Page 141 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 141
On The Hill Wednesday, March 15, 1995, Page 5 60 Seconds on Campus Director: Michael Apted movie the perfect tone. He intel- takes refuge, and in the horrible and By Aden Moges & Starring: Jodie Fosler, Liam ligently resolves the tense scenes terrifying vision that Nell has of the Neeson and Natasha Richardson. (like the encounter in the pool hospital. Paco Frisnelos Kromer Rating: *** room between Nell and the The principal attraction of this hicks). Apted resists the temp- movie is, doubtless, to see Jodie Fos- Every year the movie produc- tation to give us a female version ter performing one of the saddest and What is your most exciting fantasy? ers wait till the end of the year to of Tarzan in New York when Nell most bitter characters in years. Her release their movies, hoping thai travels for the first time to the performance is perfectly measured their films will win a handful of city. He knows how to commu- and detailed, demonstrating she is a Oscars, and in this way, to increase nicate her confusion facing the very sensitive actress, able to control the box office revenue. This is the "civilized" world. a character that could be easily over- case with Nell. Ncll's story can be under- acted. The presence of Liam Neeson Jodie Fosler, one of the most stood as a metaphor of the im- and Natasha Richardson offers the "You ever seen 'Basic intelligent and interesting person- portance of communication and perfect balance to this touching char- alities of Hollywood, has looked comprehension between human acter. They create a nice chemistry be- Instinct ?'" for a vehicle that serves to show beings, the simple things, and the tween them that comes out on the her acting abilities and, thus, in- tenderness. It is a movie that screen. crease her Academy Awards collec- talks about a return 10 nature and Nell is a movie with a detailed tion. Usually when a movie star the possibility of finding happi- screenplay, well structured and Mary Sarf-Awuah produces her own movie she tries ness in it, ir, opposition to the filmed. But it makes the mistake at Biology '98 to focus the camera on themselves agressive world of cities. The the end by including two unnecessary to feed her ego. Fortunately, Fos- director, takes a special care in scenes: the one in the courtroom and ter is bright and, despite her showing this contrast: the won- the epilogue. They are both out of succesful career, hasn't become a derful environment where Nell place and spoil the movie's unity. "To be stranded on vain star. As the head of her own lives gives rise to beautiful However, despite this, Nell is a wor- production company, she has en- moonlit bathing scenes. How- thy, tender, interesting, and strong a desert island with trusted the direction of the film to ever, the urban world is por- Michael Apted, a competent direc- trayed by the terrible environ- Kathy Ireland and tor who knows how to give the ment of the motel, where Nell Rating based on a four-star scale. Elle MacPherson." New work-study regulation provides community service jobs Byron Druzgal social responsibility and tary education minor, works as a Biochemistry '97 commitment to the commu- day care assistant at a local pre- Thanks to a new federal nity," said Williams. school. She works with children regulation, work-study students Introduced during this around the ages of four through six can now work in community year's Jan Term, the program for approximately twelve hours a service jobs in the Westminster includes twelve off-campus week. "I love it," said Paquette. "You can't print that!" area. jobs at five different non- "It's different from the other jobs The federal regulation re- profit agencies identified by on campus." quires schools to use 5% of the college. The agencies in- Junior sociology major, Arnie their Federal Work-Study funds cluded are: The Early Learning Chilcoat, works for the Department Elizabeth Kress to pay students to work in com- Center, Family and Children's of Human Services as a day care munity service jobs, according Services, Target, Inc., Human assistant, too. However, the chil- Religion/Sociology '97 to Patricia Williams, director of Services Programs of Carroll dren she comes in contact with are Financial Aid. "The intent of County, Inc., and Headstart. under three. the new regulation is to encour- The jobs range from GED in- "Only three students are work- age students to participate in structor to therapeutic child ing now, though jobs are still avail- community service activities able," explains Williams, "I expect "Driving ajumbo jet that benefit the nation, and en- Danielle Paquette, a senior a higher level of participation next around the world by gender in students a sense of philosophy major and elemen- year when we can start it in the fall." myself" Gala Benefit entertains with theatre alumni; singing, magic The little girl stole the show when show. The tWOperformed several amaz- Hilmi Konde By SARA B~~I'H KEYIIURN SraffWriler she hid behind her mother. ing feats, including disappearing handker- Business Admin '96 Alumni Hall was the scene forthe Other performers included chiefs, water fmmlndia,aghostshow,and 1995 Gala Benefit for Theatre On the Gcan Burgess from "Sweet Charity," the classic Houdini Substitution Trunk. Hill on March II. Lori Gigliotti from "Fiddler on the Brown was also cut into three pieces, All proceeds from the show ben- Roof," and Audrey and Joe Cimino pierced by swords and cremated. The act efitTOTI-l, which will celebrate its 14th from "Nonsense" and the "Wizard culminated when Grocki made a 1000- season this summer. ofOz," singing a touching rendition pound tractor disappear in midair. "Red light special." The show featured music and of "Unforgettable." Grocki and Brown used this oppor- magic, performed by actors from past Rob McQuay sang songs from tunity to fine tunc their magic before they productions. The host for the evening "Jesus Christ Superstar" and con- take it on the road next year to tour col- was "Big River" star Ray Ficca, who cluded the event with "Any Dream leges and other institutions. warmed the crowd with his humor. Will Do" from "Joseph and the rom is the summer theatre pro- Malaika Che-Mponda Alton McClain Scarborough, a Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoar." gram at WMC. Most cast members are Internat'l Studies '97 fonner Polydor and CBS/curb record- Scott Grocki, who appeared in professional actors or local residents. The ing artist, sang two gospel songs,along TOrus "Something's Afoot," and 1995 season will feature "Barnum," with an attempted duet with her chann- his lovely assistant Jenny Brown, "Camelot," "Bedroom Farce," and 'The ing yet bashful 3-year-old. daughter. dazzled the crowd with a magic Tortoise and the Hare."
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