger. "Mybenchissostroog that we could put 11 out OIl the THE SMAmSTCOLLEGE field and tum eouod, IXItlhe next eight in and not lose a step," re- cotJRSEYOUCU'DKE. pliesAynn. "Just tbefactthat we haveeigbt For further information contact MAl Navarro (second floor Gill Gym) extension 720. (X' nire players on the bench is re-
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