Page 84 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 84
i§WjJp IlIllt:!! . ,~n ... Monday, November 29, 1993, Page 16 L ,w. ,.I'ilill:.~; w_:~;;"~:;;'< \ •••:.:·:~::;~:;1n:::<::?D]W$f>:,:'.'.,nD:~:2dKTIttWt&t::} GERMAN DEPARTMENT IS ACTIVE: Break Trip Planned upcoming trip through tbe Gennan Depart- ment "It's not just sitting in tbe class and an- Specben Sie Deutsch?? swering questions, but a lot of culmre and WlJe:tIxr you answered, "Ja," ''Nein,'' IJ music," he said Studelltswill have an oppor- "HUH???" you are eligible 10 emberk on a tunit:y 10weciate Gennan contributions in Spring Break trip to Gennany. SwiIzerland, di"""'~""bistoricaIroy.lifami- Lie.chtemtein, and Austria. IXstolbeIimlOOSscientists. "StudenlS don't need to know a word of 'I1:r nee-day excursion will begin in Hei- Gennan to go abrood," said Dr. Mobamed delberg, where a guided tour of Germany's Esa, a Gennan {XCiesscr. although be noted it oldest university town lakes the groop to the would bean added ben!fit fSe of the new tbe sororities was less tense. She admitted it traveJerscan walkontbeintersec:ticnofmedi- fan; botel fees, continentallxeakfast and din- policy was to telp out SCl'Crities with low was frustrating, but it was a great commit* eval trade routes in Munich with guided rndailyinseJectedrestu:uants,aoo.manydif- numbe:r.;, and that is exactly what it did, she ment 10 belpotbet ~sbesaid. sighl'ieeing. ferent sigb1Seeing tours aoo.attractioos. Any- said. Amy Krug, Panbellenic Rq:re;entative TI:ere. the groop may aro travel to 5001- ~wb6isinterestedmustcontactDr.Esaby Rush is a two week span in which the forAlpbaNuOmegaSOOlity. feclsthat"" bet DanchaI, Gemtany's fD'St concenlratioo Decembt+ Iat ext 462. rushees are given the opportunity to meet all policy was a success. "It increased numbers canp or visit the birtbptace ofMozat. "This isjuston: rmtoftbe wholeofideas the sorrrities. Each individual is expected to like it was supposed to do to belp other s0- Finally, the brave IIaveJers will visit thai: I have fa the Gennan depJrtment," Dr. attend tbefHSltworowxlsoftbe rusbperiod. rorities because of the continuous open bid- Salzhmg. Then ""Y'U follow Gennany's re- EIa_ FtrStaod second round is fora rushee and her ding," she _ Alpba Nu Omega chose to group togo to all four sorOOty ctutxooms fa give oot four snap bids. Krug feels !be Students Visit The awroxiJnaIely 30minutes to meet the sistern. policy really did not help the sorority in Afterthesecondround,therusheesareevalu- temlS of mnnbers because they are krlcing ated by each scrcrity. The sorority then forquaIityra1bez"lhanmnnbers. Holocaust Museum agrees on who they feel is best fit for their Heatter HylaOO, Panbellenic Represen- group, and invites them back to their third tative for Phi A1pha Mu sorocity said it tmnedoutastheybadplanned. "Ifeeltbatit In addition to the trip abroad next se:mes- well dooe exhibit I have ever experienced," rouOO. After third round, tre sorority COOleS needs to grow and tbrwgh the semesters it ter,Dr.Esawilltakeanctbergroupofstu:lents said Bill Stonesifer., "Having your own per- together again and decides who they would like to give final bids to. wiU get better," sbesaid. "In our case it did totbeHoJocaustMetrnriaJ.MuseuminWINl- sooalizedhisttxyof~wbodiedin the This is where the new rush policy took not help or binder," she added. They too ington. Already this semesff2". 00 October 22, camps was a very effective way of drawing effectin the fall. The total nwnber of rushees took advantage of th! snap bids by giving agroupof35 students IOOktbisfiekllrip. peqlleintotbelIlrmeaningoftbememorial." is divided by four (the numbetof sororities). out two. Students realized the museum was a lot be said Thatmnnberequals the sororityquota which Panhellenic Representative for Phi Mu IIICIethanjustseeingpicturesandreaJingac- Allison JOOn, a social wor1cmajoragreed, identityp;%SOO- was twelve this tmt fall. Each sorority is sorority, Kristie Susco said the new policy coonrsofthevillagesduringtheHoiocausL'1t "BeingaWgredanindividual As a Pole who mas- given twelve open SIXlts to fill with new defInitely helped them out Phi Mu is one \WSfl't censored at all. Ti:emU'ieWll showed alizedoorexpeneoce." members, but is not required to meet quota. scrority who was }ow in nwn~ but now exa:tly bow it was to live in Gennany during quernded as aCbristianduring the Nazi. ocru- While the sororities are deciiling wbo they tIley are right up there with all the others. the Holocaust." saki freshman Kevin JliIiooofPoIand, shesaid, "Ispentscmetime would like. the rusbees are also filling out a Suscosaid. 'The new policy was extremely Kcretzki reaHytbinkingabouttbisgirl, wonckringwhat ~lpful andtheop:m. bidding wasabonus." "I fowxl the rnemaial very disturbing. a day in berlife must have been like." card where they put their first choice scror * ity. After both sm:rities and rusI:us have On the other hand, Denise Westrick, But, the finalandIl103t~-bittingappoocb Ma>t of the studenlSagreed that the trip a freshrmn ~,~~~=~~~:~ fmished making their choice, the decisioos PanheUenic Representative for Phi Sigma was hearing the stories first-band from effected them lreD1endously---frcm their are matched up. If both the sm:rity and :i=:mU::;'~!ie.::=== Rytter, rushee select ore another, acceptanee is held where the rushees become new members oc pllI1Xl5e. ''People wbodid notreccivea bid "I Ialked with ooeoftbevoluntem who lmugbtthestagesoflife focaJew alive." said other wise known as "pledges." poOObly knewtbeywouldgetooe laterdur- survivedPa:baauandstillbas thenumbetsoo Rytter. ''The However, ifascrori.tydoesootmeettheir ingsnapbiddingoropenbidding,"shesaid. berann. Iaskedberbowsbecan staOOlOsee authentic footage of the quota, they have the option to give out snap AccadingtoWestrick. theymettbeirquota theremindersofwbathap(x:ned.andsbesaid Kristalnacbt,nightof gla<>swashonible. To bids in crder to meet their qoota. Snap bid* and were unable to give snap bids but did tbeangerwouidoome iflbese things weren't see tbe faces of the people. the tarorin their ding is where a scrority is able to awroach giveootfiveq'Jeflbids. "Ithinktbenwn- seen,"saidseniorAllisooJOOn. eyeYevenlittk:childrenwiththeirbandsupat any rushee who went through the rush periOO bers would have been tbe sarrejiii"'iii·thou_t.the_~r"l.t .w..... by_far •••""."""' tin;;g.and.. .;gunpoinl;;;,;,;,·;;;.,,,,,,;;;.,be)OOd;;;;;;;;.wmIs.;;;·.;· l;;olm;;;;;;remarl
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