Page 140 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 140
News Groups for '95-'96 Affinity Housing announced speaking at college fairs or calling prospec- selection . . BV JAMES RiGGiNS SlaffWriler tive students at home. Groups must have at least six members Affinity Housing. Everyone seems to Student Teaching America's Youth and must plan monthly activities for their want to live in Daniel MacLea Hall. But do fS.T.A.Yl-203-- Residents of the S.T.A.Y. group. Two of these activities must be for students know what is involved in being an suite help the community by tutoring third other affinity groups and one must be for 'affinity housing group at WMC? grade students at William Winchester El- the college community. Some past ex- Nine groups recently applied for affinity ementary School. amples of group activity are the annual housing suites in Daniel MacLea. The ap- German Suite-Sa 1--German minor students Honor's Speaker promoted by the Honor's plicants represented many different groups fulfil part of their minor requirements by Program or the various foreign movies at WMC, such as the Honor's Program and living one year in the German suite. sponsored by the foreign language suites. A.S.A.P. Two new groups will be living in Affinity New groups applying for affinity On March 10, the suite assignments for Housing next year; housing must be interviewed by a commit- 1995-96 were announced as follows: S~(S!udent Service at Sinai) 302--This new tee, and groups reapplying are assessed Honor's Program--I st and 4th sections- The group will work with ill children- at Sinai by their "positive performance" during Honor's Program allows Honor's students Hospital. the year. to extend their learning outside of the class A.S.A.P. (AIDS sunpor! awareness and Mrs. Nancy Palmer, senior lecturer of and is also active in community service. prevention)-303-- TheA.SAP. suite will be the English department and adviser to ~-201--Spanish major and mi- working with Smith House in increasing the Honor's Program, stated that affin- nor students fulfil part of their major require- support, awareness, and prevention of AIDS ity housing is "a chance for housing for ment by living one year in the Spanish suite. in the WMC community. non-Greek students who want to live The Spanish suite is also active in showing There are many criteria for groups liv- together." In reference to the Honor's different aspects of Spanish culture to the ing in Affinity Housing. According to the Program, she believes affinity housing college community. proposal application, "commitment and in- "encourages camaraderie and dialogue tAdmissions Suile-202-- The Admissions volvement of members and faculty advisors among students and has academic as suite works with the Admissions office in and the effect of the group on the college well as social advantages to groups who recruitment of new students. This involves community" are the main reasons for group live there." Chambers requests Bond Bill to finance new science building; confident building will begin in 96 By STEWART Hn-n:L The two committees that have to the Bond Bill for the science building will go to the Governor's office for a May SrafflVriter President Chambers went to Annapo- sighning. lis to get the new science building approved According to President Chambers, in the Maryland State Senate and and the Maryland House of Delagates on Wednesday, March 15. the place of the rear parking lot in front of Windslow at the top of the hill Chambers is making a Bond Bill request on of WMC for three and a half million dollars. However, WMC does not get this money until the college spends three and a half mil- lion dollars to get the project ~~~~~!~Twirniir.ifS:~~~i'T.i~iiii'iiii"i~~Tcr.~iiiiiif.iii;;;===)~ started. ;: both the House of Delagates and the Sen- The two commitees must first approve ate. Senato, John Cade spoke on behalf the Bond Bill Request, then the voting is of WMC in the Senate, then House turned over to the House of Delagates, and new science buliding." Delagate Richard Dixon for Carrol County then the Senate. Chambers is confident that the building spoke on behalf ofWMC in the House of The decsion should be made by April will start in the summer of 1996, and hope- Delegates. - at the end of the legislative session. Then fully will be finished by January of 1998. Education Job Fair to be held at the Towson Center The annual Education Job Fair, spon- School, The Chimes, and the Archdioceses Wednesday and continue on a first-come, tunore, MD. It can be reached from Balti- sored by a consortium of central Maryland of Baltimore and Washington will also be first-served basis. Since not all school sys- more Beltway 1-695 exit 25 South. Drive school systems, colleges and universities, present. tems will be present on both Wednesday 1.5 miles south to Towsontown Boulevard; will be held Wednesday, April 5 and 6, School district personnel will inter- and Thursday, candidates should plan to turn left, and then turn right at Osler Drive. (rom 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Towson Cen- view seniors, graduate students and gradu- schedule appointments for both days on Drive 1/2 mile to the driveway leading to ter on the Towson State University cam- ales with majors in early childhood, el- Wednesday. the Towson Center, on the right. ementary and secondary education; spe- Admission and parking are frec. The Individuals needing accommodations pus. • Approximately 50 school districts na- cial education; occupational therapy; directory of employers will be available at for disabilities are asked to call 830-2233 tionwide, including 20 from Maryland, physical therapy; speech pathology and the fair for $3. Candidates are advised to by March 20. will participate in the fair. Other states that other related subjects. bring an ample supply of resumes and dress For further information, applicants trill be represented include Delaware, Sign-in for applications will begin at appropriately for interviewing. should contact the TSU career placement Florida, New Jers.e~, New York, Pennsyl~ 7:30 a.m. Wednesday. Interview schedul- The Towson Center is located at center, (41 0) 830-2233 or their college ca- hnia, and Virginia. The Montessori ing for both days will begin at 9 a.m. on Towson State University just north of Bal- reer services office.
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