Page 14 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 14
r--------------------------------------------------- - • Editorial What's In A Name? The Phoenix Typical scenakx a IUIY at WMC. ili,mYll3lreisJane. What'syoors?" 1500 copies "rmElizabeth." What are 'fOOT' Every other "I'm a sopIxm.:re. "I'm a fust year studenl" Thursday "What, is that like a freshman'!' Editor-in CbJef Every single upper ctassman who bas S.A. Sommer '94 cone to WMC right after high school has been Iabe1ed, atcee point oc ancmer, afresh- Managing Editor man. WhatistbebigdealaOOutchangingtha. Lisa Hill '97 label all of a sudden? As Shakespeare wrote Business Managers inRnmeoandJu1iet, "Wha!.'sinaname? That David Weigelt '95 which we call a rose by any other nane is as Udeni Dhannapala '96 sweet" Layout FAitor Some wou1d argue that !be tem "first year Pamela Barry '97 student" prevents transferstudents fmn being News Editor groupedw>lertrehea:ting '~"w"'" Dan Schaeffer '94 tbeyaeactually"first.,earstornls"atWMC. On the InnEditor But why ~me by grouping !be two to- Jenny Daino '95 getberwben in facttbey are twoseparate cat- Photography Editor . ~?,ThetJaditicoalfresllmanis"fresh" Aden Moges '97 out rL bigh school. Ia::lcirJg any real ooUege Sports Editor experience. Transfer students, as !be name Jay Hilbert '95 _bave"1lamferred"frmtaootberrol· lege, and bave bad conegt ~ rr not specifica1lyaWMC. Buttbeyarenotreally General Staff first year college students eiW, since they Aaron Ahlborn, Virgil Cain, have beena coDegeatleait asereser. So tbe Rebecca Henry.Keith Remo, term is really inccITect fCl'both groups. positive connotations in our society, bet Jonathon Shacat Everyoee who bas gooe through high and piWegecfbeingsomewbatmoddngly you rather hold the esteemed title school and college bave bad tre exp
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